Monday, September 30, 2019
Impact on children in the bilingual education programme
Stung Treng, one of the distant northeasterly states of the Kingdom of Cambodia, is inhabited by different cultural minority groups in add-on to the bulk Khmers, such as â€Å" Brao, Kaveth, Lun, Phnong, Khmer Khe, and Kuy †( Center for Advanced Study, 2009, p. 285 ) . Without schooling, these groups have high hazards of being exploited and exposed to bad behaviours such as drug maltreatment and unprotected sex. With low degrees of literacy they can be more prone to infection by common diseases in their community like malaria and dandy fever febrility, which farther depletes their minimum incomes necessitating outgo on medical specialties and medical expertness. Furthermore, their full potencies to develop themselves every bit good as their community have non been realized due to miss of chances. There are many benefits associated with female parent lingua based bilingual instruction: higher registration rates in formal system ; lower dropout rates ( a common ground for dropout in the early old ages of instruction is linguistic communication ; there are high dropout rates for kids talking a different female parent lingua to the linguistic communication of direction ) ; lower repeat rates, for kids necessitating to reiterate peculiar classs of their schooling ; higher rates of success for misss remaining in instruction ; higher rates of parental and community engagement in kids ‘s instruction ; it can better the relationship between political leaders and a multilingual population ; it leads to greater proficiency and eloquence in national linguistic communication ( and besides so international linguistic communications if these are pursued ) if initial direction is done in female parent longue ; and community engagement in instruction is really of import – affecti ng parents, community and instructors in instruction helps kids learn. Greater engagement is found when initial direction is in the female parent lingua. Over recent old ages the United Nations Children ‘s Fund ( UNICEF ) , in coaction with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport ( MoEYS ) , has piloted a bilingual instruction programme in Siem Pang territory, Stung Treng state, where most Kaveth cultural group members are concentrated. This has been done in order to supply primary instruction to kids of this group by utilizing a bilingual theoretical account of larning implemented by CARE Cambodia, portion of CARE International, in Rattanakiri state. The programme focused on a minority population in three small towns of Siem Pang territory straight profiting about 225 kids. For confidentiality purposes the small towns will be known as small town K, small town O and small town T. 1.2 Problem Statement The bilingual method of learning adopted in the plan has been the agencies of supplying primary instruction to kids of cultural minorities in this state and its impact has non been studied therefore far, so the research worker has great involvement in researching this. 1.3 Purpose and Significance It is anticipated that the informations collected and analyzed in this survey will be used as a strong foundation to reason for an enlargement of the plan to other minority communities which are presently underserved by the Kampuchean instruction system. This has deductions for an addition in instruction entree for the-hard-to-reach kids of the state ‘s minority groups. The scope of possible impacts include the person ‘s future work chances, their attitudes towards and value for instruction, and the development of positive behaviours towards effectual wellness and hygiene patterns within the minority communities. Hopefully, the research findings will show the positive results and impact of the bilingual instruction programme. It may besides bring out issues or jobs that can be addressed. The positive impact will function as an protagonism message to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport â€Å" for bilingual instruction to be portion of national instruction policy programs, and the programs must be implemented in pattern with sufficient resources in the signifier of allocated financess, decently trained forces and other necessary resources †( UNESCO, 2005, p. 3 ) . 1.2 Research Questions This research proposal intends to research the inquiry â€Å" What are the self-reported impacts of attending at the bilingual instruction programme on kids, their households and communities? †with the following purposes: To document the impact on take parting pupils of their attendance/involvement in the bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng ; To document the impact on the households of pupils who attend the bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng ; and To document the impact on the local communities in which pupils and their households attend bilingual instruction programme in Stung Treng.2. MethodsDiscussed in this subdivision will be the sampling technique, informations aggregation procedures and the method for informations analysis. Ethical issues and the stairss taken to turn to them will besides be considered here. 2.1 Sampling The proposed research will concentrate on the impact of bilingual instruction on the minority communities in Siem Pang territory, Stung Treng state. In each of these communities there is one school supplying bilingual instruction from classs one to three, and this research will utilize a convenience sample to choose one school with ready entree for the research worker. Two pupils from each of the three classs ( n = 6 ) from the selected school will be invited to take part in an interview. A parent of each of the invited pupils will be invited to take part in a focal point group treatment plus two members of the school support commission based on their handiness ( n=8 ) . A list of male and female pupils from the selected school will be sought from the school principal by the research worker. Simple random sampling will be used to choose two pupils from each of the three classs. The research worker will compose each single pupil ‘s name on a separate faux pas of paper, topographic point all the faux pass in a container, agitate the container, and choice faux pass from the container until the coveted figure of participants is selected. This procedure will be repeated by class and gender with misss in one container and male childs in the other in order to hold gender balance. It is of import to hold gender balance in this survey so that every bit representative voices can be heard. An Information Form and an Informed Consent signifier and missive from the school principal developed by the research worker will be sent to parents by the instructor through the selected pupils to seek their parental blessing. If parents of the selected pupils do non O.K. of their kids take parting in this research, the same procedure will be repeated with other pupils of the selected school until the coveted sample has been achieved. There are restrictions deducing from both clip restraints and geographical conditions for carry oning this research, so the sample size will non be big plenty to generalise the results of this survey. This trying attack besides has some restrictions. It can non vouch a good representation of the whole population in the small town or the category, cut downing the generalizability of the consequences. However, the impact of bilingual instruction in this minority community can still be measured through a carefully structured research tool. 2.2 Data aggregation 2.2.1 Interviewing Data will be collected through single interviews with the pupils of each of the three classs who have received parental consent to take part, and with two grownup focal point groups of four each group dwelling of the parents of three pupils and a member of school support commission in each group. Student interviews will be done by class degree, three interviews with the 2 kids from the same class degree. Due to clip restraints, carry oning pair interviews with pupils is a preferred option to the research worker. To cut down the possibility of male childs ruling the interview, the interviewer will deliberately direct the inquiries to girl pupils in an attempt to promote female engagement. The possible grownup participants in focal point group treatments will be provided with an Information Sheet in their ain linguistic communication, explicating the research intent and a Consent Form ( see Appendix A ) . Potential kid participants will be provided with an Information Form and Consent Form in their ain linguistic communication that requires parental every bit good as child consent, in an effort to turn to ethical concerns about questioning kids who are under the legal age of consent. Interviews with pupils will be conducted at their school on Thursday forenoon because Thursday is no-class twenty-four hours whilst focal point group treatments will be conducted in the afternoon of the same twenty-four hours and at the same topographic point. The interviews and concentrate group treatments will be audio-recorded for ulterior written text and analysis The interviews and concentrate groups ( draft inquiries in Appendix E ) will be conducted by the research worker and facilitated by a bilingual instructor, who can talk the local linguistic communication good, to assist smooth the procedure and to avoid any possible misinterpretation during interviews and concentrate group treatments. The instructor will non be the kid ‘s instructor to forestall any concerns of the kid in the event they make a critical remark. An instruction functionary each from the provincial and territory offices will be approached to set up communicating flow between the research worker and survey participants in footings of doing assignments for the interviews and concentrate group treatments. An interview protocol and inquiries will be developed for usage in the interviews and concentrate group treatments ( see Appendix B ) . Students will be asked semi-structured inquiries by the research worker, with interlingual rendition by a bilingual instructor. Possibly examining inquiries will besides be developed to utilize when new subjects come up during interviews and concentrate group treatments. The research worker will discourse the inquiries beforehand with the transcriber to clear up the content and purpose of the inquiries with the purpose of thereby cut downing confusion during the times of questioning and treatment. All interviews and treatments will be audio-recorded so that the procedure can be conducted swimmingly without breaks for note pickings. The recordings will subsequently be transcribed for thorough analysis, and will be translated into English. The recordings, the written texts every bit good as the interlingual renditions will be stored and watchword protected in the research worker ‘s personal computing machine for confidentiality and will be destroyed after the research study has been completed. There are some restrictions to the usage of interviews and concentrate group treatments. Students, their parents and community leaders of the minority group do non hold much exposure to the universe outside their immediate community, and this may take to narrow positions in their responses and treatments and limit the profusion of data/information aggregation. All the research participants are new to interviews and concentrate group treatments, and this may keep them from talking openly and honestly. The usage of a transcriber could besides perplex the procedure and add an unintended confusion to participants. Focus groups can non vouch confidentiality hence single respondents may be restrained in their responses if they believe person in the group might state others about peculiar remarks, particularly any perceived as critical. 2.3 Data analysis The analysis will be done first by transcribing the recorded responses from the interviews and focal point groups. Similar phrases from each transcript are put together under descriptive labels. By making so, informations are pooled and a form or subject will emerge. Give the little figure of participants in both interviews and concentrate group treatments, informations analysis will be done utilizing excel spreadsheet. 2.4 Ethical considerations The true intent of this survey will be obviously explained to all participants in this research and the general benefits deducing from this research for their community will besides be explained in order to derive their full engagement. It will be explained that engagement is voluntary and anon. . By making so the research participants understand they are non compelled to prosecute against their will and may retreat from take parting at any clip. The research worker pays great attending to ethical issues that might be concerned with the survey in footings of coercion and power imposed on the participants. Therefore, the research worker has designed an Information Sheet and Consent Form in the cultural linguistic communication explicating the intent and the procedure of the survey every bit good as their right to decline to take part before the survey can get down. An informal attack to the behavior of the interviews and focal point groups will be pursued in order to set all the participants at easiness and to arouse as rich and varied information as possible.3. Literature Reappraisal3.1 International context Surveies have shown that direction in the female parent lingua is good to achievement in other capable countries and 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. In parts where the linguistic communication of the scholar is non the national linguistic communication of the state, bilingual instruction can do female parent lingua direction possible while supplying acquisition of the national linguistic communication at the same clip ( UNCESCO, 2003 ) . International research shows that at least five old ages of direction in the first linguistic communication -but sooner throughout the instruction system – is required to supply a solid foundation for farther surveies. A strong foundation in the female parent lingua is besides needed for 2nd linguistic communication acquisition and successful transportation of the literacy accomplishments from the first to the 2nd linguistic communication ( UNESCO, 2006 ) . Teaching basic accomplishments to hapless kids through linguistic communication submergence may be damaging, but bilingual instruction is a much more effectual option. Students in the United States of America having direction in a native linguistic communication and English at different times of the twenty-four hours were found to do the most dramatic additions in reading public presentation compared to their English-only equals. This research is pertinent to multilingual low-income states ( World Bank, 2006 ) . The figure of old ages of direction in the first linguistic communication is the most of import forecaster of reading public presentation in a 2nd linguistic communication. It is non of import what the first linguistic communication is, but instead how much cognitive and academic development the pupil has experienced in it. The higher the pupils ‘ accomplishment in the primary linguistic communication, the faster they will come on in the 2nd linguistic communication ( World Bank, 2006 ) . 3.2 Kampuchean context The footings â€Å" cultural minorities, †â€Å" autochthonal peoples, †â€Å" hill folks †and â€Å" Highlanders †are non synonymous. They are used interchangeably to depict the population groups who reside in remote, difficult-to-access countries within Cambodia. They make a life largely by subsistence agriculture and from forest merchandises, and do non talk Khmer, the national linguistic communication, as a female parent lingua ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . With the publicity of Education For All ( EFA ) , the Royal Government of Cambodia ( RGC ) is cognizant of the demand to do instruction accessible to all. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport is get downing to acknowledge that bilingual instruction may be an effectual manner of run intoing the educational demands of Cambodia ‘s cultural minorities while enabling them to take part more to the full in Khmer society ( UNESCO, 2007 ) . To accomplish Education For All in minority communities, particular schemes such as bilingual instruction can be used ( UNESCO, 2006 ) . Bilingual instruction encompasses more than the female parent lingua as the linguistic communication of direction. Curriculum, stuffs, instructors and, learner-centered methodological analysiss are all elements of the educational procedure related to the autochthonal people ‘s civilization in a wide sense. Furthermore the attack has promoted the acceptance of inclusive instruction with scholars from upland autochthonal groups have long been marginalized and deprived of any chance for formal instruction ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . Cultural minority communities have maintained their cultural, lingual and traditional differences through their farness from the bulk cultural communities. Given this farness, there has non been the chance to back up substructure and the development and/or renovation of school edifices, conveyance and administrative substructure that instruction may necessitate ( UNCESCO, 2005 ) . This compounds the disadvantage of the minority groups even further. There have been few educational chances for autochthonal peoples and, accordingly, there are few trained forces who are fluid in cultural minority linguistic communications and Khmer. As Khmer is non the first linguistic communication of the different upland groups, kids are placed at a disadvantage when it is used as the lone linguistic communication of direction ( UNESCO, 2005 ) .Find some figures that describe the engagement rates of cultural minority groups in higher instruction in Cambodia – it will beef up this point every bit good as the Significance of the research Given that there have been few undertakings that catered to the specific educational demands of cultural minorities, there is besides a deficiency of stuffs that are culturally relevant or readily adaptable for usage in footings of linguistic communication and content ( UNESCO, 2005 ) . Indeed, small town support for schooling has been missing, most likely due to the fact that formal school services did non run into the demands of the community, and conflicted with socio-cultural norms in upland small towns. Besides, learning methodological analysis and inflexible time-tabling were non suited. Curriculum and stuff developed for the cultural minorities needs to be appropriate to accommodate the demands of the autochthonal communities. If an instruction undertaking is non based on existent, identified demands in the targeted communities, the scholars will hold it inappropriate and non utile for their demands ( UNESCO, 2005 ) with subsequent low engagement and success rates. Education for misss faces particularly tough obstructions within Cambodia and can be observed frequently in the signifier of negative attitudes – by parents, instructors and community members. Discrimination is apparent in societal norms, linguistic communication, and submissive stereotypes. Socio-cultural influences work against misss ‘ entree to instruction in the signifier of early matrimonies, a heavy domestic work load and low educational outlooks ( UNESCO, 2005 ) . This is particularly true in a traditional society like Cambodia, in which miss ‘ instruction is less valued than male childs ‘ and misss are confined to household jobs, allow entirely misss from the state ‘s minority groups.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Drug Dilemmas Essay
Read Case 5.2 on pp. 226- 228 – Drug Dilemmas. (Of course, you must read Chapter 5 prior to reading the case 🙂 Chapter 5 is very interesting in many respects. We need to consider whether corporations have social responsibilities and whether they have moral responsibilities in addition to making profits. You can see it’s a difficult balance to attain. Go to pages 202-203 to read about â€Å"Corporate Moral Agency†and the 2010 Supreme Court ruling giving corporations First Amendment rights. As you know, the First Amendment gives us, among other rights, the freedom of speech. Although corporations had limited â€Å"personhood†rights prior to the 2010 decision, now they have rights indistinguishable from individual citizens. Justice Roberts believes that â€Å"a corporation, just like an individual, has many diverse interests†¦indistinguishable from the individual who owns them.†Now, perhaps we need to reevaluate the responsibilities that accompany the rights given to corporations. If a corporation has rights equal to a living human person, then what responsibilities accompany such important rights? Here are some ideas we should be addressing in this forum: 1. Given the nature of their product, do pharmaceutical companies have ethical responsibilities that other corporations don’t have? In your view, are the large U.S. drug companies good corporate citizens? (Hint: Remember Chapter 2 and the Kantian good will, do no harm, always promote good, categorical imperative, or the utilitarian view of the greatest good for everyone involved.) 2. Assess the motivations of drug companies that do their testing overseas. Do you think test subjects are being exploited? Under what circumstances, if any, are companies morally justified in testing overseas? 3. Finally, do drug companies have an obligation to make new drugs available to patients who were involved in their development in the U.S. or overseas? No, I don’t feel that pharmaceutical companies have ethical respnsiblilities that other corporation don’t have. The reason I feel like this is because pharmaceutical companies have the ability to conduct research and save money and by while conducting their research overseas they avoid any restreiction of the FDA. That when you can go to Kantian good will, do no harm, allways promot good categorical imperative or utilitarian view of the greatest good for everyone involved. To use Kantian again, people are being used as guinea pigs, because when using patients in studies and not being able to contin;ue to help them after the study is not ethical to me. I do think that by tesing overseas the subject is being exploited because the help is not continueouly. They have the ability to test overseas circumvents Let’s engage in this fascinating topic using your knowledge you have gained thus far. The discussions will be grated according to this scale: Very good, 10 points: student demonstrates full understanding of the reading material and application of the material and moral theories to this case. Good, 8-9 points: student demonstrates basic understanding of the reading material and application of the material and moral theories to this case. Fair, 6-7 points: student demonstrates partial understanding of the material, but provides some important insights.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Supply and Demand Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supply and Demand - Term Paper Example Third, if demand remains unaffected and supply rises, there will be surplus causing a decreased equilibrium price. Fourth, if demand remains unaffected and there is a decrease in supply, there will be a shortage causing an increased equilibrium price. This paper will look at supply and demand. On the supply side, it will discuss Ronald Regan, and on the demand side, it will look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Caplin and Schotter 43). The paper will go on to highlight the difference between supply and demand while looking at the economic environment then and now, and other components such as interest rates, housing market, etc. Supply side economics is a branch of macroeconomics which asserts that economic growth may be most adequately developed by lessening barriers for individuals to produce services and goods, for example, lessening capital gains tax rates and income tax, and by permitting enhanced flexibility by lessening regulation. Consistent with supply side economics, customers will benefit from a significant supply of services and goods at decreased prices. Standard supply side economists’ policy recommendations are less regulation and lower marginal tax rates. The Laffer curve symbolizes a principle of supply side economics that government tax revenues from a specified tax are identical at100% tax rates as at the 0% tax rate correspondingly. The tax rate which attains the highest or optimum government revenues is placed in the middle of the two values. Reaganomics is an example of supply side economics. Reagan aspired to control the growth of special spending and promote entrepreneurship as well as the decrease of inflation and regulation (Caplin and Schotter 56). During the Reagan era, the economic growth was approximately 3.2%. During the Ford and Carter era, the economic growth averaged 2.8%. In subsequent years, the economic growth averaged 2.1%. In addition, during the Reagan era, the real median family income rose by $4,000 after experienci ng no rise before the Reagan era. Nonetheless, in the post-Reagan era the median family income experienced a loss of approximately $1,500. Moreover, the unemployment rate, housing sector, inflation, and interest rates declined rapidly under the Reagan administration than they did instantly after or prior to his leadership. The sole economic variable that was worse in the Reagan era than in both the post- and pre-Reagan periods was the savings rate, which rapidly decreased in the 1980s. Also, the productivity rate was elevated in the pre-Reagan era but much lesser after the Reagan presidency. Demand side economics refers to the economic model which proposes that economic inspiration comes adequately from enhancing the demand for services and goods. This notion is typically placed in direct contrast with supply side economics. Similar to a large number of economic theories, it is extremely easier to comprehend the standards of demand side economics in theory instead of practice. First and foremost, demand side economics is a way of eliminating an economy of recession and accelerating economic growth while thwarting inflation. It is meant as a restraint on both retraction and enlargement to keep an economy in a steady state. The concept is that to accelerate growth, an administration should decrease taxes on the working and middle class and enhance government spending. To deal with
Friday, September 27, 2019
Why the Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility Issue Is Relevant to Essay
Why the Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility Issue Is Relevant to the BP (British Petroleum) - Essay Example Ethics are used for setting the limits in regard to the operations of MNCs in countries worldwide. In its common sense, the term ethics is used for referring to ‘a code or set of principles by which people live’ (Popkin and Stroll 1993, p.1). However, the monitoring of the alignment of organizational decisions with ethics is a difficult task; in fact, it has been proved that most decisions of MNCs may violate ethics, at least at regional level. According to Beer (2010) the decisions of organizations operating in the context of the international market are likely to oppose, more or less, to ethics. Current paper reviews the performance of a well-known multinational corporation, British Petroleum (BP), in regard to ethics. According to the company’s reports, as presented below, the firm highly emphasizes on social responsibility and ethics in regard to all its activities. However, in practice the above argument is not verified. In fact, it is proved that the organiz ation has repeatedly failed in responding to its social responsibilities, causing severe damages on its employees and people living in the areas surrounding its sites; besides, the environmental effects of the firm’s activities cannot be ignored. It is clear that the firm needs to update its operations globally promoting ethics and social responsibility. ... practices with ethics and social responsibility, can be identified by referring to the firm’s existing policies for promoting social responsibility and ethics. At the next level, events proving the violation by the company of ethics will be presented and evaluated using appropriate literature. BP operates in an industry the effects of which on the environment can be significant. For this reason, and under the influence of the accident in Mexico in 2010, the firm has tried to introduce a series of initiatives for improving its relationship with its stakeholders. Daft and Marcic (2008) explain that the organization emphasizes on the continuous increase of its performance in regard to environmental responsibility. Lord John Browne, the Group’s Chief Executive, monitors the performance of the organization in regard to the specific sector (Daft and Marcic 2008, p.149). Browne notes that the increase of the needs in oil and gas annually has led to the increase of environmenta l risks, an issue that it is difficult to be managed effectively, due to the lack of control over the global needs in oil and gas (Daft and Marcic 2008, p.149). Moreover, the firm has introduced ‘an emissions trading system’ (Daft 2007, p.761), in order to improve its performance in locating resources without set environment in risk (Daft 2007, p.761). In addition, the firm has established an Educational Service, which promotes educational schemes for informing students and teachers on the effects of industrial operations on climate change, and the impact of the latter on human life (Ferrell and Hartline 2010, p.556). In 2005 the firm developed its Code of Conduct aiming to show to its stakeholders its efforts in promoting ethics and social responsibility (Ferrell and Hartline 2010, p.556). The
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Global Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global Nursing - Research Paper Example   In an attempt to explain global nursing, Sister Roy gives metatheory and philosophical perspectives. Several discussions were held on the nature of the knowledge applied or required of a nurse. Issues such epistemology and the nature of both the person and nursing were debated upon and Roy realized that the major developments undertaken by the nurses were not captured in the journals and thus major issues affecting the nurses were not attended to (Roy & Jones, 2007).  Sister Roy states that knowledge has been reflected as covering a larger part of the human the health relation between humans and environmental from the beginning of the century as it is stated in the concepts explained in theoretical nursing (Roy & Jones, 2007). The need that nursing should be understood in the perspective of the practice of the nature of nursing took root in the 20th century. Since 1970 there have been several approaches that are influencing the development of nursing knowledge. Several au thors and theoreticians have done several other publications regarding the various developments of knowledge in the field of nursing (Meleis, 2011).  A global definition of the position of nursing paradigm is given by sister Roy. This tends to address the knowledge that is supposed to be known in the nursing field. Paradigmatic refers to the nursing literature. Several other theorists were arguing about the risks incurred by emphasizing the same approach. Paradigmatic resulted to distinguishing several sectors of knowledge required by nurses.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Tax corporate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Tax corporate - Essay Example For many small businesses such as Northwest Brand Inc. often all major business investors are employees of the firm (Thomas and Keith, 1994). The business can avoid double tax through distributing their earnings to the corporation’s staff in form of wages and fringe benefits. Although the individual workers have to pay income tax, the Northwest Brand Inc Corporation is able to deduct employee’s wages and other benefits paid to its workforce in form of business expenses hence firm can comfortably avoid paying tax on the expense amount. Similarly, small businesses distributions to employees who are owners of the business accounts for all of the company’s income, ultimately nothing are left that can be subjected to corporate tax. In a situation where the company’s income is left in the business, this will normally be retained in order to finance future business expansion. Thorough this amount will be subjected to corporate tax. The charged rate is often lower compared to those paid by individuals. Larger corporations are unlike small businesses, are more likely to have investors that are not employed by the business. Under this circumstance, the firm can not distribute corporate profits to them as part of their remunerations among other business related incentives, which are able to avoid double taxation as it can be done under businesses that owners are among the workforce. However, they are able to avoid double taxation just like the small businesses (Ted and Robert, 1999). A typical case can be a non-active shareholder is referred to as the business consultant. Since payment to business consultants are tax-deductible expenses rather business expenses rather than dividends. It is may be difficult to include business owners to the corporation’s payment arrangement, for instance through including investors as part of the business directors. In order to obtain relief business investors from double tax, use tax-relief saving
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Saudi Arabia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example government has used the oil wealth of the country for the benefit of its people and it has put a lot of investment not only in infrastructure but also in education (Khatib, 2011). In fact, it can be said that some of the infrastructure in Saudi Arabia is better developed than that in the United States. The cities of this country are also very well planned and built and these are designed in very modern architecture. It is actually a breathtaking site when one approaches a Saudi Arabian city from a distance; it is truly an image of a beautiful oasis in the desert. This country has a very extensive social welfare system that caters for all its citizens and one could dare argue that the Saudi Arabian social welfare system actually functions better than the one in the United States (Wiley, 1999). Many in the United States believe that since Saudi Arabia is a traditionalist society, it does not have the necessary development to be in the modern world. The American image of Saudi Arabia is one of nomadic Arab tribesmen moving from place to place in the desert with nothing better to do than breed religious fanatics (Kamran, 2000). This image of Saudi Arabia is a very bad stereotype of the people of this state because most of the population of this country stopped their nomadic lifestyle more than half a century ago and in fact, many today live in the urban areas. The people of Saudi Arabia have adopted many of the ways of the Western world and this include the use of cars to travel instead of camels, many wear Western clothing (especially the men), and most of all, they live in houses which have been built in the modern style. The popular opinion in the United States is that Saudi Arabia is an extremely fanatical society when it comes to religion (Harris, 2003). This image only applies to a few of the people in this society because the majorities are surprisingly very liberal in matters concerning religion. Moreover, they only appear to be fanatical because of their
Monday, September 23, 2019
Final Exam Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Final Exam Paper - Essay Example There are several pharmaceutical companies in Kuwait that may offer Support to Genentech in terms of buying their drugs and selling them to people. For example, the Kuwait Saudi Pharmaceutical s industries that are a leading company in the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical drugs. For success, Genentech has to have to be linked to such companies. However, there are no supporting pharmaceuticals clusters in Kuwait that would facilitate the buying and marketing of the drugs. The Kuwait Government has to offer support for Genentech for the company to establish itself successfully. This is possible since the government has been supporting research in different areas notably agriculture and economic improvement. This support is mainly given to home industries therefore, it will problematic for Genentech to get support since it is a foreign company Laws that protect intellectual property in Kuwait are found in law No. 4 of (1962). Companies are allowed to register patents and intellectual property in Kuwait provided they are inhabitants of countries that give Kuwait reciprocity. After the company registers its patent with the patents Office, it gains the rights to use that patent. The right is valid for 15 years and may be renewed for an extra five years If Genentech opens up businesses in Kuwait, it will not have a problem of markets. This market would be provided by its powerful neighbors. Proximity to markets can therefore be a factor for Genentech to consider for successful establishment of a company in Kuwait. However since, Kuwait is quite Isolated, challenges of market are inevitable Kuwait being a country with the majority of its population Muslim, genetic testing is not well addressed in the regulations and has to take into consideration bioethical issues. Kuwait has no regulations on genetic testing but it respects the recommendations of the Islamic Organization for Medical
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Negligence - Essay Example This paper explores the differences among negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice. In addition, the paper discusses the importance of documentation and its connection with a negligence case in which a patient’s wrong leg was amputated. Negligence, Gross Negligence, and Malpractice In general, negligence refers to the failure by a nurse to give care to a patient in a reasonable and prudent manner in the prevailing circumstances. Thus, negligence refers to any harm caused by a nurse’s carelessness, rather than intentional harm. On the other hand, malpractice is a professional negligence, which occurs when an authorized and licensed nurse fails to give patient care according to the laid down standards (Phillips et al., 2004). That is, care below the standards set by the regulatory body. It is worth noting that the poor standard of such care subsequently causes harm to a patient. The table below summarises the differences and similarities between malpractice and negli gence Malpractice Negligence Definition A professional nurse gives substandard Though prudent and reasonable, a nurse gives unreasonable care Intentional Yes Can be intentional or not Lawsuits in Civil Courts Civil Courts Proof of lawsuit Duty, Breach, Causation and Damages Duty, Breach, Causation and Damages An example of a malpractice is a nurse who intentionally harms a patient by not performing his or her duties according to the laid down procedures and standards. On the other hand, a nurse harming a patient due to carelessness amounts to negligent act. Therefore, any unintentional action or omission that causes patient injuries is negligence while failure to adhere to nursing standards of practice may result in a malpractice lawsuit (Phillips et al., 2004). According to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), malpractice refers to an inappropriate, unacceptable, and unethical conducts caused by an unreasonable lack of skill by a professional. On the other hand, gross negligence simply refers extreme cases of carelessness by a nurse. The implication by gross negligence is that a nurse has gone far below the standard of care with which a prudent and reasonable nurse may act towards a patient’s care (Phillips et al., 2004). In gross negligence, there is no trace of or slight evidence of care, even by the standards of a careless person. Thus, gross negligence has a degree difference with negligence. Several reasons have been cited as the main causes of negligence, gross negligence, and malpractice including delegation of duties, early discharge, shortage of nurses, hospital downsizing, numerous and advances in technology, better-informed patients, and expanded legal liability targeting medical professionals. With regards to task delegation, many hospitals have certain cost-cutting and cost-containment strategies, which propel them to delegate nursing duties to unlicensed assistants (Phillips et al., 2004). These assis tants may not be aware of a facility's or a regulator’s standards of care or nursing practice act. Second, many facilities discharge patients quite early, prior to full recovery while they still need acute and intensive nursing care. Other cost-containment strategies used in facilities are reduction in the number of nurses, which increases workloads for nurses, thus the likelihood for errors to occur. The many technological
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Political Aspects of Wireless Electricity Essay Example for Free
Political Aspects of Wireless Electricity Essay It is no secret that politics plays a big role when it comes to the introduction of the wireless electricity. Some parties are for it, as it can allow for slightly greener ways of powering devices, new jobs, and easier access. But others are against it, seeing the change as a threat to old ways of doing things, as well as a way for people to access electricity for free. Though wireless transmissions and the idea of wireless electricity have existed for quite some time, the actual possibility of creating usable, accessible wireless electricity is just now starting to become a reality. With wireless electricity looming on the horizon, more and more politicians, civilians, and companies are beginning to stand behind the idea; but that has not always been the case. Politics first began working their way into wireless electricity in 1905, when J. P. Morgan pulled all of his funding from Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower project when he erroneously began to believe that it could lead to free electricity for all (Haliburton, 2006). It is that same type of thinking that has helped to keep wireless electricity out of the mainstream for so long. However, information and general knowledge about wireless electricity has come far, and that type of thinking is quickly disappearing. With the recent surge of environmental and financial awareness, people are quickly beginning to gravitate towards the idea of wireless electricity. Even power companies are getting behind the idea, seeing a way to expand their business. Though the idea of wireless electricity has just begun to reemerge, it will quickly become a hot political topic, just as other forms of alternative energy have. The question is this: Will the general public and politicians continue to gravitate towards this new concept? And if they do, how long will it be until wireless electricity becomes the norm?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Impact of Lincolns Assassination
Impact of Lincolns Assassination Marley AyoSHR A house divided against itself cannot standI believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. America will become all one thing, or all the other. This is a famous quote spoken by Abraham Lincoln in 1858 to describe one of the reasons for fighting in the Civil War. During the war, the United States was bitterly divided between the North and the South. When the war ended in 1865, many leaders were unsure about the future course of our nation. But, not Lincoln. He had a plan and the leadership skills to reunite the nation. This process of rebuilding became known as Reconstruction. Most battles and destruction took place on southern soil. Which made living conditions hard to overcome, especially agricultural lands used for crops and plantation. Reconstructing the nation was important in order to keep the nation running smoothly instead of it falling apart. To begin with the nations failures were the fact that all fighting took place in the South. The Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865. In those four years, the Union, which is the North, lost 370,000 troops, and the Confederacy, the South, lost 260,000. In addition to lives lost, there were 375,000 soldiers injured or maimed from both sides. Many soldiers were killed in battle, but the majority of them died as a result of illness. Several civilians, non-military people, died in the South because food was scarce. More American lives were lost in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined. Owing more than $2 billion dollars, the southern states were severely crippled after the war. Most battles and destruction took place on southern soil. In fact, one reason the Union won was because it engaged in total war. Total war is the military practice of destroying the enemys ability to fight by attacking civilian and economic targets as well as military targets. Southerners daily live s came to a halt since the fighting occurred near their towns and communities. Also, the economy of the South was based on agriculture, so they had more difficulty recovering and manufacturing needed supplies. The North was also hit hard, but the effects were not as long-lasting as the Souths. War costs for the Union totaled more than $3.2 billion. Since the northern economy was already based on industrialization, trade, and banking, it was able to recover more quickly than the southern economy. Also, fighting was removed from northerners daily lives, except for those living in areas bordering Confederate states. In Addition, to the negative aspects were the successful ones. In that it restored the United States as a unified nation: by 1877, all of the former Confederate states had drafted new constitutions, acknowledged the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, and pledged their loyalty to the U.S. government. Reconstruction also finally settled the states rights vs. federalism debate that had been an issue since the 1790s. However, Reconstruction failed by most other measures: the sharecropping system-essentially a legal form of slavery that kept blacks tied to land owned by rich white farmers-became widespread in the South. With little economic power, blacks ended up having to fight for civil rights on their own, as northern whites lost interest in Reconstruction by the mid-1870s. By 1877, northerners were tired of Reconstruction, scandals, radicals, and the fight for blacks rights. Reconstruction thus came to a close with many of its goals left unaccomplished. As well as, Radi cal Republican legislation ultimately failed to protect former slaves from white persecution and failed to engender fundamental changes to the social fabric of the South. When President Rutherford B. Hayes removed federal troops from the South in 1877, former Confederate officials and slave owners almost immediately returned to power. With the support of a conservative Supreme Court, these newly empowered white southern politicians passed black codes, voter qualifications, and other anti-progressive legislation to reverse the rights that blacks had gained during Radical Reconstruction. The U.S. Supreme Court bolstered this anti-progressive movement with decisions in the Slaughterhouse Cases, the Civil Rights Cases, and United States v. Cruikshank that effectively repealed the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and the Civil Rights Act of 1875. In conclusion, while some historians have suggested that had Lincoln not been assassinated, Radical Republicans in the House might have impeached him instead of Andrew Johnson. After the Civil War, many Bureaus were underfunded and cut short, leaving the vast majority of free slaves uneducated and still in the South. There was no land reform, meaning slaves were forced into a sharecropping system and did not own their own farms, which might have made them more independent, equal, and successful. The Black Codes and other laws restricting former slaves, though clearly unconstitutional, were not challenged in court or struck down by local military authorities, leaving African-Americans virtually unprotected and subject once again to working for whites involuntarily. And finally, the effort of Reconstruction was cut off after only 12 years, leaving the economy of the South still in ruins and its population largely in poverty.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Oliver Twist Essay -- Essays Papers
Oliver Twist A Criticism of Society or a Biography With all of the symbolism and moral issues represented in Oliver Twist, all seem to come from real events from the life of its author, Charles Dickens. The novel’s protagonist, Oliver, is a good person at heart surrounded by the filth of the London streets, filth that Dickens himself was forced to deal with in his everyday life. It’s probable that the reason Oliver Twist contains so much fear and agony is because it’s a reflection of occurrences in Charles Dickens' past. Oliver Twist also brought to light the evils of social injustice and the victims of it. During his childhood, Charles Dickens suffered much abuse from his parents. This abuse is often expressed in his novel. For example, while suffering from starvation and malnutrition for a long period of time, Oliver was chosen by the other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night. After making this simple request, the master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with a ladle and placed him confinement. As noted by Patricia Marks in her article on Dickens, â€Å"childhood experience and suffering had emerged as a significant new topic in romantic poetry, and Dickens was personally impelled towards it by memories of his own pre-teenage years when, with the rest of his family in prison and himself alone, he was thrown into manual labour.†Dickens was even quoted as saying, â€Å"I might easily have been, for any care that was taken of... Oliver Twist Essay -- Essays Papers Oliver Twist A Criticism of Society or a Biography With all of the symbolism and moral issues represented in Oliver Twist, all seem to come from real events from the life of its author, Charles Dickens. The novel’s protagonist, Oliver, is a good person at heart surrounded by the filth of the London streets, filth that Dickens himself was forced to deal with in his everyday life. It’s probable that the reason Oliver Twist contains so much fear and agony is because it’s a reflection of occurrences in Charles Dickens' past. Oliver Twist also brought to light the evils of social injustice and the victims of it. During his childhood, Charles Dickens suffered much abuse from his parents. This abuse is often expressed in his novel. For example, while suffering from starvation and malnutrition for a long period of time, Oliver was chosen by the other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night. After making this simple request, the master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with a ladle and placed him confinement. As noted by Patricia Marks in her article on Dickens, â€Å"childhood experience and suffering had emerged as a significant new topic in romantic poetry, and Dickens was personally impelled towards it by memories of his own pre-teenage years when, with the rest of his family in prison and himself alone, he was thrown into manual labour.†Dickens was even quoted as saying, â€Å"I might easily have been, for any care that was taken of...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Carmen and Gypsy Culture :: essays research papers
The fascination with exoticism was more and more prevalent within romantic compositions as there was an increased yearning for far off lands within the composer’s imagination. ‘Composers of such works were not terribly interested in authenticity; their primary concern was to create a picturesque atmosphere that would appeal to audiences.’(Machlis p.190) Bizet romanticized gypsy culture in his opera and through the character, ‘Carmen’. The libretto gives off ideas in relation to the emerging theme of ‘naturalism’, where much focus was given to the working class and their suffering. Carmen and the other gypsies don’t have that middle class virtue. ‘But they are seen against the exotic allure of Spain and Bizet’s music invests them with a human dignity.’ (Machlis192) In much of the art, music and literature of the 19th century the female gypsy, in particular was characterized and stereotyped as free-spirited, stron g, deviant, demanding, sexually arousing, alluring and dismissive. This romantic construct of the Gypsy woman may be viewed as completely opposite to the proper, controlled and chaste, submissive woman held as the Victorian, European ideal. These descriptions are likened to the characters of Carmen in contrast to Micaela. ‘Carmen’ is all about women, especially women with exotic qualities who challenge the traditional morale. The women in ‘Carmen’ are seen not as passive but as active players in the social game. Carmen forever sings about freedom and love with no limits. ‘The freedom to travel, the freedom to exist – Carmen fights for the right to live.’(Feminist endings) The oriental fascination with the forbidden and taboo world of the gypsy other in music is characterized by the spontaneous dance-like rhythms, melodies and orchestration. Carmen’s most famous aria, ‘Habanera’ in which she tells of her conception of love, is a borrowed Cuban dance form, from Havana exhibiting Spanish flounces and likened to the ‘Tango’ dance style. The duple metre slow dance, lined with graceful dotted rhythms involves a lot of body movement and expression, characteristic of the gypsy. ‘Seguidilla’ also demonstrates the importance of dance to the gypsy culture, set in a typical  ¾ rhythm and sung to a poetic verse form. The combination of guitar-like accompaniment, pizzicato on the strings laced with ornaments and triplets, gives the piece character and cheek, as Carmen taunts Don Jose to fall for her charms. The accelerating gypsy dance opening Act 2 uses dissonances and sliding harmonies, creating that colour and richness typical of the exotic influence. Carmen and Gypsy Culture :: essays research papers The fascination with exoticism was more and more prevalent within romantic compositions as there was an increased yearning for far off lands within the composer’s imagination. ‘Composers of such works were not terribly interested in authenticity; their primary concern was to create a picturesque atmosphere that would appeal to audiences.’(Machlis p.190) Bizet romanticized gypsy culture in his opera and through the character, ‘Carmen’. The libretto gives off ideas in relation to the emerging theme of ‘naturalism’, where much focus was given to the working class and their suffering. Carmen and the other gypsies don’t have that middle class virtue. ‘But they are seen against the exotic allure of Spain and Bizet’s music invests them with a human dignity.’ (Machlis192) In much of the art, music and literature of the 19th century the female gypsy, in particular was characterized and stereotyped as free-spirited, stron g, deviant, demanding, sexually arousing, alluring and dismissive. This romantic construct of the Gypsy woman may be viewed as completely opposite to the proper, controlled and chaste, submissive woman held as the Victorian, European ideal. These descriptions are likened to the characters of Carmen in contrast to Micaela. ‘Carmen’ is all about women, especially women with exotic qualities who challenge the traditional morale. The women in ‘Carmen’ are seen not as passive but as active players in the social game. Carmen forever sings about freedom and love with no limits. ‘The freedom to travel, the freedom to exist – Carmen fights for the right to live.’(Feminist endings) The oriental fascination with the forbidden and taboo world of the gypsy other in music is characterized by the spontaneous dance-like rhythms, melodies and orchestration. Carmen’s most famous aria, ‘Habanera’ in which she tells of her conception of love, is a borrowed Cuban dance form, from Havana exhibiting Spanish flounces and likened to the ‘Tango’ dance style. The duple metre slow dance, lined with graceful dotted rhythms involves a lot of body movement and expression, characteristic of the gypsy. ‘Seguidilla’ also demonstrates the importance of dance to the gypsy culture, set in a typical  ¾ rhythm and sung to a poetic verse form. The combination of guitar-like accompaniment, pizzicato on the strings laced with ornaments and triplets, gives the piece character and cheek, as Carmen taunts Don Jose to fall for her charms. The accelerating gypsy dance opening Act 2 uses dissonances and sliding harmonies, creating that colour and richness typical of the exotic influence.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana Essay -- Drugs
Marijuana, also commonly referred to as pot, weed, cannabis, or a variety of other names, has been cultivated as early as 4000B.C. in China, from the hemp plant cannabis sativa (Miller, 2012). There have been reports of it being used for medicinal purposes dating as far back as 1500B.C. (, 2012a). Although cannabis contains a variety of different chemicals, the main, and most understood, ingredient is THC, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The amount of THC in marijuana determines the drug’s strength and can be affected by the growing conditions. Marijuana is usually smoked by being rolled into â€Å"blunts†or â€Å"joints†or by being smoked through a pipe or bong. The difference between blunts and joints is that joints are rolled in cigarette paper, while blunts are wrapped in a cigar shell. Smoking is not the only route of administration. Often times marijuana is baked into brownies or other baked goods. Marijuana, in the form of baked goods, has become very widely used, so much in fact, that some high schools banned students from bringing baked goods from home (Villarosa, 2012). The legality of use of marijuana for recreational as well as medicinal purposes has been a controversial issue for a long time, dating as far back as 1913, and still remains a controversial issue today (Gieringer, 1999). So far, 16 states and Washington DC legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and 18 states are still pending legalization (, 2012b). Some major reasons why legalization of marijuana remains such a controversial issue is because of its previous advertisement as a drug that will cause you to be committed to a mental asylum and also the potential harmful side effects. A review of the FDA Adverse Events from 1... ...rce.php?resourceID=000145 (2012a, March 8). Historical Timeline. Retrieved from (2012b, March 9). 18 States with Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana. Retrieved from Solowij, N., Stephens, R., Roffman, R., Babor, T., Kadden, R., Miller, M., & ... Vendetti, J. (2002). Cognitive functioning of long-term heavy cannabis users seeking treatment. JAMA: The Journal Of The American Medical Association, 287(9), 1123- 1131. Villarosa, L. (2012). Brooklyn Tech Students Broiling Mad over Baked Goods Ban. The Local. Retrieved from students-boiling-mad-over-baked-good-ban/
Monday, September 16, 2019
Osmosis Case Study Essay
These two Case Studies come from a National Center on Case Studies. I think that a case study approach is very useful in applying knowledge and this is what makes you learn it better. They may be a little daunting when you read them but I will help you go through them. Please ask for help so this topic becomes more enjoyable for you. Part Iâ€â€Too Much of a Good Thing Times were difficult in Habersham County. The skyrocketing prices of fuel and food were threatening to bankrupt the Johnson family’s small farm, which was no match for the multi-million-dollar mega-farms that had been popping up all over the southeast. Joseph, the family patriarch, was especially troubled by the farm’s financial circumstances. He knew that this year’s corn crop was his best chance to save the farm, and his distress was evident to his family as they sat around the dinner table. â€Å"Michael, I’m going to need your help tomorrow,†Joseph said to his eldest son. â€Å"I have to go into town to pick up a part for the combine so I can fix it before it’s time to harvest in a few months. I need you to spread the potash and phosphate on the corn because we’re expecting some rain by the end of the week. †Michael, his mouth full of fried chicken, nodded in agreement. He wasn’t all that interested in farming, which over the years had been a point of contention between him and his father. At the moment Michael was thinking more about the time he’d be missing with his friends, but he also realized how vital this chore was to his father and the farm. â€Å"I’ll do it right after school, Dad,†he replied. The following afternoon, Michael was loading heavy bags of fertilizer into the drop spreader on the farm tractor. His father’s cheerless demeanor the previous evening weighed heavily on him. Michael knew that 25 bags of the potassium and phosphorous-based fertilizer was the normal load to cover the 40 acres of corn the family had planted that spring. But as he was emptying the 25th bag into the spreader, an idea flashed through his mind: â€Å"If we need a good corn crop to make it, maybe I should add a little extra fertilizer. †Michael decided that some extra fertilizer couldn’t hurt, so he quickly loaded 15 extra bags. He was certain that adding the extra fertilizer would produce a massive crop when it came time to harvest in a few months. Michael hadn’t told his father about the extra fertilizer he’d added to the corn, wanting to see his father’s surprise over the size of the harvest in a few months. As expected, the rain started Friday afternoon; Michael was certain it would start an incredible growth spurt in the newly fertilized, young corn plants and that his family would hit pay dirt in a few months. He was out of bed early on Saturday morning, taking his four-wheeler down to the cornfields. He expected to see a vibrant green sea of young corn, extra healthy due to the fertilizer â€Å"boost†he had given them. His stomach dropped a bit as he stared out at a field of sickly looking corn plants, their leaves pale green and slightly wilting. â€Å"Maybe it rained too hard and that beat the plants up a little,†thought Michael, trying to be optimistic. â€Å"I’ll check on them again in a few days. I’m sure they’ll have perked up by then! †The next few days didn’t bring the results Michael was hoping for. The corn plants looked even worse! The leaves were beginning to yellow significantly and were continuing to wilt. Having watched his father grow corn for most of his 14 years, Michael knew this crop wasn’t going to make it. A lump was forming in his throat as he made his way back to the house, not sure how to tell his father about the corn. Questions 1. What sort of environment (hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic) did the extra fertilizer create around the roots of the corn? 2. Keeping in mind your answer to the previous question, what do you believe caused the corn plants to wilt and eventually die? 3. If Michael’s mistake had been caught earlier, is there anything that could have been done to prevent the corn from dying? 4. Generally, people water their plants with 100% H2Oâ€â€no solutes added. What sort of environment does this create around the roots of the plant? Part IIâ€â€Too Little, Too Late Meanwhile, elsewhere in Habersham County, Tom was feeling slightly nervous as he exited the staff lounge and entered the hustle and bustle of County Hospital’s ER to begin his first shift as an RN. The first few hours of his shift passed slowly as Tom mostly checked vital signs and listened to patients complain about various aches, pains, coughs, and sniffles. He realized that the attending physician, Dr. Greene, who was rather â€Å"old school†in general about how he interacted with nursing staff, wanted to start him out slowly. Tom knew, though, that the paramedics could bring in a trauma patient at any time. After his lunch break, Tom didn’t have long to wait before the paramedics burst in through the swinging double-doors of the ambulance bay wheeling in a young man on a gurney. Edward, a veteran EMT, recited the vital signs to Tom and Dr. Greene as they helped push the gurney into the trauma room, â€Å"18-year-old male, GSW to the right abdomen, heart rate 92, respiratory rate 22, blood pressure 95/65, no loss of consciousness. †A gunshot wound! Tom knew that gunshot wounds were sometimes the most difficult traumas to handle. Once inside the trauma room, Dr. Greene began his initial assessment of the patient while Tom got busy organizing the things he knew would be needed. He attached a pulse-ox monitor to the patient’s index finger so Dr. Greene could keep an eye on the O2 levels in the patient’s blood and he inserted a Foley catheter so the patient’s urine output could be monitored. After finishing his initial duties, Tom heard Dr. Greene saying, â€Å"It looks like the bullet missed the liver and kidney, but it may have severed an artery. That’s probably why his BP is a bit low. Tom, grab a liter of saline and start a fast IV drip †¦ we need to increase his blood volume. †Tom grabbed one of the fluid-filled bags from the nearby shelf, attached a 12-gauge IV needle to the plastic tubing, and gently slipped the needle into the patient’s antecubital vein. He then hung the plastic bag on the IV stand and let the fluid quickly start to flow down the tubing and into the patient’s vein. The reaction was quick and violent. The patient’s heart rate began to skyrocket and Tom heard Dr. Greene shouting, â€Å"His O2 saturation is falling! Pulse is quickening! What is going on with this guy?! †Tom stood frozen in place by the fear. He heard Dr. Greene continuing, â€Å"Flatline! We’ve lost a pulse †¦ Tom, get the crash cart, we need to shock this guy to get his heart going again! †Tom broke free from his initial shock and did as Dr. Greene had ordered. He then started CPR as Dr. Greene readied the cardiac defibrillator to shock the patient. They continued to alternate between CPR and defibrillation for almost an hour, but to no avail. As Dr. Greene announced the time of death, Tom felt a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t believe that he had lost his first trauma patient! Then Tom noticed that the fluid in the Foley catheter bag was bright red. â€Å"Dr. Greene, there’s hemoglobin in the Foley bag,†he said. â€Å"How could that be? †responded Dr. Greene. Tom began to trace back over his steps in the trauma, trying to think of anything that could have caused the hemoglobinuria. His mounting fear turned to outright terror as he looked at the now empty bag on the IV stand. Its label didn’t read â€Å"Saline,†but rather â€Å"Distilled Water. †He looked at Dr. Greene, his heart quickly sinking, and said, â€Å"I think I may have killed the patient. †Questions 1. What problem did the distilled water in the patient’s bloodstream create? 2. What happed to the patient’s blood cells as a result? 3. Considering the function of red blood cells, why did the patient’s oxygen levels fall? 4. After Tom made his error, is there anything that could have been done to save the patient’s life?
Barriers to Effective Communication Essay
As we all know, Criminal Justice has two main types of communication which are Verbal and Nonverbal. Each of these are subsets or components in the communication area. These components help us to breakdown ideas of communication for a better understanding. For the verbal communication, there is a cluster with four different areas which include: Blaming, Directing, Persuading and Problem Solving. Along with these components for the verbal, there are also two main things for nonverbal communication which include: Body language and Written word communications. When we are in a conversation with someone, verbally speaking is not the only thing that comes with communicating well. There is also the fact that you must be a good listener as well so you can understand what the other person is communicating. According to Grubb, Hemby, â€Å"Generally there are three purposes associated with either casual conversation or public speaking: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain†(Matthewson, 2009). You need to be focused and pay attention to detail when someone is attempting to inform you on critical information. To build better communication and a better understanding of what someone is saying, try repeating or saying everything you just heard. It will help you to remember more of the important issues that were brought up in the conversation. For effective communication, you want to make sure that you are to the point of what you are talking about and avoid going off topic. This is make sure that you are able to clarify what the other person is saying and it will help any kind of confusion that may occur. You may also run into someone who does not speak English or speaks it very well. With this, you need to make sure that you are clear and precise on the topic and have an interpreter just in case they need help understanding. In the Criminal Justice field, many officers, lawyers, probation and parole officers face this challenge on a day to day basis. For having different types of languages around us at all times, we must be prepared for anything that can happen in the communication aspect. Cultural differences can and do affect verbal and nonverbal communication. When you are using nonverbal communication, you must watch how you use your body language such as your hands, eyes, leg movement, and the folding of your arms. Using each of these in a certain manner can show the other person that you are uncomfortable, that you are not really listening to what they have to say and or you don’t care about what they are talking about. These can also show some signs of lying and stress if you are not careful. Law Enforcement uses these signs when they are interviewing and interrogating suspects. Giving direct eye contact but yet your body language says something else can be misunderstood as hiding something. There are many different variables dealing with communication as well. When we have a conversation, we should always make sure that we do not miscommunicate information and the way we can do this, is by being more alert and understanding the different methods of communication. In the 7th paragraph in his article, Grubb says â€Å"KISS is an extremely effective acronym. â€Å" Keep it Short and Simple†is not an indicator of lack of intelligence or professionalism but rather an efficient way to communicate. Some police officers, through a sense of misplaced importance, feel compelled to use language that is inappropriate for the situation- inappropriate in the sense that it does not fit well in the context of the conversation or in the message that the officer is attempting to convey†(Matthewson, 2009). When writing a report which is considered nonverbal communication, you want to make sure you are using as much detail as possible but making sure at the same time, you are not going overboard to where it drowns out the report. You want to make sure that you have enough information and enough details that it explains what you witnessed or what happened. There have been cases where less description is also good in a report as well. Along with writing reports, when you are in the Criminal Justice field, you want to make sure that when you are emailing, you are concise and yet brief. By explaining too much in your reports, this can in fact potentially be thrown out of court by a judge. Communication Frustration plays a role in the Criminal Justice field by people misunderstanding what they are reading and what they are hearing. This can mean life and death in criminal justice organizations. If all the officers are getting briefed on a case where they have to apprehend a suspect, it takes one officer not paying attention and it could very easily cost him or her their lives. Understanding and communicating well are very important thing to master in any type of law enforcement agency. There are advantages and disadvantages with communications dealing with formal and informal. Having the formal communication, allows uniformity within the organization, having informal communication allows free flow of information, but tends to restrict uniformity. Another thing that goes along with having a hard time listening, is the fact that there can be outside stress like family issues, financial problems. There can also be external issues with listening such as being biased about the subject that is being talked about, the subject being boring etc. Having active listening and great feedback will help in good communication as well. There are three different barriers that are in effective communication. The first one is Individual Practitioner Barriers. This affects more of the community based correctional staff. With it affecting this area, some may lack basic knowledge, abilities and skills to do their jobs correctly and efficiently. Some that have lack of all three of these things, have never participated in the training that is required by that specific job. The second is the Organizational Barriers. This kind of barrier deals with barriers that are in their organization be it the police department, court houses, attorney’s offices etc. This also limits the full implementation of evidence based information and the correctional practices. When dealing with correctional practices, you need to have all the knowledge to do your job correctly and without many or no faults. The third is Systemic Barriers. With this barrier, it deals within the criminal justice and the social service systems. This can cau se competition between the different agencies due to shortages in funding, difficulties in sustaining collaborations and the lack of support from the court system. Clients may be pushed away due to the community practitioners not having the power to control what happens in the system. My real world example of effective communication is the time I was living with my aunt back in Bryan, Ohio. She and her ex were seeing each other at this time. He was always coming over to our apartment spending time with her, cooking, cleaning, and helping with everything that he could think of. Everything was going wonderful for a long time. Communication was at its best between all of us. Then one day, he had been drinking and I was very ill lying in bed. I heard a lot of yelling and screaming from my aunt telling him to get out and him yelling back telling her to shut up. I heard some slamming around out in the living room so I got out of bed, extremely dizzy to see what was going on. I walked out and they were each on one side of the TV holding on to it. Well I stepped in and told him to get out of the apartment. She was in no shape for any stress and I was s o sick I just about couldn’t stand up straight. After I told him that, he took the TV and pulled it off the stand hitting me and my aunt in the back with it. Almost pinning me in between the glass coffee table and the TV. If I wouldn’t have moved when I did, I would have been severely cut. Needless to say, I got on the phone call the police and my aunt and I filed a police report. Later that day, her and I were pulling out of the apartment complex when we saw his van across the street. As soon as he seen us, he flew across into the apartment drive almost hitting her car. As she was backing up to the office, I was on the phone to the police once again. His van was so close to her bumper, u couldn’t put a piece of paper between them. If it was not for me being in that car, he said he would have killed her. No matter what situation or scenario you are in, communication is the main thing you need to have. If you do not have effective communication, then anything can happen. People can get off murder charges, rape charges, any type of abuse charges. As we all know, Criminal Justice has two main types of communication which are Ve rbal and Nonverbal. Each of these have subsets or components. References Henderson, M. L., Mathias-Humphrey, A., & McDermott, M. J. (2008). Barriers to Effective Program Implementation: Rural School-Based Probation (Vol. 72). Seattle, Washington, United States: Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Retrieved December 12, 2013, from Matthewson, J. (2009). Effective Communication in Criminal Justice: Process, components and various types., 2. Retrieved December 12, 2013, from Wallace, H. &. (2009, January 15). Criminal Justice Law Exploring Issues, Developing Solutions. Retrieved December 12, 2013, from Criminal Justice Law:
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Consumer Behaviour with context to E-Commerce
There has been a tremendous rise and increase in the e-commerce. E-commerce refers to Electronic commerce which includes buying and selling of goods carried out electronically mostly on the Internet and World Wide Web. E-commerce concept Is In its full swing in India. The people of India have welcomed the E-commerce concept. There is continuous increase in the buying and selling of goods on the Internet. Cryptographic Segmentation of Indian People And E-commerce Segmentation is dividing the market In to different segments In order to select the argent customers.Market can be segmented on various bases. Cryptographic Segmentation is done on the basis of lifestyle of the people. In India there been a continuous change in the lifestyle of the people found depending upon the new trend. There is a vast effect and attraction of the western culture on the lifestyle of people. In India the lifestyle of the people Is deferent from people that live in the cities and that in the village. The li festyle of the people living in cities is far more advanced than villagers due to higher facilities and the adaptability of the quicker hang by the urban population.The E-commerce sector had made a very good use of this segment. The people In clues easy and quick access to Internet and there Is also a large use of internet found in this place. They readily and quickly accept the new trends In fashion. The latest clothing trends seen in the movie or any of the glamour world personality is rightly kept in to sell by the shopping sites like Gabon, Mantra, and Shopper's etc. For Ex-: Lean, Margins and Varian Divan these popular young superstars of plywood followed and liked youngsters were selected s brand ambassador of Gabon.Also various imitation Jewelry is being sold online keeping in mind the likings of urban ladies who enjoys wearing new patterns of jewelry. Jaywalkers. Com is an example of such a shopping site where only Jeweler Is being sold. Also in order to wait in long lines a nd going out for having your favorite fast food giants like Pizza Hut, Domino's, Sub Way and various other have enabled online ordering. The availability of the products of various International brands like Emperor Airman, Role and other luxurious brands shows the sign of success of e-commerce.Looking at the lifestyle of urban citizens who like to have dinner out every weekend the coupon's are made available at sites like Group of big v star hotels like Grand Hyatt, which offer weekends buffet dinners. Demographic Segmentation of Indian People and E-commerce In Demographic segmentation the market is segmented on the basis of the Age, Gender, Education, Religion, Nationality, Income, Social Class etc. Starting with the major head Age It has been found that it Is the young generation vastly use Internet on their laptops and mobile phones.They are also the biggest fashion crazy people OFF Gabon, Mantra and Jungle. On the basis of the gender also a separate segment for men, women and ch ildren's can be found on the sites like eBay, Amazon etc. Also there are sites like www. Sheepishness. Com are only for ladies. Keeping in mind the cultural and religious thought and its heavy impact on the Indian customers there are various products like beautiful lightings being sold at the time of dalai also colors and Pushchairs are being sold at the time of Hold.Even idols of god are being made available and the clothing at various festivals such as China Chili and Karts t the time of Invariant etc. For Ex-:Trades. Com Conclusion Various other factors that stand to the success of e-commerce in India are the positive thought in the minds of the people about the originality of the product, also giving the trial option, warranty and cash on delivery and cash back guarantee increases the faith in customers and encourage them to buy online.It has been also perceived that the online price is less as compared to the retail outlets due to the eradication of middlemen in between. Also l ooking at the rush at various public laces in cities as well as villages the government has also enabled online booking of tickets, voter ID cards and passport application facility on the internet. Anus 2-: Marketing Mix is the combination of elements of marketing and the role played by each and every element in the process of marketing There is difference in the behavior of a customer from a city and from that of a customer of a village.Product The villages buy with concept of fulfilling Just necessity and the urban people buy with the concept of fulfilling necessity and also for standard, wish, pleasure and comfort. The products that would be kept for sale in to villagers will mostly comprise of the goods related to the basic necessities such as grains, cloths and various other products that would be a part of their day today life. The products would also be such that which the villagers would easily prefer. For Ex-: The sale of olive oil would not be good in villages as compared to cities.Studies say that villages have great brand loyalty from that of cities. It is important to keep the products of customer's preference in the store. Place The villagers do not have goods means of transportation so the place to be chosen or the retail store must be near to the village as well as the place must be not far away from the main road. As the villagers own vehicles like cycle and motor cycle in due to increase in the transpiration facility and ownership of cars it is easy for them to travel a little longer distance.Price Price would play an important factor in the success of the store. The villagers earns from agriculture and other allied activities. The income of the villager is low as compared to that of an urban citizen. The purchasing power of villager is less due to his income. So it is to be kept in mind that the products to be sold must not be of high price. For this individual packets off product such as biscuits should be sold rather than that of family pa ckets. Even though they can even be reduced in a pack of 4 of 5 biscuits per pack.Promotion Promotion in villages should be done on mediums such as at bus stations, writing on the buses, radios, television etc. Personal Marketing at the time of various meals in the villages can also be very useful. Personal Marketing will have a greater impact on the village customers as all their doubts can be cleared and all the description of the reduce can be given. Also various local events like night matches which happen in villages can be sponsored. In cities the promotion can be done on internet, Railway stations and holdings.People People refer to the persons who would directly do the marketing to the village customers. It is to be kept in mind that the persons selected for personal marketing must be having additional skills like the knowing the local language of the village. It would be best if the marketing person selected would be one among the village which would help in more effective communication with the villagers. In cities it not important to find a person from the area itself and he must know any local language.Process Process is a secret key which can help in winning the minds of the customers. Suppose a customer from the buys a electronic product from the retail store and it has an onsite warranty, it needs to be registered online and there is a need of demo for the usage of the new product then the at the time of the selling the product the online warranty activation can be done at the retail shop itself, the customer can be given the facility to talk to the customer care and confirm his registration process and he demo can also be shown at the shop.As the city customers are well educated they can themselves do this by their own. Physical Evidence Physical evidence refers to the surrounding environment. It is important that the sales persons have a proper uniform look clean, they have their cards, and the store has a wider space and a good interior. Phys ical evidence is much essential in cities as the service expected by the people is more due to competition in the cities while due to less competition in the villages some of the factors like uniform and other big store space can be overlooked.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mcminn 4mat
Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Sondra Rule Liberty University Summary The author of this book Mark McMinn explains how psychology, theology, and spirituality can all be integrated into Christian counseling. He discusses the difference between the three overlapping principles. He wrote this book especially for Christian counselors, pastors, as well as students so that they may clearly understand the meaning of the three principles, allowing them to apply it to everyday problems.The main question this book poses to answer is, How does a Christian counselor integrate their faith into a counseling session in a way that can be beneficial to their clients. He discusses the problems that counselors and clients face in a counseling session and ways to improve them. Some of the ways he mentioned to improve counseling sessions were prayer, scripture, the effects of sin confession, forgiveness, and redemption. This book main purpose is to assist the counselor in integrating the three categories. He feels that if a counselor can master this, then they will be able to give their clients the very best services.The most important thing to realize is that this process will not be easy for the counselor or the client but, if done right it can be very rewarding for them both. The author starts the book by describing some of the challenges that Christian counselors encounter while trying to integrate psychology and spirituality. He explains how spirituality is different from psychology and theology by breaking it down into a simple statement, â€Å"We can become more or less competent in the spiritual disciplines, training ourselves to experience God more fully, but we can never be spiritually competent. (McMinn 2011, p. 11). He goes on to describe psychology, theology, and spirituality, how they are similar and different. His explanations are put in a way that is easy to understand, he also gives examples of how they can be applied to real life s ituations. He talks about the importance of scripture and how it can be very beneficial in a counseling session. However he does stress that clients can only be truly changed by scripture if they can carry it on outside their sessions, and make it apart of real life. Even hough it can be helpful to some it is not something that can be used with every client, it is up to the therapist to know what is best for every client. He also talks about the power of prayer. He discusses the different types of prayers and also the different situations in which each prayer is to be used. He also lets us know that prayer may not be for every client so it may not be the right technique to use in some those therapy sessions. McMinn (2011), goes on to discuss sin and the importance of looking at in with a theological perspective.If the counselor is able to get the client to really understand their sin, they can then get to a point of forgiveness. The therapist can help the client get in the best posi tion possible to accomplish forgiveness, but it is up to the client to actually forgive themselves for their sins. The author also discusses the subject of redemption and how it can be established in different therapy models; such as object relations, cognitive, and Adlerian. This was a interesting and informative book.This book was wrote to help Christians integrate spirituality into a counseling session, and to let counselors know that they can't just act one way in the office, they have to carry their spirituality outside their sessions. It is just as important for the client to know that the counselor is behaving the same way outside the office as they do when they are around. He also discussed how some counselors would like to help clients through the use of Christ, but they don't know how. The author shows how to help clients by using examples of everyday life situations.This book is a good way to help Christians add to their knowledge about Christ because their are times when we become stagnant in our growth with Christ. He includes practices for every Christian, the client, as well as the patients and the benefits for each one. McMinn 2011, lets us know that spirituality and psychology have to be used together in order for us to have a accurate sense of self, accurate awareness of need, and healing relationships. Concrete Responses After reading this book , I mostly thought about how I first integrated my faith with my personal relationships.I have been Christian for a couple of years now, but every person I get close to or friend I have are not all Christian. Therefore, I had to learn how to not let their habits influence me with what I do and say. I have friends that smoke, get drunk, curse, and many other things that I find not to be Christian behavior. These were once things that I also had taken part in, so continuing our friendship and letting go of bad habits was a struggle for me. Integrating my new life with my old life was changeling because I was always told that your are the company that you keep.I had to make sure I didn’t get myself into situations that could hurt me in the long run. I was set on continuing the friendship I had and remaining a Christian as well. I can remember the first time my faith was tested. It was around five months after I changed my life around. I was invited to go out to the movies and out to eat with a big group of friends. Being that it was only a dinner and a movie, I assumed it would be okay. The night started off really well, we went to see a really great movie and we all were having a good time.Following the movie, we went out o eat, everyone ordered alcohol to drink including myself. I do drink occasionally but it is never something heavy and never more than one small glass. After ordering our drinks and food, I began to feel pressured by them because they were getting drunk and they wanted me to get drunk as well. I told them that I am not the same person I use to be, I will n ot let the devil control my life. After eating they wanted to take the party to the next level and start smoking. When I realized what was about to happen, I decided to remove myself from the equation before something happens I will regret.That experience taught me that I can still have my friends but we can’t hangout as much as we use too. It may be challenging but integrating my faith with my personal life can be done just as well as psychology, theology, and spirituality can be integrated into counseling. Reflection This was a very well written book. It answers the question â€Å"How can a counselor integrate psychology, theology, and spirituality into their counseling sessions. The author discusses the importance of integrating spirituality into counseling, and steps to take in order to ensure its success.The author also stressed the value of prayer in and out a counseling session and how to introduce it as a part of the session to the client. This book brings up questio ns such as, How can psychology, theology, and spirituality truly be integrated into counseling sessions with non Christian counselors and Christian clients. If spirituality is what is best for the client, how does a non Christian counselor help them without recommending a more qualified counselor. there is also the question of not confronting the sin.It would always be more helpful for a sin to be confronted so that the client knows that what they are doing is wrong and they should then be counseled in moving on from this sin and taking the necessary steps to ensure that sin is excluded from their lives. Others than that, this book was a very positive book. Learning how to help others with prayer, scriptures, psychology, theology is very rewarding. Knowing the steps to take in order to ensure as successful counseling session is also something that this book discussed, which is very helpful for therapist. ActionAfter reading this book, and learning how to better integrate psychology, theology, and spirituality into counseling; it has been easier to help those in need such as a friend, family member, or client. NO when a person is in need of guidance or assistance with a problem, their will be a set of tools set aside that ensures they are helped in the best way possible. Encouraging the client to include spirituality into their counseling session can be tough at times, especially if they are not Christian but by using the tools taught in this book, it can be achieved.Changes concerning counseling and helping those in need of guidance has become a lot better. Before this book, integrating Christianity into counseling was a challenge. However through gaining a better understanding of psychology, theology, and spirituality, it was made clearer how to integrate the three into a counseling session that could be beneficial to every client if used correctly. This book shows how important it is to have a spiritual aspect in a counseling session.How it can be so helpful in helping a client if this is what they want. And how it can totally change a person’s life. Having a good relationship with God is all we need in order to make it day to day. Whatever problems we have can be brought to Jesus because he is the healer o all problems. Having a good counselor who can introduce or help grow you knowledge concerning Jesus is a good step in the right direction. Reference McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. Tyndale house Publishers.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Tag Lines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tag Lines - Essay Example As businesses have become highly competitive in today’s world so it has become very important for organizations to differentiate themselves from the other competing products in the market. Logos and tag lines are ways with which organizations differentiate their products and services in the market. Logos and tag lines are used everywhere by the organization; these two things are used in the packaging material, letter heads, invoices, business cards, shopping bags, flyers, brochures and therefore it is important that the logo and tag line of the company should be good and attractive enough to catch the attention of the audience (Davis, 2005). One of the most important aspects of logo and taglines is that it is used to communicate the audience about the offerings of the company and how the company or the product can help the customer. An attractive logo along with a catchy and engaging tag line can make the customer think of buying the product or service whereas a dull and boring logo might not entice the customer to buy or purchase the product or service in fact it can influence the buying decision of the individual (Verhoef, & Leeflang 2009). There are many things that the management has to look at while designing the logo and thinking about the tag line of the company. Some of the most important things that the management needs to look at include the target market, the kind of products and services the company is offering, the visual and look of the logo, combination of right colors and fonts so that the logo and tag line look attractive and eye catchy, the culture and image of the company and there can be several other factors. However it is important that the final visual and look of the logo is pleasing and attractive enough to grab the attention of the audience. Tag lines should be catchy enough that it positively influences the buying decision of the individual. Logo and tag lines
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Managing Change Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Managing Change - Research Proposal Example n being that, with change a company gains new perspectives on its operations, develops new ways of managing itself which are intended to make a positive impact. Several organizations go through various types of changes, either as dictated by their markets or their own growth definitions. Examples of common changes are such as: Changes in a company’s corporate strategies, privatization of a company, merging or internalization and such. In these changes, a company will tend to focus on how it will grow and be able to get high returns in revenue. Other than revenue, focus may be on employee relations, management structuring, and market target and competitively in market space. Fitting into these changes will often be dependent on the reason for making the changes. In situations where companies are forced to make changes, there is usually difficulty in adjusting to their new environment. Difficulties in adjusting may hinder company growth and performance in achieving the goals set. However, a company’s management may actively be involved in the process, making every employee fit in to the changes occurring. The following proposal will cover a case on The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The GCC covered banks in six countries – Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The reason for choosing the GCC as the case for this assignment is from the recent trends in the organization. In the recent years, banks in in the above named countries have started to change their mode of operation. The change has greatly been influenced by economic forces surrounding this countries. That is, taking an example of a bank in the GCC, the traditional way of operation focused on oil-driven markets and governmental organizations. Telecommunications, tourism and other government based organizations had taken over the markets in the countries mentioned above. Banks would focus on these areas, ignoring other emerging and potential economic areas. In the recent
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