Saturday, August 31, 2019
Paul of Tarsus
Paul of Tarsus or Saint Paul is considered by many Christians today to be the most important disciple of Jesus, and beside this the second important found in the development of Christianity. Saint Paul had a major impact on the spread of Christianity, contributing to the underlying unity of the religious tradition by helping expand Jesus’ original teachings into a developed integrated belief system. The reason why Paul of Tarsus was one of the most significant persons in Christianity is because of his contributions of the development of Christianity, establishing it as a destructive and flourishing tradition. Some of Paul’s contributions were his missionary journeys. Paul’s mission journeys are best understood as systematic plan to take Christianity to Gentiles. His Roman citizenship helped him in considering how widespread Christianity could be. The Christian missions as the disciples understood it was a Jewish mission; the preparations for the end of time involved only the chosen people. Paul’s great innovation was the successful expansion of the Christian mission to include Gentiles; in the end, this was why Christianity survived as a religion. Paul’s Missionary Journeys worksheet). Although many of Paul’s teachings have been contributed in the formation of Christianity, his teachings have also caused many controversies for the faith. This started with his controversial championing of the Gentiles but also caused other strong divisions in early Christianity. Other elements of Paul’s teachings eventually stimulated the Reformation- the pre-emine nt schism in the history of Christianity. In addition, still others of Paul’s words cause controversy for the modern Christian Church in ‘his’ insistence on a subservient role for women and his condemnation of homosexuality. As a member of the Hellenic world, Paul recognised the relevance of the message of Christianity beyond the Jewish faith. He became an advocate for the inclusion of the Gentiles among the true followers of Christianity. Until Paul’s challenge, Jewish Christians believed that non-Jews had to convert to Judaism and follow the law, which included restrictions and circumcision. Gentiles who worship in the synagogue but did not become proselytes were called god-fearers and were only second-class citizens in the synagogue. As the Gentiles did not follow kashruth, many Christian Jews refused to eat with Christian Gentiles, believing them to be unclean and not acceptable. This had implications for church fellowship and for the ritual celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Paul challenged this belief, (Galatians 2: 11-14) most strongly at the Council of Jerusalem in 50 CE. This lead to the decision by the early Christian leaders to enable Gentiles as well as Jews to be followers of Jesus of Nazareth and to call themselves Christians. Permitting freedom from the laws of kashruth and circumcision allowed Christianity to spread more freely amongst the Gentiles and is why Paul is so significant today. (Christianity vs. Judaism worksheet). Paul’s writings on social issues were just as influential on the life and beliefs of the Christian culture, and are still considered part and parcel of the broader Christian doctrine by the more conservative Christians. Paul condemned sexual immorality; homosexuality in particular, apparently based on the strict moral laws of the Old Testament, as well as presumably his own private revelation form the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:9f; Eph, 5:21-33). Some of his other dictums included device to his contemporaries not to marry in the expectation of the near return of Jesus and the Apocalypse; and the command to young men who have trespassed by sleeping with a woman to marry her, a notion that remained prominent in the European culture and the English Common Law until relatively recently. His statements are also apparently critical of women holding visible roles in church leadership. Paul may have been ambivalent towards slavery, saying that pending the near return of Jesus, people should focus on their faith and not on their social status (1 Cor. 7:21f). Due to his authority, these views have had an influence in Western society into modern times; Paul’s failure to explicitly condemn slavery in his Epistle to Philemon may have been sometimes interpreted as justifying the ownership of human beings. Paul of Tarsus helped extend Christianity and had a greater impact on the early religion than anyone else. His connections and Roman citizenship allowed him to spread the Gospel more easily. His wealth helped the poor, which provided good public relations. Paul's rejection of circumcision and founding of the Roman church allowed the religion to thrive and survive the Jewish Revolt. This significance made Christianity become a separate faith shaped by Paul’s vision of salvation through the Risen Savior, which helped with the expression and development of Christianity today. Although not of all Paul’s letter are established as being from the hand of Paul, all of them show the dominance of his theory. Each of Paul’s letters shared a common purpose- uniting the new believers behind a common theology. Paul was excited about being able to minister at last in this church, and everyone was well aware of that fact (Romans 1:8-15). The letter to the Romans was written from Corinth; however, the significance of Romans if far greater than its relevance just to that city. The Book of Romans is primarily a work of doctrine and can be divided into four sections: righteousness needed, 1:18–3:20; righteousness provided, 3:21–8:39; righteousness vindicated, 9:1–11:36; righteousness practiced, 12:1–15:13. Paul first condemns all men of their sinfulness. He expresses his desire to preach the truth of God’s Word to those in Rome. It was his hope to have assurance they were staying on the right path. He strongly points out that the gospel (Romans 1:16) is the power by which everyone is saved outlining his belief in the risen Christ. The Book of Romans speaks about God, who He is, and what He has done, of Jesus Christ, and what His death accomplished. Paul points out that God did not demand men have their lives straightened out before coming to Christ. From this letter Paul purpose in writing was to proclaim the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ by teaching doctrine and edifying and encourage the believers who would receive his letter. These principles remain at the core of Christian teaching today, partly due to the forces into which Paul presented them.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Collaboration and Communication in Business
Increasingly, employees are in jobs where interaction is their primary value-adding activity (Laudon & Laudon, p. 90). List and describe collaboration and communication tools that you use regularly. How do they improve your work both in terms of the process and the product? What is the approach that organisations could adopt in relation to these tools to improve organisational performance?Fortunately (or unfortunately), I have been working with the same organization for the last 19 years. As a result, I have been witness to the evolution of my organization globally in terms of being â€Å"tech savvy†towards effective use of communication and collaboration tools. In my opinion, the more the business is facing turbulence in terms of market and/ or competitors, the higher the need emerges for collaboration and communication.In the good old days of 90’s, when we used to do business in countries, with little or insufficient IT infrastructure and capabilities, we used to sti ll manage effectively the customer relationships and profitability of the business through telecommunication links like fax and telephones as well as F2F meetings with the stakeholders involved. Somehow, it appeared to be relatively easier to make business dealings under such circumstances.Although, it is worth mentioning, that the core value proposition of the products and/ or services during those times were considered by our customes, to be due to the high technology and streamlined product development processes of our company. With the advent of internet as a viable channel of communication and information sharing and the diversification of business into different market segments and geographical regions, it became imperative for the organization to look for easier ways of communication and collaboration.Moreover, the decline of experts with know-how or knowledge of the entire value chain of the product/ service, also calls for involvement of experts with specific domain knowled ge, who need to communicate and collaborate on a regular basis, within the framework of certain rules. Starting from end nineties, we started using Lotus Notes as one-stop tool for both communication and collaboration. Since this was primarily driven by the operational level, lots of other strategic and operational tools for communication and collaboration were built around this tool. However, due to various reasons like re-organisation, diversification, cquisitions etc, this tool went on to assume a mammoth shape, lost connectivity to more up-to-date state of the art tools and was dragging down the business globally in terms of communication and collaboration. Moreover, the hierarchy of the organization was also responsible for taking a pragmatic approach towards decommissioning of this tool and creating a more flexible IT architecture, which can be agile and can integrate with state of the art tools across the various areas of business like marketing, product development, product delivery, logistics and supply chain and after sales services to customers.In the last 2 years our organization has moved to MS based office tool suite including tools for communication and collaboration. The legacy systems of LN are getting decommissioned and huge LN DB’s were converted and transferred to more easily manageable and accessible DB systems. Right now we are using Passport based tool suites where individual applications communicate with each other and augment the ongoing, required collaboration among the various entities of the organization.It is true that most part of the organization is adding value to the communication flow through the effective use of tools, but at the same time, more emphasis is put on sharing and storing key, useful information to be used by anybody in the organization, who may need it, e. g. by creating internal blogs or Wikis with managers motivating and/ or incentivizing information and know-how sharing. Useful collaborative tools like Live Meeting, Telepresence etc can ensure participation from different locations at different time zones, sharing the same level and content of information.Collaboration, the ability to work together especially in business is raising key concerns for organizations taking on new approaches to improve performance and outcomes. Because leaders are looking for positive signs that acquiring collaboration tools will impact the bottom line, an organization may also need to consider its communication and collaboration practices. According to research and best practices, the combination of several factors may help steer collaboration to achieve business results, through empowerment, culture, and technology.Some practical examples of each of these factors that are causing collaboration to work in business are mentioned below: Empowering People through Communication and Collaboration Empowerment is a form of approval for individuals and teams to make decisions. Starting with executive collabor ation, key leaders of your organization may need to support shared goals for empowering people if they don’t already, through communication and collaboration. The reality of collaboration for leadership is through empowerment.By embracing a model of operational coordination across teams and departments, collaboration can basically drive motivation and engagement. In Harvard Business Review’s Aligning Strategy with Technology, the chapter â€Å"Empowered†dives into an example of empowered sales teams to develop sales solutions using video at Black & Decker. Video as a communication form is extremely popular. Because of the complexity of Black & Decker’s many different products, the sales staff is able to document challenges in the field and quickly communicate how power tools are used on job sites.As the authors Josh Bernoff and Ted Schadler pointed out, these useful bits of information also benefit senior management, corporate marketing, and public relat ions. Bernoff and Schadler use the phrase â€Å"highly empowered and resourceful operatives†– dubbed HEROs as characteristic of empowered teams like this example at Black & Decker. In fact, the authors’ research study shows a high proportion of information workers, by industry and job type, especially marketing & sales in technical products and services that are empowered to create similar customer solutions.Creating Value in Collaborative Culture The collaborative culture of an organization stems from its’ shared beliefs, values, and business practices. Author and business consultant, Evan Rosen says collaboration is about creating value. In Bloomberg Businessweek, Evan Rosen emphasizes every worker contributes knowledge to the business. Using an example at Dow Chemical, he writes, â€Å"The day’s sales and inventory numbers are shared with everybody in the company, including the people doing the heaving lifting on the front lines.Dow acknowledg es that people will do a better job when they know their actions contribute or detract from business results. †Taking a step further, former CEO of Campbell Soup, Doug Conant, is famous for handwritten notes to employees celebrating their contributions. Recognition through these and other high value communication practices further strengthens a collaborative culture. Establishing a Technological Framework for Collaboration Collaboration tools essentially provide a technological framework to enable people and groups to work together.But adding new collaboration tools into the enterprise does not change things overnight. Where does an organization begin to design a technological framework? A gap analysis of workflows is often necessary and can help in redesigning processes. Furthermore, an organization’s specific data, based on activity in the organizational network, including sales, customer services and support, product development, and even external resources, can be collected, analyzed, and better routed to teams.This social intelligence can help everyone be informed. Tony Zingale, CEO, of Jive Software ‘sees change the way work gets done’ – referring to the communication and interactivity of social software like Jive. And reports are showing cost efficiencies, speed to market, and greater pool of ideas and innovation through collaboration, which are passed on to the customer through cost savings and better products.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The 5 P’s of International Business
If you're wondering why nations trade with each other. It's because of the 5 P's: Product, Price, Proximity Promotion, and Preference. Product No country can produce all its own goods and services, a trade is obvious solution. A country's resources determine what goods and services it can produce. PriceDue to wages, taxes, fuel and other transportation costs, the costs of producing various goods from country to country may vary. Businesses in foreign countries may be able to produce products cheaper, which they can sell their products at a lower price at Canada. ProximityBorder cities such as Windsor and Ontario are tremendously influenced by their American counterparts. Businesses from both sides of the border share and exchange goods and services. Promotion With global technology such as the internet, business can let people far away know about the goods and services they are selling.Factoring Affecting The Flow Of Goods ; ServicesConsumer Needs and IncomesThe amount of money that consumers have to spend has a direct impact on the flow of goods and services in a country. In some parts in the world some people have a lot of money to spend while in other places people's income barely cover basic needs. Currency Values Most nations have their own kind of currency. The exchange rate refers to the value of one's country' currency against the currencies of other countries. It helps determine how much we pay for imported goods and services and how much we receive for what we export. When the Canadian dollars falls, imported goods become more expensive, and we tend to reduce the volume of our imports. How To Convert To Other CurrenciesConverting Canadian To Another Currency:Canadian dollar is trading at 80 US Cents How many US dollars will purchase $40 worth of Canadian products?Amount = Fund x Rate1 Can = 0.8 US1 x 40 Can = 0.8 x 40 US40 Can = 32 US$32 American to buy $40 worth of Canadian products.Converting Another Currency To Canadian:Given that the Canadian dollar is trading at 90 US cents. How many Canadian dollars will purchase $70 worth of American products?Amount = 1 divide Rate x Fund1 Can = 0.9 US1 divide 0.9 CAN = 0.9 divide 0.9 US1.11 x 70 Can = 1 x 70 US77.78 CAN = 70 US$77.78 Canadian to buy $70 worth of American products.Advantages And Disadvantages Of International BusinessAdvantages: increased markets for businessesa broader choice of products, services, and prices for consumerscreate jobsexchange knowledge which results in new approaches to production, marketing, and selling.political benefits: partners in trade seldom go to war with each otherimprove understandingincrease the level of respect people have for one another. Disadvantages: less money to spend on domestic goodsnew industries will not be able to compete with well-established industries in other countriesunfair competition due to cheap foreign labourcompetition from foreign enterprises may lead to losing of jobsBarriers To International BusinessTariffCountries place a tax called a tariff on-in-coming goods to protect domestic manufacturing. A tariff barrier slows the entry of foreign goods by making them more expensive.QuotaThis is a limit on the number of products in a category that can come into a country. The quota on clothing and textile import.EmbargoEmbargo is a complete stop to the transfer goods and it is often used as a form of political or social protest. Health and Safety Standards Countries can set such high health and safety standards for imported goods that it becomes more difficult for foreign competitors to enter the market. Trade Agreement & PactsOne of the earliest trade agreements the GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) brought over 100 major trading nations in 1947.It was based on 3 major principles:equal non-discriminatory treatment for all member nationsgeneral reduction of tariffsthe eliminations of non-tariff barriers
Philosophy of Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Philosophy of Language - Essay Example the study of meaning conveyed with its help. And it was in this aspect of his scholarly activity that contributions of Frege are perhaps the most wide-ranging. Indeed, Frege defined the majority of the primary problems that the philosophy of language had to surmount, formulated most of the fundamental concepts and theories in this field, and set new methodological standards of academic scrutiny for the philosophy of language. On ground of all this, the modern philosophy of language has even been likened to footnotes to ideas of Frege. Of course, already before Frege language was viewed as an indispensable tool employed by our memory to record our thoughts and used as a means of expression of our thoughts to people via verbal communication. But in the end of the nineteenth century some philosophers started to perceive language in an even more fundamental way - as a tool without the understanding of which it is impossible to tackle existing conceptual and ontological problems. It was i n this respect that Frege offered a variety of new insights into the functioning of language and its true significance. He was advancing the view that the very human thought as such is influenced by language as a form of symbolic interaction, and as he was interested in the study of the structure of the human thought he was naturally bound to closely analyse language. This is why we may find in his works so many fine observations that aim to uncover the most elementary principles of language usage (Weiner 2004, pp.1-6, 159-165). One of such subtle themes in works of Frege is his account of indirect speech, which holds an important place within his scholarly system where every seemingly minor linguistic mechanism matters. Let us overview his analysis of indirect speech and try through its critical evaluation to find out whether Frege gives an adequate account of it. First of all, to understand the place of the analysis of indirect speech in the works of Frege we should provide a proper context for its complete understanding. For Frege one of the motivating sources of his linguistic investigations was the dilemma represented by the fact that while language is necessary for us to be able to generate meaningful thoughts, it is at the same time the barrier for the adequate expression of thoughts because, being a sensible entity, language is used to express insensible thoughts. To find a proper reference point for the judgement on the matter of the possible interrelation that may exist between thought and language, Frege formulated two important concepts that lie at the point of intersection between them. The first such concept is the so-called sense that is contained in each expression. Sense of an expression relates to the specific way of formulation of description of an object, conception, or function that a certain sentence aims to describe. We m ay liken the notion of sense to the question 'how' is something expressed in a sentence. Another crucial concept of Frege is the notion of significance, or reference, of an expression, which is the actual object, conception, or function that that expression aims to represent. Similarly, we may liken the notion of reference to the question 'what' does a sentence attempt to tell us. Now, with the help of those two approaches to the analysis of information contained in a particular sentence we can establish that for every meaningful expression there can be only one reference, while there can be different senses that may be used to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Managing Environmental Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managing Environmental Issues - Research Paper Example In the pharmaceutical industry companies depend on earth’s natural resources to develop drugs used to treat diseases. Tropical rainforest are hotspots that drug companies target due to their diversity of plants and animals. The world’s largest rainforest is the Amazon located in Brazil. In these lands many instances tribal community still exist. These communities value the land and ecosystem they live in. They have used plant extracts for centuries to treat sick people. The scenario discussed in this paper deals with a company that needs to strike a deal with the government of Kenya and a tribal community to establish a drug manufacturing plant. The paper will analyze the different stakeholders, their ethical perspectives, compelling priorities, and environmental justice. Environmental justice first appeared in the 1980s (Answers, 2010). The company that wants to establish a manufacturing operation in the Aberdares Mountains, Kenya is Colney & Pitts. Colney and Pitts represent one of the stakeholders. Their intention is develop a plan for the Kikuyu tribe and conservation of the forest. The ethical perspectives that Colney & Pitts follows is an ethical extensionism. This perspective is a bridge between non-anthropocentric and anthropocentric. Anthropocentric means that humans dominate the natural environment. The industrial intention of the firm makes them a bit anthropocentric, but their vision and understanding is non-anthropocentric. Sharon Cruzan, vice president of strategic planning, is the player from Colney & Pitts that will deal with the negotiations. She was given a budget of $250,000 to help the tribe and protect the forest. The specific tree that the company is targeting is called the Prunus Africana. The firm wants to make drugs with use of the plant to battle prostate diseases. The global population of prostate patients is an external stakeholder. Their
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Coursework for Critical and Postmodern Theories of Organizations Essay
Coursework for Critical and Postmodern Theories of Organizations - Essay Example critical ideas have offered scepticism regarding the moral defensibility and the social and ecological sustainability of prevailing conceptions and forms of management in an organization. The critical ideas have focussed much on the social injustice and environmental destructiveness of the social and economic systems that managers and firms serve and reproduce hence changing the way the managers behave. In determination of how critical ideas have changed the way managers behave in an environment, I have to analyze a critical communication theory. A critical communication theory was developed to ensure that financial health and stability of a corporation while increasing the representation of the employees and their human interests. The proponents of critical ideologies explain the difference between managerial control and co-determination. They argue that strategy of managers is the overt managerial move to extend control. In this sense, employers try to put their employees in a set routine without the employees realizing it hence this restricts the employees and doesn't allow them to express their feelings or thoughts (Alvesson 1996). In this theory, it is argued that consent is the convert control without objection hence it is where the employees know about the routine and realize they are working in an environment that restricts them but does it willingly or at least for understandable reasons. On the other hand, involvement is the free expression of ideas and these ideas come from the corporation and its managers. They argue that the employees are involved only because they want to make sure their grievances are heard and managers see this as a chance for the employees to blow off some steam. However, the voice of the employees can only be heard when they go from involvement to participation hence participation is where employees have a chance to speak their minds and ideas. They argue that it is only through this that the employees can take pride in their work and have company loyalty (Horrocks, 2009). From the above, it is obvious that a manager who adopts these ideas would include the employees in the decision making of the company since he would want to avoid publicity through anti- management riots and media focus. The ideals in this theory are more socialist as opposed to capitalist hence if a manager adopts them; employees would determine much how the company works. Therefore a critical theory approach explores ways to ensure financial health of institutions while also increasing the representation of diverse human interests. From this, organizations are regarded as political as well as financial institutions. These ideas also show how communication practices often distort decision- making within institutions. These ideas have made the managers to change their behaviours in the way they carry out their managerial responsibilities. The theory has also considered the corporate colonization of everyday life through intrusive prese nce of big corporations, concentration in a few brands, media pre occupation with corporate health more than indices of social health and a decrease in the quality of life. This theory thus
Monday, August 26, 2019
Would Tom Sawyer Have Been Prescribed Ritalin Essay
Would Tom Sawyer Have Been Prescribed Ritalin - Essay Example As the discussion highlights obviously, lack of control leads to decrease in the discipline. The diagnosis itself is relative because the border between impulsive personality and disorder is defined by the community. In the UK and Japan, the definition of impulsive personality seems to be broader because children in these countries are prescribed Ritalin not so often. While some doctors give to their patients more and more Ritalin prescriptions, others state that children can do without it because this drug serves as a â€Å"quick-fix†of the problem which does not cope with its causes. In this debate, I agree with Dr. Diller that better parental care and less pressure can result in better discipline and Tow Sawyer will live without Ritalin. The biggest problem children face in their life is represented by various demands. Children are required to be obedient; they have to meet different standards, pass various tests and participate in boring activities. These demands can caus e bad and impulsive behavior in children. It is not a disorder, but a logical reaction of a person to the situation when people are forced to do something they totally dislike. If children misbehave at school they do not necessarily have ADHD; it is possible that they cannot concentrate on tasks which do not fit their personality. The biggest pressure at school is the need for high performance. When I studied at school, my parents always wanted me to be the best in the class. When I was worse than other kids, they tended to push on my forcing me to study something I disliked. I cannot say that their efforts were effective because they only destroyed my desire to learn the subjects where I could not succeed. Different studies show that Ritalin does help to concentrate on boring tasks, but it is helpless at improving
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Real Estate Essay
Impact of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Real Estate Firms Listed In Chinese Stock Exchange - Essay Example Since the real estate industry is capital intensive, a firm’s capital structure greatly impacts on its financial performance. Capital structures dictate the financial ratios of these companies and subsequently these ratios are used to determine a firm’s performance. In addition, the capital structure of these real estate firms also determines the extent of ownership by different shareholders. The study determined that the profitability and the debt levels of the twenty selected firms have an inverse relationship. It can as well be concluded that the capital structure affects the growth rate of these firms. This means that real estate firms in China that post high profits in their financial statements have financial debts that are lower that the industry’s average. In this regard, managements of real estate firms in China prefer capital structures that attract low costs of debt and will have minimal adverse effect on the firms’ performance in terms of profi tability and capitalization. According to the results of the analysis, high debt means high interest payments and this has a direct effect on the firms’ profitability and subsequently the firms’ Earnings per Share. The major factor that influenced capital structures of the twenty firms under this study is that the real industry shifted to the Chinese capital market for capital sourcing since privatization of state owned corporations. This study used an inductive approach on the twenty selected listed real estate companies in the methodology section. The quantitative methods objectively determine the impact of capital structure on the performance of the 20 selected and listed real estate firms. The reason for was because listed firms are regulated and they represent the best samples that would give reliable results for this study. However, the study would have given better results if a larger sample was used for this study and more time allocated for analysis. These
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ethics Article Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics Article Analysis - Research Paper Example These code of ethics help to ensure that the individuals who control the company’s infrastructure are recognizing their duties when it comes to financial decision making. Moreover these ethics greatly help in helping these individuals to take proper financial decisions in the business. Within a company a code of ethics is developed to which every individual of the company has to abide. However in some situations the code of ethics is not followed by the newer employees and they tend to break the codes. This in turn violates the code of ethics and the financial decisions become distorted. An example can be cited here about the senior financial officers who are already working in the company. These financial officers know that the information of the company should be kept confidential whereas if a new financial officer comes and he is unaware of the fact he might the leak the information out. And because of this leakage the financial decisions now taken would be not that effecti ve. Similarly the code of ethics also mandates it on the employees that they do not use the resources of the company inefficiently. However the company cannot measure all the minute activities of these employees and in order to abide by the code of ethics a company would be forced to involve more finances towards the check and balance of employees. While making financial decisions in compliance with the ethics it is necessary to see that the individuals who are involved do not have any personal or professional relationship with the issue. This can affect the financial decision making as the individuals who would have personal gains would tend to distort important information about the company. Financial Executives International is a company which abides by the code of ethics. `The company involves these ethics in all the financial processes that it implements. The company strictly follows these code of ethics and makes sure that all the positive cash flow is achieved after
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Hecksher Ohlin Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Hecksher Ohlin Theory - Essay Example The Hecksher - Ohlin model developed by Eli Hecksher and Bertil Ohlin in the 1920s, explores the possibility of two nations operating at the same level of efficiency, benefiting by trading with each other. The H-O model incorporates a number of realistic characteristics of production that are left out of the simple Ricardo's model. Recall that in the simple Ricardo's model only one factor of production, labor, is needed to produce goods and services (Krugman, 1997). The productivity of labor is assumed to vary across countries, which implies a difference in technology between nations. It was the difference in technology that motivated advantageous international trade in the model (Suranovic, 2003). According to the Hecksher-Ohlin Theory, capital refers to the physical machines and equipment that is used in production. Thus, machine tools, conveyers, trucks, forklifts, computers, office buildings, office supplies, and much more, is considered capital. All productive capital must be owned by someone. In a capitalist economy most of the physical capital is owned by individuals and businesses. In a socialist economy productive capital would be owned by the government. ... This model makes the following assumptions: 1. There are no obstructions to trade i.e. no trade controls, transport costs etc. 2. Both commodity and factor markets are perfectively competitive. 3. There are constant returns to scale. 4. Both the countries have the same technology and hence operate at the same level of efficiency. 5. There are two factors of production - labor and capital. Both are perfectly immobile in inter-country transfers, but perfectly mobile in inter-sector transfers. According to this theory, there are two types of products - labor intensive and capital intensive. Two countries operating at the same level of efficiency can, and do, benefit from trade due to the differences in their factor endowments. The labor-rich country is likely to produce labor-intensive goods, while the country rich in capital is likely to produce capital-intensive goods. The two countries will then trade I these goods and reap the benefits of international trade. The Hecksher-Ohlin model has also got some drawbacks. First and foremost, it assumes that factor endowments remain constant but they can be developed through innovation (Jain, 2000). Second, with many countries imposing minimum wage laws, factor prices may change to an extent, that a labor-rich country may find it cheaper to import labor-intensive goods than to produce them locally. An economist named Wassily Leontief has pointed out that, the exports of United States were more labor-intensive than capital-intensive despite that fact that the United States is a capital-rich country. It is worth emphasizing here a fundamental distinction between the Hecksher-Ohlin model and the Ricardian model. Whereas the Ricardian model assumes that production technologies differ
Thursday, August 22, 2019
McCain Foods Essay Example for Free
McCain Foods Essay 1. Which four Ps make up the marketing mix? Answer: †¢ Product †¢ Price †¢ Place †¢ Promotion †¢ Product this has to look and taste good and be made from wholesome ingredients. †¢ Price the price has to be attractive to ensure enough sales to generate a profit. †¢ Place the place and position of the product in the market is important to compete for market share. †¢ Promotion this has to fit the company’s objectives for the product. 2. Explain the different product categories in the Boston Matrix. Why is this a useful tool for businesses? Answer: The Boston Matrix identifies four types in a company’s product portfolio: †¢ Stars. These products have a high market share in markets that are growing quickly. For example, the Playstation was a star when it was first introduced into the games market. †¢ Question Marks. These products have a low market share in a growing market. Costs are more than returns as the company tries to increase market share. An example of a Question Mark could be a newly launched fashion item or a new car model. †¢ Cash Cows. These products have high market share in established markets, for example, cornflakes in the breakfast cereals market. †¢ Dogs. These products have low market share in a low growth market. A company may look to get rid of these products or invest in marketing to improve sales. For example, DVD recorders have replaced video recorders 3. Analyse how McCain Foods’ promotional strategies tie in with its message ‘It’s All Good’. Answer: Promotion A further demonstration of the ‘It’s All Good’ ethos is McCain Foods’ ethical stance on promotion. McCain makes a Commitment not to advertise to children under 12 years old. It also ensures that the retail labeling on its products carries clear information on levels of fat, saturated fat, salt and sugar to help shoppers choose healthier options. Its labeling is in line with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) traffic light scheme and the food industry’s Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA). McCain also takes part in different types of sponsorship, such as: †¢ TV show Family Fortunes. This brings the McCain brand to a wide audience through a popular family programme. †¢ McCain Athletics Networks which encourage young people to get involved in the sport through local clubs. This further supports the company’s approach to balancing calories in with calories out. 4. Consider other promotional strategies McCain could use and say whether they are above- or below-the-line. Answer: Above-the-line promotion is paid for and includes traditional advertising routes such as television, radio and the press. These are good for carrying marketing messages to a large audience. However,it is less easy to measure the impact of these channels, for example, whether a TV advert has increased sales. Special displays or positioning in stores or advertising on supermarket trolleys are also examples of McCain’s above-the-line promotional activity. Below-the-line promotion can take many forms and is usually more under the control of the business. Typical examples include events or direct mail. McCain uses a combination of below-theline activities including: †¢ door-to-door leaflet drops or books of vouchers which give customers discounts over a period of time. These help to attract consumers and establish brand loyalty so the consumer buys the product again. †¢ email newsletter for consumers. This creates a relationship with consumers, which is unusual for a B2B organisation. It not only allows McCain to communicate directly with and listen to consumers, it also enables the business to collect information, for example, about their lifestyles and product choices. This is used for feedback, research and promotions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Plantation Crops and the Slavery System Essay Example for Free
Plantation Crops and the Slavery System Essay Plantation crops and the slavery system changed between 1800 and 1860 because of the industrial revolution. After the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, the Southern states were granted freedom to decide about the legality of slavery. At this point in time, the cotton production was very low and there were around 700,000 slaves in the whole country. Cotton changed the course of the American economic and racial future, because of the mass production of textiles. The cotton quantities increased considerably. The South was producing and exporting over sixty- seven percent of the world’s cotton by 1840 which gave the region strong economic power. As the cotton production continued to grow it required more manpower or slaves. The supply of slaves needed for growing of such production was restricted, making slaves more valuable resulting in the domestic slave trade. The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise during the 1800 and 1860, which resulted in white planters looking for new slaves in the upper South states. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) â€Å"For white planters, the interstate trade in slaves was lucrative; it pumped money into the declining Chesapeake economy and provided young workers for the expanding plantations of the cotton belt. For blacks, it was a traumatic journey, a new Middle Passage that broke up their families and communities. â€Å"Arise, Arise and weep no more, dry up your tears; we shall part no more,†the slaves sing hopefully as they journey to new lives in Tennessee.†(Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 358) The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise operating through a coastal and inland. The coastal system sent slaves to the sugar plantations in Louisiana and the inland to cotton plantations. The domestic slave trade was crucial for the prosperity of the southern economy. It was an important resource to raise money and help support the economy of the Upper South. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) References Henretta, J. A., Edwards, R., Self, R. O. (2012). America: A Concise History, Volume One: To 1877, 5th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.
A Raisin in the Sun the American Dream
A Raisin in the Sun the American Dream Abstract The American is defined by reaching the top no matter who you are or where you come from. In the ‘50s this dream revolved around materialistic values. This play focuses on a family with each member having a different dream and their journey as an African Americans. Walter, Mamas son learns the meaning of pride and keeping what his father has earned is more important than money. The play focuses on supporting each other through rough times and learning to love. In the end, they achieve their American dream despite the color of their skin. A Raisin in the sun The American Dream The American dream in the 50s was close to materialism. The ownership of consumer goods was believed to bring joy into a familys life. This stereotypical view governs the dream of one of the main characters in Lorraine Hansberrys play. The title of the play is based on â€Å"Harlem†by Langston Hughes, a poem that raises a question about a dream that is deferred. â€Å"Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or does it explode?†(Rampersad, 1995, pg. 426) There are three main characters and all three of them of have dreams that have been prolonged for too long. A Raisin in the Sun is about the rocky journey they go through to acquire their dreams. The Youngers family has just received a $10,000 dollar check for their dead fathers life insurance policy. They live in a two bedroom apartment on the black side of town in Chicago. Racial prejudices against blacks in that era and a low income are the root of conflict in the family. Mama, deceased Mr. Youngers widow wishes to buy a house and fulfill the dream she once saw with her husband. Beneatha, Mamas daughter, hopes to find her identity through looking towards true African heritage. Walter, Mamas son, wishes to one day become rich. He wants to replenish his marriage and provide his son with all the opportunities he never had growing up. Walter wants to invest money in the liquor business with a few of his friends. Although the idea appalls Mama at first, she trusts and supports her son with his decision. The night before making the investment Walter tells his son about the business transaction he about to make while tucking him into bed. He tells the little boy that their lives will change soon and paints an elaborate and vivid picture of the future. He tells his son that when hes seventeen years old hell come home and park the Chrysler in the driveway. The gardener will greet him and when hes inside the house hell kiss his wife and come up to his sons room to see him browsing through brochures of the best colleges in America. He then tells his son that he will give him whatever he wants. Although Walter is somewhat materialistic in what he wants at the core he just wants a happy family and a son who should have all the chances he never had. During this time Mama buys a house to fulfill the dream she saw with her hu sband; the only one she can afford is in a white suburban neighborhood. Mr. Lindner a man from the neighborhood comes to the Younger house trying to convince them to not destroy the white community. He offers a lot of money in exchange for their acceptance. Meanwhile Walter looses all the money he has invested in the liquor store because I friend has run away with it. When he looses the majority of their financial resources the entire family falls into a deeper level of depression. At this time, Walter decides to take the money the white man has to offer. The thought of selling away their right vexes Mama, Walters sister and his wife. They detest Walter for dealing with his dead fathers money so easily and feel that he has lost his soul when he days we wants to be bought out by the white Mr. Lindner. Ultimately, loosing everything they have unites them because at the last moment Walter changes his mind about taking money from Mr. Lindner. Walter tells him that they have moved into the house because their father earned it for them. He continues by saying that they dont want to disturb the neighborhood peace or protest for bigger causes, and that theyd be nice neighbors. He tells Mr. Lindner that he doesnt want the money. At this moment the entire familys spirits are lifted and they are proud of the decision Walter has made. This act of standing by your family to achieve the American dream of succeeding no matter who you are and where you come from unites them. They learn to support each other and put their families before their own. By owning a house, having a high morale, and the support of their family, each of them is on their way to fulfill their American dream. References Foulis, Rhona (2005, March, 14). A Raisin in the Sun. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from Culture Wars Web site: Potter , G and Struss, Joe. (2002, April, 02). Iowa State University. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from ISU Play Concordances Web site: Rampersad, A (Ed.). (1995). The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc..
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Justice and Injustice in Molieres Tartuffe Essay -- Tartuffe Essays
Justice and Injustice in Tartuffe  A theme of the play Tartuffe is justice. Justice, or the lack of justice, can be seen in the relationship between father and son, father and daughter, and guest and host. Lacanian philosophy, which focuses on language and the conflict that the male feels due to a disintegration of oneness, can be used to look at injustice as it manifests itself in the male conflict within the play.    According to Lacan, a male child experiences conflict with his father, who is associated with language and thus otherness. Once a child enters into the world of language he loses his sense of unity with his mother. In Tartuffe the father, Orgon is in conflict with his son, Damis. Damis is a rash person who does not think things completely through before choosing a course of action, as seen when he says abruptly, "I'll go and tell [Tartuffe] off-, I'm out of patience" (3. 1. 10). He verbally spars with his father, who is completely infatuated with the behavior of Tartuffe, to see Tartuffe for what he is. After eavesdropping on the conversation between Elmire, the wife of Orgon, and Tartuffe, Damis is convinced that he has the evidence that he needs to convince Orgon of his position, as indicated when he says, "And now I've proof that can't he disbelieved Proof that was furnished me by Heaven above" (3.4.24-25). 1 le then goes to destroy his father's view of Tartuffe.    Orgon, however, upon hearing that Damis has caught Tartuffe trying to seduce Elmire, immediately takes a defensive stance and instead of believing his own son, claims the accusation is false and defends the stranger saying, "Ah, you deceitful boy, how dare you try / To stain his purity with so foul a lie?" (3.6.15-16). He scolds him:... ...time a just man before he met Tartuffe.    There is much injustice in the play Tartuffe. This injustice as well as the justice that triumphs often comes through the use of language for the purpose of establishing either law or love. Sometimes a character takes on this language by association with other characters, and other times in reaction to the use of this language by other characters. Regardless of the source, language is a common medium for the expression of justice or its opposite. This language is used by characters as a result of the conflict that a male feels as described by Lacan, which more often that not, results in the expression of injustice. The expression of injustice is language-based because the male, by being exposed to language, is thrust into a world of alienation, and has experienced injustice from his first experience with language. Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
Pagan and Christian Elements in Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essay
Pagan and Christian Elements in Beowulf              The praised epic poem, Beowulf, is the first great heroic poem in English literature. The epic follows a courageous warrior named Beowulf throughout his young, adult life and into his old age. As a young man, Beowulf becomes a legendary hero when he saves the land of the Danes from the hellish creatures, Grendel and his mother. Later, after fifty years pass, Beowulf is an old man and a great king of the Geats. A monstrous dragon soon invades his peaceful kingdom and he defends his people courageously, dying in the process. His body is burned and his ashes are placed in a cave by the sea. By placing his ashes in the seaside cave, people passing by will always remember the legendary hero and king, Beowulf.  In this recognized epic, Beowulf, is abound in supernatural elements of pagan associations; however, the poem is the opposite of pagan barbarism. The presentation of the story telling moves fluidly within Christian surroundings as well as pagan ideals. Beowulf was a recited pagan folklore where the people of that time period believed in gods, goddesses, and monsters. It's significance lies in an oral history where people memorized long, dense lines of tedious verse. Later, when a written tradition was introduced they began to write the story down on tablets. The old tale was not first told or invented by the commonly known, Beowulf poet. This is clear from investigations of the folk lore analogues. The manuscript was written by two scribes around AD 1000 in late West Saxon, the literary dialect of that period. It is believed that the scribes who put the old materials together into their present form were Christians and that his poem reflects a Christian tradition.... ...e epic is the hero's fame, a monument as enduring as earth. Works Cited Primary Source Kermode, Frank, and John Hollander, et al. Beowulf. The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Vol 1. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 29-98. Secondary Sources Chickering, Howell D, Jr. Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor, 1977. Clark, George. Beowulf. New York: Twayne, 1990. Holland-Crossley, Kevin, and Bruce Mitchell. Beowulf. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. Poupard, Dennis, and Jelena O. Krstonc, ed. Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism: Volume 1. Michigan: Gale Research, 1988. Morris, Richard, ed. Blickling Homilies: Sermon 17 of the Tenth Century, Old Series, no. 73. London: EETS, 1880. 209-11. Tuso, Joseph F, ed. Beowulf: The Donaldson Translation Backgrounds and Sources Criticism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1975. Â
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Anne Bradstreet - Feminine but Feminist Essay -- essays research paper
As a female in a highly patriarchal society, Anne Bradstreet uses the reverse psychology technique to prove the point of her belief of unfair and unequal treatment of women in her community. Women who wrote stepped outside their appropriate sphere, and those who actually published their work frequently faced social censure. Compounding this social pressure, many women faced crushing workloads and struggled with lack of leisure for writing. Others suffered from an unequal access to education, while others were dealing with the sense of intellectual inferiority offered to them from virtually every authoritative voice, that voice usually being male. Bradstreet was raised in an influential family, receiving an extensive education with access to private tutors and the Earl of Lincoln's large library. She was part of an influential family who encouraged her writing and circulated it in manuscript with pride. That kind of private support did much to offset the possibility of public disappr oval. Bradstreet believed that women in her society were treated unfairly, and that gender should be insignificant. In her "Prologue" she addresses conflict and struggle, expressing her opinion toward women's rights, implying that gender is unimportant and male dominance is wrong. Bradstreet asserts the rights of women to learning and expression of thought, addressing broad and universal themes. The "Prologue" has a humble tone with slightly hidden surprises, containing a mut...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Is a soliloquy a good way for us to know what is going on in a characters head? Essay
This essay will discuss soliloquies and how they are used. I want to show that a soliloquy is a good way to show us what is going on in the characters head, it gives us an insight into the characters mind and thoughts, and helps us identify the type of mind and character we are looking at. In this essay I will be referring to various Shakespearian plays, the main play I will be referring to is Macbeth. Macbeth is about a Scottish king who is corrupted by three witches. It is about dreams, beliefs, actions and consequences. I will be looking at what a soliloquy is and the way Shakespeare has used the soliloquies in Macbeth. I also want to look at the use of Shakespearean language and Imagery in Macbeth. Soliloquies are often used in Shakespeare’s plays. A soliloquy is when a character voices their thoughts when alone on stage. I have studied three different soliloquies from the play Macbeth. The first is taken from Act 1, scene V. The second soliloquy is taken from Act 1, scene VII. And the last soliloquy is taken from Act 2, scene I. These examples of the soliloquies we have used allow us to see what state of mind the character is in at certain parts of the play, also I think it allows us to see what type of person the character really is and understand them better. The first soliloquy is used as Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle, Lady Macbeth has already decided by this point that the only way Macbeth can become king of Scotland is if they kill Duncan. The soliloquy is her preparing herself for what she is about to do and also asking the spirits to give her the strength to do it. â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits Tha tends on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fil me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood, Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Act 1, Scene V In the opening lines of the soliloquy you can already see that Lady Macbeth is a strong-minded woman but believes that men are stronger than women and in order to complete her task she must be as strong as a man. Evidence for this is the lines ‘Come, you spirits Tha tends on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,’ Lady Macbeth is calling on the spirits to turn her into a man and make her strong. However I believe that Lady Macbeth was stronger and more determined than Macbeth. There is evidence in the other two soliloquies that Macbeth is in two minds about murdering Duncan. â€Å"†¦This even-handed justice Commends th’ingrediants of our poison’d chalice To our own lips. He’s here in double trust First as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; and then as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself†¦that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet tongu’d , against The deep damnation of his taking off†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Act 1, scene VII ††¦I go, and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is knell That summons thee to Heaven, or to Hell†Act 2, scene I These examples show just how unstable the mind of Macbeth is. In Act 1, scene VII Macbeth is talking about how Duncan trusts him and how he should protect Duncan from harm, not be the one who kills him! This is shown in the lines ‘He’s here in double trust’ and ‘Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself ‘. However in Act 2, scene I Macbeth is prepared to go through with the deed, no matter what the consequences are. From the soliloquies you can also see what the character is like. It is in my opinion that Macbeth is compassionate to his friend and does not want to hurt him, however he is also over come with greed. He wants the wealth and power that comes with being king and will, perhaps, do anything to get it if prompted. These two views make his mind unstable and weak so that it can be manipulated by Lady Macbeth. I believe that lady Macbeth is an evil woman who will do anything to get what she wants. An example of this is part of a conversation that Lady Macbeth had with Macbeth when she thinks that he will not kill Duncan â€Å"I have given suck, and know How tender ‘t is to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked the nipple from his boneless gums, And dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this.†Act 1, Scene VII What she is saying in this quote is that she would take a baby that was feeding from her and kill it in the most horrific way if Macbeth wanted her to. I think only a truly evil woman can say this and mean it, only an evil woman would kill her baby. Shakespeare used various images through out this play. Both in Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy and Macbeth’s soliloquies there are strong witchcraft, nature and baby images. I think the strongest images in the soliloquies are the baby images. I believe that these worked the best because people generally have strong feelings no babies, especially if the baby is being harmed in some way. A baby can also be used as a symbol of innocence; a child looks at the world with innocence in their eyes. It is in my opinion that Shakespeare used the images of a baby for several reasons. The first reason is to get the audience emotionally involved in the play, if they see an image of a baby being hurt then they are going to dislike that particular character, however if the image is a good image of a baby then the audience are less likely to dislike that character. And the second way is to show the differences and similarities between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth uses an image of a baby it is filled with compassion and love, however when Lady Macbeth uses the image of babies it is filled with greed and cruelty. I believe this because of certain lines used through out the soliloquies. In Act 1, Scene VII Macbeth quotes ‘And Pity, like a newborn babe,’ Macbeth uses a baby as a symbol of innocence to gain pity from the audience. In Act 1, Scene VII Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth ‘I have given suck, and know how tender’t is to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash’d the brains out,’ This is filled with hatred which she is using to pressurise Macbeth into killing Duncan. It also shows that they think in similar ways even though they have different views. As Shakespeare was writing for an English audience Macbeth is very pro English, anti Scottish. It is a Scottish thane, who is easily corrupted by promises of power and fortune who becomes King and it is an English army, which over throws the evil Scottish king and restores peace throughout the land. I believe that soliloquies are a good way to know what is going on in a characters head. It allows us to know what they are thinking and feeling through out the play. With out soliloquies we would have to rely on facial expressions to know what the character is thinking. If we did this then I believe that plays and theatre would not be as popular as they are and the works of Shakespeare such as Twelfth night, Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer’s night dream and Hamlet would never have become the classics that they are.
Friday, August 16, 2019
An Analysis of the Social Gradient of Health in Relation Essay
An Analysis of the Social Gradient of Health in Relation to the Australian Indigenous population â€Å"The demonstration of a social gradient of health predicts that reducing inequality itself has health benefits for all, not simply for the impoverished or deprived minorities within populations. †(Devitt, Hall & Tsey 2001) The above quote from Devitt, Hall and Tsey’s paper is a relatively well grounded and well researched statement which draws on contemporary theoretical sociological concepts to support the assertion that reducing inequality is the key to improving health for all. However the assertion that the demonstration of a social gradient of health predicts that a reduction in inequality will lead to health benefits for all is a rather broad statement and requires closer examination. The intention of this essay is to examine the social gradient of health, whose existence has been well established by the Whitehall Studies (Marmot 1991), and, by focusing on those groups at the lower end of the social gradient, determine whether initiatives to address inequalities between social classes will lead to health benefits for those classes at the lower end of the social scale. The effectiveness of past initiatives to address these social and health inequalities will be examined and recommendations made as to how these initiatives might be more effective. The social gradient described by Marmot and others is interrelated with a variety of environmental, sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors which have been identified as key determinants of health. These determinants interact with each other at a very complex level to impact directly and indirectly on the health status of individuals and groups at all levels of society; â€Å"Poor social and economic circumstances affect health throughout life. People further down the social ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature death of those near the top. Between the top and bottom health standards show a continual social gradient. †(Wilkinson & Marmot 1998) In Australian society it is readily apparent that the lower social classes are at greater disadvantage than those in the upper echelons of society; this has been discussed at length in several separate papers on the social gradient of health and its effects on disadvantaged Australian groups (Devitt, Hall & Tsey 2001, Robinson 2002, Caldwell & Caldwell 1995). Within the context of the social gradient of health it can be inferred that Indigenous groups, for example, are particularly susceptible to ill health and poor health outcomes as they suffer inordinately from the negative effects of the key determinants of health. A simple example of this is the inequality in distribution of economic resources: â€Å"Average Indigenous household income is 38% less than that of non-Indigenous households. †(AHREOC 2004). The stress and anxiety caused by insufficient economic resources leads to increased risk of depression, hypertension and heart disease (Brunner 1997 cited in Henry 2001). Higher social status and greater access to economic resources is concomitant with a reduction in stress and anxiety levels, as individuals in these groups have more control over economic pressures which create this stress. This simple comparison proves that the social gradient of health accurately reflects how socioeconomic determinants affect the health of specific social classes at the physiological level. An extension of the research into the social gradient and the determinants of health is the examination of the pathways through which specific social groups experience and respond to these determinants. These ‘psychosocial pathways’ incorporate psychological, behavioural and environmental constraints and are closely linked to the determinants of health; â€Å"Many of the socio-economic determinants of health have their effects through psychosocial pathways. †(Wilkinson 2001 cited in Robinson 2002). These pathways have been demonstrated by Henry (2001) in the conceptual model of resource influences (Appendix A), a model which illustrates the interaction between the constraints mentioned above and their impact on health outcomes. Henry states that a central differentiator between classes is the amount of control an individual feels they have over their environment. Whereas an individual from a lower class group holds a limited sense of control over their well being and consequently adopts a fatalistic approach to health, those in higher classes with a stronger sense of control over their health are more likely to take proactive steps in ensuring their future wellbeing. This means that both individuals will cope differently with the same health problem. This is partly as a result of socioeconomic or environmental determinants relative to their situation, but it is also a result of behavioural/physical constraints and, most importantly, the modes of thought employed in rationalising their situation and actions. In essence these psychosocial pathways occupy an intermediate role between the social determinants of health and class related health behaviours.
Impact of Information Technology on Customer and Supplier Relationships in the Financial Services Essay
Information technology plays an important role to support the relationships between customers and suppliers in financial industry. Different industry faces different competitive and different business practice. Besides, we can use information technology to determine the opportunities and threats to the relationships between customers and suppliers. In this research, it focus on the financial service industry that is motivated by three factors which are the paucity of research in customer and supplier relationships in service industries relative to manufacturing industries, the sheer size of the financial service sector relative to other service sector and the potential for information technology to positively impact firm performance through channel expansion, cost mitigation and service level enhancement. Financial service industry includes all Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes starting with the digit six. In this research, we only focus on those services typically classified as â€Å"financial†. Financial service companies are the earliest commercial users of information technology. Economic forces and technological advances, especially Internet has driven this consolidation across international boundaries and across type financial services. The financial service companies are relatively unique in regard to their value chains. Without possessing any intermediate product can add value to the finish product. The financial services industry has been doing business electronically for many years. Some customer and regulatory statutes demand the use of paper-based transaction audit trails and reporting those transactions. However, the industry leaders will pressure them to adopt electric distribution and information management methods. This report concerns on electronic connectivity, alliances and partnerships. There is a lack of understanding of and available insight into the emerging role of e-business as a delivery channel and customer connection mechanism make a great concern of many organizations. Research Methodology The first phase of methodology is to identify the current and potential role of information technology to support relationship among customers and suppliers in financial services. It included 5 steps which are definition of scope; determination of survey methodology and identification of sample; creation of a survey instrument; administration of the survey; and analysis of survey responses. In this phase, they limited the scope to the immediate suppliers and customers of the subject companies. So the respondents no need to identify suppliers of their suppliers or customers of their customers. In this research, it conducts two interviews in several sectors. Due to the availability of contacts, three of the subjects worked in mutual fund industry, one in retail banking, two in each insurance carriers, institutional investment companies, and brokerage. Eight of them were conducted by telephone and another two were chosen to supply written responses. The typical respondents are senior managers and vice president. Interviews were recorded manually by interviewer so that it is confidentiality and security. Analysis The collected data were analyzed using qualitative techniques. It seeks to conceptualize theory from data rather than proposing theory. The method involves organizing and understanding interview transcripts, collected documents and observe social or business practice. The methodology involves extracting theory from one case study and studies to augment, refine the theory by using subsequent case. Since the sample is limited, they only drew inferences upon a convergence of ideas across industry sectors. Findings / Results Based on the results of interview, there are consistent patterns in the thought, planning, and implementation processes of various participants. They have group the result into five categories. First is how information technology supports existing customer and supplier relationships. Second and third are the opportunities and threats they foresee when they expand their business. The fourth session is the drivers of change. Finally, they examine how manager predict the future respect to the relationship among their customers and suppliers. The analysis of current activities begins with an examination of the partnerships that support inter-organizational business activities within the respondent’s respective industries. There is high degree of interdependence among various financial service industries. A non-linear relationship among the parties is clearly shown. Besides, the relationships demonstrate a high level of complexity and variability. Existing audio response and Web-based account access functions reduced the cost of delivery for many customers account services. There are many opportunities to strengthen the relationships with customers and suppliers. One of the opportunities is to improve customer service levels by providing new form of service delivery, rapidly response to customers, and improve customer confidence. Besides, information technology creates opportunity to increase switching costs for their customers. By this, they can add more value to the transaction. It includes the assimilation of information that supports the investment decision and motivates the transaction execution. Furthermore, information technology also creates the opportunity to extend the world-wide relationships of both customers and suppliers. Similarly, the opportunity exists to create a new relationship with suppliers to create, purchase and provide new products and services. Some respondents believed that the ability to demonstrate technological leadership is one of the opportunities to improve market perception. Besides opportunities, there is a variety of threats to their existing relationships. It includes security risks, network and systems instability and the difficulty of integrating different systems. An opportunity to create a new channel and relationship can create a threat of disintermediation for others. A related threat is the commoditization of product, because it is common in all industries. Many financial service companies have historically relied on existing customers to build profit margins and create loyalty. Besides, the respondents feared the risk of adopting the wrong standard. Since the technology is moving rapidly. So the standards are changing so fast. Another threat is the challenge of keeping pace with escalating technological and business change. The greatest threat is they worried that they may unable to move fast because they cannot see the upside potential and downside risk of inactivity. Evolving customer expectations also impact the e-business strategies. Nowadays, customers demand access to real-time data and expect to access at any time and any place. Besides, improvement in security technology are also driven change. Many respondents believed that internal and public network reliability is improving and will facilitate more rapid expansion of services. There are two primary areas for future investment in inter-organizational integration by respondents. First path is expanding commitment to existing forms of technology to deliver new or expanded functionality. Second area is investing in new technology forms and enhances the inter-organizational relationships. All respondents emphasis on development of technology-enabled education and advice services. Linkage of inquiry and advice functionality to available tools is a vital component of service level expansion and customization. The need to integrate new technology and service with existing system are motivating those firms to pursue more alliances both software and hardware suppliers. Conclusion In the conclusion, there is less linear in the relationships among customers and suppliers in financial services compare to manufacturing industries. And there is a high degree of interdependence exists among the sectors of financial service industry. In this research, there is many findings have been predicted. The participants believe that opportunity for cost savings and service enhancement resides in expansion of customer account maintenance via the Web. Maintenance and education in new form of functionality place more control. So the responsibility is in hand of customers. One discerning manager pointed out, â€Å"we’re now doing business on the customer’s terms, not the terms dictated by our firm or our industry.†Managers interviewed shared many concerns about how to competitive threats and the risk of expanding e-business activity. They fear the capabilities of new, competitors rapidly enter new markets without the millstone of legacy system and traditional organizational cultures will block the progress of industry incumbents. It will cause imbalanced cost structures with new services and pricing. The managers predict further opportunities to improve quality of service, reduce costs, reach customers worldwide, and provide new services. Some managers believe that demonstrating technology leadership was a important component of establishing industry leadership and promoting customer acquisition and loyalty. It has many limitations in this research first it has short term applicability. This is because the longevity of the obstacles is unclear. Another limitation is that it is descriptive rather than prescriptive. Lastly, the conclusion is drawn in this study by small size of sample. This study is very important for both researchers and practitioners. Besides, this study also help managers in financial services industry to identify and analysis the opportunities, risk of building relationships with their customers and suppliers through electronic commerce. A better understanding of the treats and opportunities to existing relationships allow them to response customers more rapidly, accurately and cheaply.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Managerial ethics †term paper
It's the sure looks positive in this way, as part of the deal, Sara Lee Corp. loaded up the apparel maker with billions in new debt, then paid itself a big, fat dividend  money it'll use to trim its own debt and buy back shares. Hanes, by contrast, will start life as a public company with a bond rating in junk status and a debt load so onerous some worry it won't be able to invest enough in its well-known clothing brands. Financial engineering that has more in common with the world of leveraged buyouts than with corporate spin-offs. And at first blush, from Sara Lee's perspective, the deal makes sense. Why should executives rely solely on the fickle stock market to recognize the worth of Hanes as a stand-alone company when they can grab some cold cash now and put it to work immediately? Managerial ethics would mean many things positive about what is good in the executive managers that manage effectively. These effective managers showed successful operations in of the paper: Examining the questions of why individuals behave the way they do and if there is a natural impulse to do well. This will discusses such issues as whether an individual, pursuing his or her own self-interest, can improve the general welfare and whether people have an innate intuition that leads them to do well.†In coming to the conclusion that the pursuit of self-interest can produce a lot of good if it is balanced with a bit of societal guidance, the author brings to light issues of corporate governance, performance pay, legal and monetary incentives, and other forms of regulation (Pounds, William F.†. It is in this aspect, it points out, that intuition, rather than a more empirical approach, can best be put to good use. Then argument stated that intuition has been lacking from the more utilitarian view of economics and management and that, generally speaking, a blend of both approaches is optimal. Ethical approaches in Business: Sara Lee executives declined to comment for negative story. A Sara Lee spokesman says the company believes Hanes's level of debt is appropriate. A Hanes spokesman says the company generates enough free cash to fund investment as well. The subject of business ethics is complex. Fair-minded people sometimes have significant differences of opinion regarding what constitutes ethical behavior and how ethical decisions should be made. This article discusses four approaches that business owners can use to consider ethical questions. The method you prefer may not suit everyone. Hopefully, by considering the alternatives, you will be able to make decisions that are right for you. The utilitarian approach to ethical decision-making focuses on taking the action that will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Considering our example of employing low-wage workers, under the utilitarian approach you would try to determine whether using low-wage foreign workers would result in the greatest good. For example, if you use low-wage foreign workers in response to price competition, you might retain your market share, enabling you to avoid laying off your U.S. employees, and perhaps even allowing you to pay your U.S. employees higher wages. If you refuse to use low-wage foreign workers regardless of the competition, you may be unable to compete. This could result in layoffs of your U.S. workers and even your foreign workers, for whom the relatively low wages may be essential income. On the other hand, using low-wage workers may tend to depress the wages of most workers, thus reducing almost everyone’s standard of living and depressing their ability to purchase the very goods you and others are trying to sell. The moral rights approach concerns itself with moral principles, regardless of the consequences. Under this view, some actions are simply considered to be right or wrong. From this standpoint, if paying extremely low wages is immoral, your desire to meet the competition and keep your business afloat is not a sufficient justification. Under this view, you should close down your business if you cannot operate it by paying your workers a â€Å"living wage,†regardless of the actions of your competitors. Reference: Pounds, William . Retrieved 12/12/2006. Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
History of Fashion Essay
Fashion has always been a reflection of the collective consciousness and unconsciousness of society. In politically conservative times, fashion reflects the staidness of the majority, but also the subversive elements of the minority. No less a controversial figure than King Louis XIV of France was rumored to have said that fashion was a mirror. Music, films, and television, all potent pop culture mirrors in their own right of the anxieties, hopes, and dreams of any society, all collectively form a synergistic relationship with fashion, each informing, influencing, and cross-pollinating the others in various turns. Fashion is also a pop culture manifestation of the intellectual and cultural trend of postmodernism. Fashion depends on newness; summer, fall, winter, spring are seasons that occur inexorably each year, and with them, the demand for new fashion lines. The inexhaustible hunger for new ideas and inspirations in fashion and other pop culture arenas leads inevitably to cannibalization, plagiarism, re-contextualization, and re-imagination of ideas past and present – the essence of postmodernism. If we survey the landscape of where pop culture and fashion have been, we can to some degree predict the elements which may define where it will go, though in the postmodern universe of the 21st century, it is next to impossible to predict what incarnations will come to pass. Fashion is the byproduct of a leisure society that has transcended many of the basic human struggles on the lower level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Most people in prosperous Western nations are fortunate enough to lead lives in which the acquisition and/or maintenance of food, shelter, and clothing is not a struggle that consumes their existence, as is sadly true in many African nations, for example. Free to ponder the meaning of their lives and the many ways in which it is possible for humans to express their inner thoughts and feelings, citizens of the leisure society began to use fashion as a mode of self-expression and reflection of any number of zeitgeists of their time. As far back as the 1700s, French women consulted fashion magazines to learn the latest fashion trends. Sketch artists were present in royal courts to make note of the fashion choices made by the ruling classes, and communicated these ideas to dressmakers across the nation, who in turn crafted facsimiles for those who were able to afford such fashion mimicry. The French have historically held a special place in the fashion universe since this time. As the 1800s and 1900s saw Western societies evolve from agrarian societies to industrial societies, with the concurrent increase in wealth and disposal income, the focus on and indulgence in fashion increased. With the advent of pop music, most notably rock-and-roll in the 1950s, and television, teenagers all around the world saw the likes of Elvis Presley and his gyrating hips, causing a global fashion sensation. Boys everywhere began to sport white t-shirts (in whose sleeves the more raucous ones rolled packs of cigarettes), blue jeans, and grease their hair. Celebrities from the arenas of music, film, and then television became the new royalty, the new elites, for Western cultures, and the fashion trends they embodies became inspirations for millions in each successive generation. The messages of rock-and-roll became more complex, subversive, and powerful in the 1960s, corresponding with the United States’ controversial entry into the Vietnam War and a wholesale rejection on both sides of the Atlantic of many of the traditional values of the Cold War era. The Beatles’s turn from fresh-scrubbed, feel-good bubblegum pop to psychedelic and metaphysical subject matter influences a new set of fashion trends which shocked the Establishment to the core. Men and women everywhere began wearing colorful (both literally and figuratively), outrageously expressive, and even outlandish fashions, and allowing their hair to grow long. The exhaustion from the myriad political and socio-cultural revolutions of the 1960s, and the stagnant Western economies of the 1970s gave way to a culture preoccupied with escapism and simply having a good time. Sit-ins and political protests gave way to champagne-filled boogie nights. The flower-power psychedelia fashion trends of the late 1960s and early 1970s gave way to the groovy leisure suit styles inspired by the music trend of disco that consumed the world from roughly 1976 to 1980 and cemented by the global box office phenomenology of the film Saturday Night Fever, starring John Travolta and featuring a soundtrack packed with disco hits written by the Bee Gees. The tight-fitting and well-cut suits worn by Travolta, and the sexy, stylish dresses and pantsuits of the women in the film inspired millions to change their wardrobes accordingly. On the tail end of the disco era came a brief but potent preoccupation with cowboy fashion, inspired by the peculiar utilitarian clothing from the American Old West – cowboy boots, rugged blue jeans, ten-gallon cowboy hats, etc. , again propelled into the collective fashion consciousness of the world by another hugely successful film, 1982’s Urban Cowboy. At the same time the fashion trends inspired by disco and cowboy culture were dying out, the realm of the political again profoundly affected the universe of fashion. The elections of conservative political figureheads Margaret Thatcher in England and Ronald Reagan in the U. S. sparked a schizophrenic revolution in clothing and music: as economic recoveries were engineered on the backs of the working poor, the culture that proclaimed â€Å"greed is good†took to reveling in the wearing conservative, yet expensive or even shocking clothing – furs, for example  which reflected the mindset of conspicuous consumption. Simultaneously, those cultural elements who were not benefiting from the economic boom were rebelling against the conservative establishment trends and adopting controversial styles embodied, for example, in the slut-chic clothing popularized by the music and videos of Madonna. Music videos, a new invention in pop culture and institutionalized by the power of MTV, became a new showcase for outrageous fashion statements in the 1980s and beyond. The greed and spiritual bankruptcy of the 1980s gave way to the hippie nouveaux culture of the Earth-and-cause-friendly early-to-mid 1990s, and then to the greed nouveaux culture of the late 1990s, spawned by the phenomenal economic growth of the Internet boom. By this time, pop culture had begun to liberally cannibalize itself for new ideas, having exhausted much of its potential for true originality. As technology and civilization continue their exponential evolution of consumption, genuinely original ideas become more and more difficult to generate, leading fashion designers to borrow from past ideas, to combine hitherto uncombined or un-combinable ideas, as evidenced by the infamous phrase â€Å"What’s old is new; what’s new is old. The early 21st Century is a time of profound uncertainty in fashion, with a myriad of recycled influences competing for the crown of the next hot fashion trend. The inherent self-referentiality and cannibalism of post-modernism, however, makes it virtually impossible to predict which trends will take hold and when. The next decade will make for a fascinating time in the universe of fashion.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism Essay
Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism - Essay Example To begin with, it must be noted that all three religions in question are monotheistic (Fisher, 2014). Indeed, it must be noted that several thousand years ago, the majority of religions that were spread in the world were polytheistic; that is why faith in one God should be seen as a rather progressive worldview. Thus, in the set of religious coordinates, Ahura Mazda is the supreme God that people should worship. In the view of Judaism, there is also one God that freed this nation from slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Finally, Christianity is also monotheistic religion; however, it features the so-called Trinitarian monotheism which stands for one God in Three Persons. So, one might suggest that the first feature that these religions share is belief in one God. The second aspect that should be taken into account is the afterlife. Thus, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity believe that after death the soul of a person does not disappear, but goes to a different world. According to the former religion, the conditions in which a soul will find itself after death are determined by the manner on the early life. As one can clearly see, there is a similar aspect in Christianity when our deeds determine our afterlife. It must be noted that the position of Judaism on the issue of afterlife is not fully determined, but it would not be a mistake to suggest that as a religion it fully rejects it. That is why the existence of afterlife is another point that these religions share. Finally, the common ground of Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity may also be found in what is usually referred to as the Golden Rule. In spite of the fact that I may be formulated in different ways, the original message behind it is similar: one should treat others in a way one wants to be treated. There is no doubt that this is a rather
Monday, August 12, 2019
Phillip Morris Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Phillip Morris - Research Paper Example This does not only mean changing the Company’s name to Altria, but it also includes changing the status quo of the Company for the purpose of preparing it for efficient performance. Some of the procedures employed by Philip Morris to transform its operations include: (i) change of organizational cultureâ€â€which means that the Company has liaised with its business partners and urged them to act according to laws and standards in their respective countries; (ii) Philip Morris requires broad re-brandingâ€â€this will help the Company to create a new image for itself and its tobacco products. Customers as well as societies would be able to perceive the changes in the Company’s way of operations: (iii) instituting efficient internal organization policies will help the Company’s employees to easily associate with the Company’s visions and missions. The internal policies would detail the Company’s responsibilities to its adult customers, societies and governments. Employees of the Company need to be constantly reminded of their loyalty and duties to abide by the Company’s programs for family development. Once the Company has implemented all the techniques for re-branding, it is possible for Philip Morris to win back its customers and assume its former status as one of the best tobacco-producing companies in the world. But failure to implement these procedures will leave the Company vulnerable to further disgrace caused by the lawlessness of its global business partners. Philip Morris USA is a tobacco Company that prides itself on good management and financial disciplined. The Company demonstrates high level of respect for quality, both in the products it produces and the society Philip Morris is located. Some of the strongest features of the Company include but not limited to: (i) investing in leadership that would become efficient in handling all the problems affecting the Company; (ii) partnership with the society in a way that the Company
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Status of Women in Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Status of Women in Islam - Essay Example In India the widow was consigned to flames at the funeral pyre of her dead husband. The religious faiths given to asceticism regarded her as the source of sin, the door leading to transgression and contact with her was considered an impediment in spiritual development and salvation. In most civilizations of the world she enjoyed no place in society. [1] She was contemptible and despised in their estimate. She had no social and political rights. She could not exercise her own free will in any financial deal. She was under the tutelage of her father, later under the oppressive rule of the tyrant of a husband and lastly under the patronizing care of the male offspring. She was not permitted by long standing conventions to challenge their authority and she had no course of justice to appeal to by way of escape from tyranny and excesses--not even a breath of complaint. Undoubtedly she has at times been in the seat of authority in some parts of the world. And it is also on record in the world history that empires and governments have danced to her tune, even tantrums, and it has been a common occurrence that she has had ascendancy in familial, tribal and monarchial activities. In some uncivilized tribes she had enjoyed superiority and rule and there are remnants of it still to be seen. [2] Yet as female of the human species, there was little change in her status and she suffered in silence through the course of history and remained deprived of her due rights as usual. Role of Women in Religion Muslims seek guidance from Allah through His book, the Qur'an, and His messenger Mohammed. Muslims believe that the word of Allah is supreme and takes precedence over all traditions cultures. Muslim women were expected to participate in the prayer sessions as the Mosque along with that of the men. Not only were women granted equality like the men, the women were given the same spiritual status as men. "Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, Verily, to him will We give new Life, and life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions." (Koran, Sura 16, Verse 97) [3]. As the Islamic state and religion expanded, interpretations of the gender roles laid out in the Quran varied with different cultures. [4] In modern contemporary times, some Muslim women, as well as men, have rejected the limitations put on them and have begun to re-interpret the Qur'an. "I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)" [5] "Spiritual equality, responsibility and accountability for both men and women is a well developed theme in the Quran. Understanding the spiritual equality of women in Islam is to understand that equality between men and women in the sight of God is not limited to purely spiritual, religious issues, but is the basis for equality in all temporal aspects of human life." [6] Independence and Freedom of Choice As for what Muslim feminists argue women should wear to conform to Islamic ideals: unlike Islamists, who maintain that the hijab stands as the very symbol of Muslim piety; the most important element for Muslim feminists appears to be the element of freedom of choice in interpreting the Islamic dress code. Mai
Saturday, August 10, 2019
How museums institutions shape the art world and in turn, how art and Research Paper
How museums institutions shape the art world and in turn, how art and artists have critiqued and sometimes transformed these institutions - Research Paper Example t goes back to the early 1866 in Paris when a group of Americans decided to create an institution and gallery of art so that the art and art education could reach to the people of America. The New York State Legislation then incorporated the Metropolitan Museum of Art with the Incorporation Act in 1870. The purpose of this act was to allow the Metropolitan Museum to serve as a Museum and Art Library in the city and further encourage and develop the study of fine arts and the application of arts in advancing the general knowledge. Eastman Johnson was the artist who acted as the co-founder of the museum, and the former Civil War Officer was the first director under the guidance of whom the holdings of the museum consisted of a roman stone sarcophagus and 174 European paintings. Since its formation, Metropolitan Museum of Art had many additions to its outside view and the building. It also had many additions in its collection of Art works, and is now holding some of America’s best art contributions. There are seventeen separate departments for the collections in Metropolitan. Each of the departments has specialised staff and a department of scientific research and conservation. The permanent collection that the museum holds includes paintings and sculptures of almost all the European masters, American and modern art, and also holding of the African, Asian, Oceanic, Islamic and Byzantine Art. Furthermore, the museum also has a collection of musical instruments and weapons from all around the world. The museum holds more than 13,000 artworks currently. Despite the controversies in 2009 related to the book Rogue’s Gallery by the journalist Michael Gross, and the criticisms that the museum faced, they plan to expand their collections and area in the future. The Metropolitan Museum of Art works under the policies of the State and acquires the world-class paintings. They have acquired artworks that hold immense value and have added to the contribution of promoting
Physical Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Physical Security - Essay Example This essay stresses that there is a possibility that during the opening ceremony a certain country’s athlete may get attacked by a terrorist group. It may also happen that the opening ceremony may get sabotaged altogether by a terrorist or militia group so as to defame the pride of the host country. In any of these cases, it becomes very important to understand the fact that security breaches are possible and consequently, security needs to be tightened. This paper makes a conclusion that equally important is upholding the security during the medal distribution ceremony all for the same reasons which have been mentioned above. Again, it might happen that to hamper the national pride of the host nation or the participating nation one may try to attack the winning team/sportsperson during the medal-distribution ceremony. Also, it may happen that a winning participant or sportsperson maybe a terrorist supporter or a terrorist itself in guise. The security assessment of the nearby hospital or medical center is also very significant and critical to the overall security process. Hospitals are locations of maximum vulnerability if compared to other locations which are part of the entire event. There is a possibility that a minor disaster may lead to the hospitalization of some people (sportsters/spectators/organizers) and a major disaster can be planned to be executed in the hospital because it provides a good vantage point to the perpetrat ors of the security breach.
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