Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism Essay

Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism - Essay Example To begin with, it must be noted that all three religions in question are monotheistic (Fisher, 2014). Indeed, it must be noted that several thousand years ago, the majority of religions that were spread in the world were polytheistic; that is why faith in one God should be seen as a rather progressive worldview. Thus, in the set of religious coordinates, Ahura Mazda is the supreme God that people should worship. In the view of Judaism, there is also one God that freed this nation from slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Finally, Christianity is also monotheistic religion; however, it features the so-called Trinitarian monotheism which stands for one God in Three Persons. So, one might suggest that the first feature that these religions share is belief in one God. The second aspect that should be taken into account is the afterlife. Thus, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity believe that after death the soul of a person does not disappear, but goes to a different world. According to the former religion, the conditions in which a soul will find itself after death are determined by the manner on the early life. As one can clearly see, there is a similar aspect in Christianity when our deeds determine our afterlife. It must be noted that the position of Judaism on the issue of afterlife is not fully determined, but it would not be a mistake to suggest that as a religion it fully rejects it. That is why the existence of afterlife is another point that these religions share. Finally, the common ground of Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity may also be found in what is usually referred to as the Golden Rule. In spite of the fact that I may be formulated in different ways, the original message behind it is similar: one should treat others in a way one wants to be treated. There is no doubt that this is a rather

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