Saturday, October 19, 2019

Adult Learning and Presentation Reflection Essay

Adult Learning and Presentation Reflection - Essay Example Adults have a tendency of resisting learning when feel the trainer is imposing ideas or information on them. They have to be aware of the benefits they achieve by learning something and the cost of not learning (Cooper and McIntyre, 1996; Hinchliff, 2009). In this case, the presentation was based on the valid needs of the audience. The audience was composed of nursing students who would gain from learning about the BiPAP and Non-Invasive Ventilation. The learning activities were based around real work experiences and the lesson plan contained details of the learning objectives, content, resources, and outcomes. An adult is someone who has a self-concept of his or her own life and is responsible for making life decisions and coping with the consequences (O'neil and Marsick, 2007). Adults develop the need to be seen as being capable of taking responsibility (Rogers, 2002; Hinchcliff, 2004). The trainer should design a self-directed learning situation where the learner is in charge of most of the learning activities. The learning process should incorporate several options for learning such as reading texts and internet resources (Quinn, 2000; Quinn and Hughes, 2007). The presentation had a video that would provide more information on the ventilation mechanisms. Adult learners also apply their experience into the current learning activity.

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