Friday, October 18, 2019

Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art Essay

Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art - Essay Example The essay "Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art" discovers impressionism and it's effect of art development. The Impressionist form of art was peculiar in the sense that unlike other traditional paintings at the time of its origin, Impressionist paintings included relatively small, thin but nevertheless visible brush strokes. Impressionist paintings focused more on depicting light accurately in its altering qualities. Contrary to the fine finish detail to which most traditional artists always wanted to achieve in their works, the Impressionist’s were focused on capturing the immediate effect of a scene in their painting. It was often the case that still lifes and portraits were always painted indoors by artists before the emergence of Impressionism movement. The Impressionists realized they capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight simply by painting en plein air. As a result, their paintings were a realistic reflection of modern life characteri zed by rich visual effects as opposed to details. In order to achieve the visual effects, the Impressionists often used short â€Å"broken† brush strokes composed of mixed and pure unmixed color. This provided the effect of intense color vibration in their paintings. Prior to the formation of the Impressionism art movement, art painting was being practiced. The earlier painters the 17th-century painters including the Dutch often focused their attention on common subjects but somehow their composition remained largely traditional.

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