Thursday, November 21, 2019

There has been an increased presence of non-state actors in the field Research Paper

There has been an increased presence of non-state actors in the field of international dispute resolution. Discuss the significa - Research Paper Example In recent years however, non-state actors, including NGOs, individual personalities, and even private corporations have also become more involved in the management of these international disputes. This is a significant development especially as greater transparency and participation of the NGOs at the WTO and the ICSID can be ensured. This paper shall discuss significance of such move in eventually securing transparency and improved participation of non-state actors in the actions and decisions of the WTO and the ICSID. Initially, this paper shall discuss incidents wherein non-state actors have taken a greater role in the field of international dispute resolution. The relevance of their role in terms of transparency as well as improved participation shall also be presented. A focus on the role of non-state actors in relation to international financial institutions shall also be discussed in this paper in order to better understand the impact of non-state actors on the international c ommunity. Body The elements involved in maintaining and building states calls for the assistance and participation of all state and in this case, non-state actors. Capable states are those which have strong and responsible as well as vital forces to ensure peace, prosperity as well as public goods for the people (Ulimwengu, 2007). The state has long been considered the primary focus of these processes, and the non-state actors have a crucial role to play in supporting these national and government processes (Mabogunje, 2000). It is therefore important to determine who these actors are. It is also important to identify the aspects of governance where they can assist and to understand better how they work, their style of interventions, and the barriers interfering with their actions (Catbagan, 2011). In Africa, the role of the non-state actors have been especially significant in terms of ensuring the security and public safety of non-state territories, and those territories where issu es of insecurity have impacted on state capacity in terms of security management (Ulimwengu, 2007). Issues and challenges in governance and development have prompted the need for assistance from non-state actors. This was the same in different parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, and even Europe. As transitions in African rule were observed, major shifts in political relations were also observed (Ulimwengu, 2007). The end of the Cold War was seen alongside efforts to democratize African countries and in the midst of these challenges, non-state actors emerged in the form of NGOs and other related organizations (Woodward, 2013). In Easter Europe, some of these groups had a crucial role in toppling the communist regimes. This was seen in Poland with the union-based Solidarnosc, including other movements in Romania, East Germany, and the Soviet Union (Heines, 2010). There is not much evidence to indicate whether these actors persisted in their role within the post-communist regim es; still, their roles have been acknowledged and their possibilities have also been considered for other areas. Non-state actors have become more accepted in the international community in the past few decades as politicians, sociologists, and mediators have sought their expertise especially where certain state actions have to be understood in terms of impact and sustainability (Ulimwengu, 2007). Non-state actors include NGOs and are generally understood within civil

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