Sunday, January 19, 2020

Essay --

â€Å"Did you ever hear of the Great Potato Famine?† (Mallon, 2013) The Great Potato Famine was a seven year period of mass starvation in Ireland between 1845 and 1852, which killed between five hundred thousand and one point five million Irish. The Great potato famine killed millions of people from starvation. Additional people died once they migrated from Ireland because they ended up having to live in overcrowded work houses. The cause of the Great Potato Famine was due to an organism called the Phytophthera Infestans (The Free Dictionary, 2013). After reading this paper the reader will know everything there is to know about the Great Potato Famine including the main topics of the Great Potato Famine, which will be covered in detail. The main topics that will be covered are the migration of the potato blight to Ireland and the history of the potato, land consolidation and agriculture laws in Ireland, food exports in Ireland during the time of the famine, the potato dependency to the Irish and the Irish/ English relation at the time of the Great Potato Famine. This paper is being written to prove that the Great Potato Famine was the worst disease to happen to the Irish in the 1800s. The whole potato famine was caused by potato blight, which was stated above. However, the potato blight wasn’t always in Ireland. But, then again, neither was the potato. They both had actually migrated to Ireland. The potato was not native to Ireland. It was believed that Sir Walter Raleigh brought the potato to Ireland from the new world in about 1507. The potato was perfect for the Irish climate. Potatoes grow great in moist climates where it is not too hot. They are also very good at growing in higher elevation like in the mountains... ...Irish thought about the situation. Seeing now that the main topics of the Great Potato Famine have been covered, the reader of this paper should be very well educated on the migration of the Potato Blight to Ireland along with the history of the potato, land consolidation and agriculture laws in Ireland, food exports in Ireland during the time of the famine, the potato dependency to the Irish, and the Irish/ English relationship at the time of the Great Potato Famine. Now that the reader is educated on the topic, did this paper prove the thesis that the Great Potato Famine was the worst disease to happen to the Irish in the 1800s? While the reader is thinking about if this paper proved that the Great Potato Famine was the worst disease to happen to the Irish in the 1800s, also question if this disease could be the worst disease to happen to the Irish of all time?

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