Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Individual Case Assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Individual Case Assigment - Essay Example Since Liemandt has built the company on the principle that a businessperson must be willing to take risks and be innovative, their new employees technical skills learning usually begin in a model of brainstorming and discussion. By putting their heads together, the TU help new Trilogy employees share ideas and learn all sorts of complexities in programming. They acquire technical expertise and skills in this manner, and in many cases, come up with something new for Trilogy. While learning through sharing of ideas, TUers also undergo technical training dubbed â€Å"tech track.†Here. TUers learn core skill, which include software testing methods and java programming. Liemandt provides a challenge and demonstrates how they can come together as a team and achieve a common objective. He makes sure that they are able to work as a team by organizing social activities and teams building activities such as taking them to Las Vegas. Because the culture of the business has been willingn ess to take risks, he always plays a game with them to drive home his point. He plays L2K with them to encourage them to be risks takers as he considers the organization was born out of risk taking. Another change that new Trilogy members learn in the TU teams is the organization values. There are section â€Å"leads†instil in the TU teams how the company operates and how it relates with its customers. In terms of how well a new TU team of employees learn technical skills, values and culture, one can observe that Liemandt has barred manager from involving any new team during their training periods until they are assigned to them. This way, the new team has all the time to learn about Trilogy as much as possible. The TU policy, consequently, ensure that a new team is able to concentrate on learning new technical skills. Such freedom and Liemandt’s protection policy makes sure that the team learns well about the culture and values of the company and change to adapt to i ts needs. The fact that the team is separated from the other departments also helps in making sure that there is clear communication in the team. It also ensures consistency in all instructions given by the selected As Kurt Lewin observes, the more one feels the necessity for change, the more there is the motivation to do it. Liemandt may be observed to have developed an unfreezing stage where he went on an aggressive search for new skills for to start his idea of the TU team. His Force Field Analysis presented him with factors for change although he knew that doing so was a risk. Therefore, one can say that although TU helps new Trilogy members learn skills, values and culture of their new organization, the current state is that the program may he headed towards a lag phase. The future state of the organization should be one in which emerging issues about the TU team is addressed as a matter of concern (Burnes 983). As assessment of the effectiveness of TU in its first five years f or the organization can be examined on the following manner. First, Liemandt formed TU programs on realizing that he had a vision, but which he saw that the old employees might not embrace. This is why he got involved with the first TU team as the first teacher although he had neither plan nor curriculum. From the start of the program to the end, one can say that TU was ultimately effective for the organizat
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Supply Chain Management Of Nike Marketing Essay
The Supply Chain Management Of Nike Marketing Essay Nike is an innovation company, designing and planning for the sustainable economy of tomorrow, not just today. Climate change, and reducing Nikes environmental footprint, is something the company has been focused on for well over a decade, in conjunction with broader sustainability work.  By setting strong targets greenhouse gas emissions from owned operations and business travel were reduced by 18 percent from 1998 to 2005, despite an increase in the square footage of Nikes operations.  The majority of Nikes climate change impact derives from the operations of the more than 700 contract factories producing Nike-branded product. Given that the transport operations which move Nike product from the point of manufacturing to the distribution centers account for about 25 percent of Nikes CO2 emissions, the company has set a target to reduce the inbound logistics footprint by 30 percent. Supply Chain Management which Nike have in its Considered Design becomes a di ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ erentiator for brands and a source of competitive advantage, company think it is crucial that the consumer has accurate, complete information on not just the delivery of green products, but the extent to which the company is committed to greening its entire supply chain. As early as 2003, Nike developed a baseline of its supply chain general environmental footprint, including inbound logistics and subcontracted manufacturing.As part of the companys Climate Savers agreement, Nike partnered with the University of Delaware to develop a model for measuring inbound emissions of product transportation from factory to  ¬Ã‚ rst distribution facility. Nike is working to expand that model to measure outbound shipments from distribution facility to retail. Footwear contract manufacturing, a majority of which is in Vietnam and China, is another major challenge for Nike. The company has began with audits of key factories to identify energy-intensive processes and potential areas of savings. Nikes US supply chain team has set goals to reduce its overall carbon footprint and is working closely with third-party logistics providers to  ¬Ã‚ nd opportunities to optimize fuel consumption and accelerate the use of alternative fuels. Nike also assessed its packaging footprint as part of a company-wide waste mapping exercise in making excellence in all aspects. The Challenge Finding a business solution that allows this leading apparel and footwear maker to align its demand and supply in a way that minimizes inventory and improve customer service levels. Business users were not satisfied with existing implementation of the demand planning system. The Solution Bristlecone developed and deployed planner DA and SC Policy Manager, composite pre-configured applications that allowed Nike to enforce higher level supply chain policies without having to deal with voluminous SKU Level demand and supply information. The composite apps bridged the gaps between Nikes existing ERP and SCM systems. Business Impact      > Better ROI from existing ERP and SCM solutions      > Improved visibility into supply and demand      > Planners empowered to better align supply with demand NIKE, Inc. recognizes the need for a well-coordinated and efficient supply chain for its business and the industry. Because the supply chain spans multiple jurisdictions from raw materials to production to shipping to retail and, ultimately, to consumers, a consistent and mature public policy position is needed. Nike support policies that deliver efficient, cost-effective delivery of NIKE Inc. products in a responsible manner. Our efforts concentrate on ensuring efficient transport, security and safety of NIKE, Inc. products throughout the supply chain. In addition, we advocate for policies that help to ensure that NIKE, Inc.s supply chain from factory to consumer operates in a manner that considers both people and the environment at each step of the way. We work with a number of bodies to advocate for these policies. These include national governments, industry associations and NGOs. Nike see two major changes in their supply chain management system. The first involves the apparel side of our business. With the elimination of quotas,they have changed their sourcing strategy to enter into many more strategic partnerships than they did in the past. Not all of apparel will necessarily be made in China. But going forward,they see many more apparel companies focusing on partnerships, and that should help in injecting more speed and agility into the supply chain management of Nike. 1) The second major change hinges on the need to be more demand-driven. Point-of-sale [POS] technology has progressed significantly in recent years, and POS information is more readily available and also a lot cleaner than it was in the past. At this point, it is up to company to figure out how to use that information to become much more responsive to the needs of our customers and deliver the products at a best suitable procedure and creates the value for time. 2) RFID will no doubt help Nike in a number of ways for continous improvement of supply chain management .RFID is being used to identify inbound and outbound product. RFID is being used in the warehouse to locate product. It is being used in manufacturing and processing industries to track and locate WIP (Work in Progress) and finished goods. RFID is being used to monitor and track product in transit, and RFID is being used to ensure store shelves are replenished.GAO RFID understands that the Supply Chain requires more than one type of RFID technology to satisfy all these different requirements and has developed different solutions for tracking as well locating.But they believe that it has the potential to help us build more demand responsiveness into our supply chain.  Nike has played a leadership role, along with other businesses and multilateral development organizations, in supporting infrastructure development in Vietnam and encouraging supply chain management of nike inc. The first component of the program involved having key Vietnamese government officials visit a Nike footwear factory in Vietnam and subsequently physically follow the movement of finished products from the factory to the port. The group traveled to southern China, an area well known for its development of physical infrastructure. They also visited Singapore to see world-class port facilities and operations and learn about infrastructure planning and financing. Not only the operation of nike in many countries today than they did 10-to-15 years ago, but the regulations in these countries are always changing. For example, back in 1990, the average tariff in India was about 58% for products coming in, and now its about 20% or so. Similarly, the average tariff in China used to be 30%, and today its about 6%. As a result, Nike operates differently today in the global marketplace even in countries where they had a presence for years. Formerly, because of the high tariffs, Nike tended to do mostly local sourcing. But now that tariff rates have fallen and subsequently increasingly starting to do much more deployment of global sourcing space, and thats changing the whole Nikes supply chain network Nike also overhauled its supply-chain system, which often left retailers either desperatel. The old jerry-built compilation strung together 27 different computer systems worldwide, most of which couldnt talk with the others. Under Densons direction, Nike has spent $500 million to build a new system. Almost complete, it is already contributing to quicker design and manufacturing times, and fatter gross margins 42.9% last year. That still-modest portfolio of different brands helps to lessen the companys dependence on hit shoes and could help Nike turn in a more consistent performance. Thats why Nike is eager to snap up complementary brands as they become available. In mid-August it paid $43 million for Official Starter Properties, licensors of sneakers and athletic apparel whose brands include the budget-level Shaq label. What were trying to do is move toward more of a consumer, noncyclical model, says Blair. The key is trying to find the right balance of discipline, innovation, creativity, and structure. Nikes Supply Value Chain In 1984, Nike owned just 16% of the athletic-shoe market, and for much of the 1980s it was running neck-and-neck with Reebok (Wilson 1).  Now, with somewhere between 43-47% of that market, Nike is the undisputed leader. However, things are not perfect with the company.  In the late 1990s, Nike began to see the results of many unresolved issues concerning competitive forces exterior to the company and a value chain, unrepresentative of its marketplace and enormous growth, interior to the company.  Both issues affected its bottom line negatively.  One significant issue was simply a function of poor inventory management and demand forecasting, coupled with the ongoing and dramatic slump in Asian sales. Nike had anticipated a doubling of Asian revenues, but saw instead a decline .  Nike also had recurring problems managing the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers.  Finally, Nikes competitors, most notably Rebox, New Balance, Adidas and Fila, were copying m uch of the look of Nikes advertising campaigns, making its image projection much less effective.  Nike faced many challenges that they face in building, managing, and expanding global supply chains. Following are some of the nuggets gleaned from their remarks: Ocean freight between Asia and North America routinely takes 45 days or even as long as 60 days, in the event of missed sailing schedules or other problems. When an order is delayed, it has to be expedited through the manufacturing process, and the burden falls on transportation to offset the delays. But trying to make up for lost time by air freighting containers has a ruinous effect on freight budgets. Cross-country cost comparisons for sourcing product should be calculated on an all-in basis, including the costs of ownership along with all other costs incurred across the supply chain. Global supply chains daily involve such vexing problems as complex import-export processes, inadequate logistics infrastructures, and a gauntlet of regulations and trade agreements that are forever changing. When network optimization studies are prepared, they must identify and include the infrastructure-related challenges that are commonplace in emerging markets. Owing to escalating product proliferation, a key challenge is to build more speed, responsiveness, and adaptability into supply chains while still meeting the diverse needs of consumers in different markets. Customers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding, insisting on shorter lead times and faster inventory-turns. To be competitive, suppliers must accommodate these requirements without inflating their cost structures. Looking ahead, freight transport looms as a major source of concern including rising costs, capacity bottlenecks, and homeland security. The relative costs of manufacturing onshore versus offshore are shifting, and the balance could tip in favor of manufacturing beginning to migrate back to the U.S. from offshore locations. Worldwide, Nike faces a huge amount of product proliferation, and their challenge is to build more speed, responsiveness, and adaptability into our supply chains while still meeting the diverse needs of consumers in different markets.They started to create more partnerships with suppliers and carriers and implementing lean manufacturing programs everything and anything that can help us get more flexibility into their supply chain SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF NIKE IN INDIA At Nike which has $16 billion in revenues today with the goal of getting to $23 billion by 2011 process excellence is a key component of the companys supply chain strategy. Nikes three businesses footwear, apparel and equipment have some similarities since most of the products are made in Asia and sold to similar customers worldwide. Their production processes, though, are completely different. Much of this has to do with the fact that from the time Nike began in 1964, it has never owned a factory but has chosen to work through contract manufacturing. They are trying to build our strength in process excellence through standardization and also doing this through the concept of lean manufacturing, which Toyota has made popular. Nike is also working towards what it calls delivery precision. Nike conceives its products in the form of collections. A collection could consist of a top apparel, a bottom apparel, shoes, bag, cap, etc. This is how customers typically like to buy products. While Nike designs these products as part of one collection, each category of items is made in different locations. As a result, if supply chain execution goes awry, these products are not available as complete collections, and that leads to loss of sales. Getting this streamlined is extremely challenging because it involves changing the way contract manufacturers work. Nike supply chains need to support our different businesses and different business models, One of our key challenges is to design supply chains that can leverage what is common and use common platforms and, at the same time, customize parts of the supply chain wherever necessary to meet the end needs of the markets specially in countries like india.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Edmund Emil Kemper III: Serial Killer Essay -- Biography Biographies
Edmund Emil Kemper III: Serial Killer Edmund Emil Kemper III was raised by a verbally abusive mother and her succession of abusive husbands. He was 6'9'' and therefore there was really no where that he could hide once the police caught on to his murderous activities. At a young age Edmund tortured and killed animals and had fantasies that combined sex and violence (crime library, 2000). Edmund's younger sister said that "he would stage his own execution in the form of a childhood 'game' in which he had her lead him to a chair, blindfold him, and pull and imaginary lever, after which he would writhe about as if dying in a gas chamber" (Leyton: 1995, 43). By the time that Edmund was finally apprehended by the police he had killed ten people by strangulation , stabbing an shooting. These victims not only perfect strangers but his grandparents and his mother as well. Edmund's background was similar to that of many serial killers. His parents had a tumultuous marriage and they separated when he was nine (crime library, 2000). Edmund's parents were not bad parents, they did try, but he was a difficult child. Even though he was growing quickly in size he was afraid of other boys and had problems making friends and forming relationships. Since Edmund was so difficult to handle he was sent from his mothers house to his fathers were subsequent threats to his stepmother lead him to be sent to his grandparents farm. This is where his first killings occurred at the age of fourteen. "I just wondered how it would feel to shoot Grandma" (Leyton: 1995, 46). This is what Edmund said to the police when they arrived at the farm after he shot and killed both his grandmother and grandfather. He said that he felt an overwhelming rage, like he ... ...d, he had intercourse with dead corpses, decapitated heads (his mothers was said to be put on the mantel at one point) and he even handcuffed the corpses (Leyton: 1995). After killing the girls he made an attempt to ensure that the girls were of the upper class, this was a very important point with him (Leyton: 1995, 66). "I didn't want to kill all the coeds in the world", this quote may give some insight into who Kemper is now as he sits in an institution and is said to be a 'happy' man, he has challenged all the problems in his life that bothered him and now after the issues have been resolved he appears to be content (Leyton: 1995, 77). References: Leyton, E. (1995). Hunting Humans: The Rise of the Modern Multiple Murderer. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. The crime library, 2000 [wysiwyg://2/]
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Our Fluid English Language Essay
It is generally known that as time goes on, most things tend to change, evolve and grow. This could be said about a long list of thing, including humans, music, fashion, technology and many more. But what isn’t commonly thought about is the evolution of language; more specifically the English Language. Being one of the most spoken and rapidly learned language worldwide, one might ponder the evolution of the it and how the English language came to be. Spoken today is called Modern English, but this language took hundreds of years to be developed into from its Greek, Latin, German, Russian and other European roots. To further understand the fluidity of the English language, a Catholic prayer that was once written in Anglo-Saxon or Old English is rewritten in Middle English and Early Modern English. Through these stepping stones of the English language, one could analyze the difference in letter symbols, punctuation, and pronunciation. At first glance, the Old English version seems to be in a completely different language. One would never believe that the English we speak today derived from Old English. But as one tries to decipher the words and the passage at hand, few words became certain to be derived from Old English. Although most are not Catholic and wouldn’t know this as a religious passage, the major clue was the capitalization of the first word: father. Although spelled â€Å"Faeder†in Old English, it was easy to assume that it was a prayer from prior knowledge about the Catholics reference to God as Father. Not only that, â€Å"Faeder†and â€Å"Father†have similar pronunciation and many of the same letters. Some words seem familiar through context clues such as â€Å"willa†and â€Å"will†, â€Å"becume†and â€Å"become†, and â€Å"forgyf†and â€Å"forgive†. However, there are words that are completely unfamiliar and are unused in Modern English such as â€Å"gedaeghwamlican†, â€Å"heofonum†, and â€Å"gyltendum†. This proves to show that has time goes on, words and symbols begin to change, words begin to be spoken in different sounds, and grammar starts to shift away from its original roots. From the Old English and the Middle English translations, grammar seems to change the most and is the most noticeable. Similar to how English is spoken today, the first line of the Middle English translated prayer starts off as â€Å"Oure fadir,†which is very similar to the Modern English â€Å"Our Father.†But in the Old English version, the prayer starts as â€Å"Faeder ure.†In many languages like Spanish and Latin, verbs and possessors are generally put in front of the possessive, unlike Middle and Modern English. As seen in the Old English version, father comes before â€Å"ure†or our. This analyzation displays the roots of English and how the language evolves and eventually strays from its origin. Also seen clearly in the Middle English version of the Catholic prayer, words seem closer to the Modern English spoken today, although some symbols and spellings reveal its true age. More words become recognizable such as â€Å"kyngdom†to kingdom, and â€Å"heuene†to heaven. These words show how over time, words begin to shift and change, although it started as something else. A symbol that stays constant from Old English on to Middle English is a letter close to â€Å"p†. This symbol is pronounced a â€Å"th†sound. Although this symbol is replaced with the letter â€Å"t†and â€Å"h†in Modern English, the words such as â€Å"pi†and â€Å"pat†are equivalent to the Early Modern English words â€Å"thy†and â€Å"that†. This different usage of symbols but same sounds exemplifies the change in letter themselves, but not the sound it once came from. The Middle English truly shows the steps it took to get from Ol d English to Early Modern English. When we read the Early Modern English of this Catholic prayer, we can understand it clearly, though words that are used in the prayer are not used in our daily vocabulary and writing. Words such as thy, and art, which has a different meaning from Modern English, are not used and are rarely seen in modern writing explosions. Early Modern English has been changed and developed so dramatically that people don’t talk the way the prayer goes. The proof that shows how fluid English is by the usage of slang. Just as spelling, pronunciation and grammar of words and sentences changed from the three stepping stones of English evolution, modern English words are being condensed and meaning of words change. The evolution of the English language doesn’t stop with us. Although there are three stepping stones of the English language, in the future there is a possibility that a New English will emerge. Just as it did over the course of hundreds of years, the English language will continue to evolve and change. Meanings will alter and spelling will change. A hundred years from now, Old English will seem to be a language in the past.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Organization & Operation of International Investment Bank Essay
Nowadays, banks seem to be springing up in the nooks and corners of every city in every country. The banks are no longer operating globally, in fact most of the big banks have marked their presence in most of the continents and yet they keep on expanding their business. There was a time when banking only meant providing loans to people or keeping their deposits but this is not the case anymore. Many different kinds of banks have sprung up offering diversified financial service that provide clients with investment and insurance products but the major ones are the commercial banks and the investment banks. The banks not only offer services to the customers and make their own money in the process but are in fact a vital part of the economy and its development as well. The purpose of the study is to make an analysis of the role played by investment banks; through their importance will come to light. The study will also be discussed with respect to the working of these bodies internationally. Introduction: The study deals with investment banks it is important to know how these institutions are different from commercial banks. Commercial banks are those institutions which accept deposits, provide business loans, and also offer other relevant services. Besides, they also provide the facility of making a variety of deposits through accounts like checking, time deposits or savings (Harvey, 2004). The purpose of existence of these institutions is to make a profit and the owners are a group of individuals, of whom some may belong to Federal Reserve System. Though the commercial banks provide services to individuals or clients, but their prime concern is to receive deposits and lend to businesses. An investment bank perform a range of tasks including issuance of securities (underwriting), management of portfolios of financial assets, trading securities (stocks and bonds), helping investors in buying securities and providing financial advice and support services; they are also involved in various proprietary functions in the financial markets, where they are their own clients (Lim, 26). It is mainly an intermediary who brings together sellers of stocks and bonds with buyers of the same. It differs mainly from the investment bank in the aspect that it has no inventory of cash deposits unlike a commercial bank. The companies usually use investment banks for achieving the same end as the commercial banks. If capital is required by a company, it may either obtain loan from a commercial bank, or buy equity or debt from investment bank. Commercial banks have availability of funds through depositors unlike an investment bank who, for this reason, have to spend considerable time looking for investors from whom they may obtain capital for clients. Literature Review: In the earlier days, banks were usually restricted to their local place of origin and only a few large ones had their branches in other countries but during the 19th century it was seen that many small banks failed in trying times for the reason that they were dependant on the fluctuations that local trades and industries went through; on the other hand larger banks which had their branches across the border were much secure as the risks were extended across a larger market and a broader range of borrowers. This is what gave rise and added to the popularity of international banking. Banks are involved in a wide range of services including the safe keeping of money and its transmission by different means like checks. At a primarily level, a bank takes the money from the customers and undertakes to repay it when demanded or when a prearranged period expires. But the roles of bank are no longer restricted to taking deposits or providing loans, there has been a great change in the nature of banks and their business has become more complicated over the last 20 years and this can be greatly contributed to the addition of various services pertinent to non-banking areas. This is the reason that major banks have taken control of bodies like merchant banks, estate agencies or hire-purchase companies, and have moved into areas like insurance and leasing (Geoffrey, 38-41). International banks operating overseas often suffer downward rating as seen the course of history that when a country’s creditworthiness is downgraded by international private agencies because of slacking public finances, it is followed by a similar rating of banks issuing shares because they carry large amounts of foreign currency government debt. The reason for this is that debt carries foreign exchange risk since the country is issuing it in a foreign currency thus increasing the probability of default in case the domestic currency depreciates; the countries who issue Eurobonds exercise acceptable sovereign credit ratings which permits them to float, in international markets, foreign currency bonds that have been underwritten by major international investment banks and carry investment grade AAA. Funds from the sale of securities return to banks and then may be invested partly in the provision of loans to the private sector or any other asset which carries a lower risk than that of foreign currency government debt (Shaheen & Achkar, 353). A bank should work profitably but by no means it should turn into an organisation that is not trusted by its customers, employees or shareholders. Most of the customers across the globe consider banks with quiet suspicion and at times even with vocal hostility where they are considered evil and not a valued service industry and there is rarely a day when the tabloid press does not expose some apparent banking bungle or scam. Majority of the banks are bent opon extending their branch network and makreting their products. A customer who is anxious to just perform a simple transaction like cashing a cheque, often find himself/herself in the hands of a bank staff trying to make him go for the product of the week. The banks are no longer focused on creating a customer-oriented environment that may attract customers but are following the policy of ‘indiscriminate sell’ which are driving out customers. Merely, expanding the branch network in different countries is not enough unless the bank succeeds in establishing a reputation for loyalty and trustworthiness with its borrowers. There are occasionally times when conflicts arise between the interests of a bank and its borrowers, but the key is to maintain mutual respect. Like the other organizations in service industries, customer satisfaction should lie at the core of a bank’s culture (John, 27). With respect to working of the investment banks, there is great reliance on analysts. These analysts are essential to the organization and working of investment banks. Because of the servies that they provide and avail, investors depend on analysts to perform a skilled analysis of security valuation, as it is usually the art and science which they are unable to perform themselves. At individual level, these analysts normally give coverage to a group of companies falling within the domain of particular industries. For this reason all major investment banks and even smaller commercial ones have their own teams of analysts who perform essential research on public corporations. These analysts do not contribute directly in generating material revenue for the bank. Instead, their services support two major groups. The first group is of professional and non-professional investors who give commissions to the banks by means of their orders to buy and sell securities. In this domain, what the analyst does is to spend time talking with investors in order to collect orders from them, which are not directly given to them but instead placed through salespeople working in the bank and with whom analysts keep in touch on a daily basis. The other important group in investment bank is the corporate finance department. This department is the vital contributor to revenues and profits earned by banks. The majority of revenue earned by the corporate finance is a result of underwriting and arranging financing (debt and equity) and providing services like mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advice to the clients. The role of analysts in Corporate finance lies where they are seeked for the promottion and sale of capital offerings and M&A deals to investors (Hayward & Boeker, 1-5). In the past, investment banks have earned great benefits because of the high demand for its products and many existing macro trends prevalent in most of the countries. One such example is of disintermediation of traditional capital providers which facilitated the continued developments in the business arena of corporate bond and securitisaties; even on the investment side, there was disintermedation of traditional savings providers like banks or insurance companies, as a result a flood of funds rushed into equity markets which brought the need for execution of advice and transaction; another factor which contributed to the success of investment banks is the globalisation of corporations and investors. Another positive trend was the effort of continued restructuring by corporations and governments so as to achieve global competitiveness and thus requiring advisory services of the investment banks. The reaction of the banking industry to these trends was the decision to organise itself around the organizations that were product-orientated so as to take advantage of the situation. To put it in other words, the former range of services that were offered and product capability was amplified due to increased product demand (Kauffman & Howcroft, 214). The international investment banks expanded their network across many countries as result of opportunities that were offered due to structural changes in the economy during the nineties in the form of privatization and ownership reallocation both in the financial and non-financial sectors (Messori 177). The function of international investment banks in terms of the banks’ own business is not awlays and necessarily the desire to be a major force in the retail mortgage market; but sometimes what they are instead aiming for is the building of their securitisation businesses. By expanding into the mortgage space beyond the local arena, a ready supply of new assets for securitisation become accessible to these banks directly, rather than this that they source loans in the secondary market. The benefit of securitising most of the loans of the bank in the mortgage business originates implies that the investment bank is capable of passing the risk of credit along to investors, and not only this but in turn also earning feed by means of arranging the securitisation transactions(Wood 36). An international investment bank often reaps the benefit of geographical co-location in many of the cases. The concept behind geographical co location can be illustrated by means of a ‘local code’ which promotes the idea that the knowledge which is specific to a certain place can be best acquired and utilized by marking your presence at that place. When talking of investment banks’ services, let’s say, its M&A advisory service, such transaction requires knowledge that is of a non-cosmopolitan nature, meaning, that the availability of such knowledge is limited, which means that it is pertinent to local market besides being related to the professional knowledge of the international M&A community (Schamp et al. 11- 615). Methodology: This research is basic in nature and is done to have a better understanding of the investment banks. The qualitative methodology of research has been used and is based on the use of secondary data, which is one that is gathered from existing data sources and has not been done by the researcher himself. For the purpose of collecting data for this research, articles/journals on the subject have been used. The use of secondary data saves time of doing all the research from a scratch and saves cost due to easily available of databases catering to the need and providing relevant information. The methodology takes effort in identifying the correct data and discarding the irrelevant ones; besides it authenticity may also be questioned at times. Property and validity of data: The data is secondary in nature, and has been obtained through reliable sources like published articles and research journals. The data is valid since it is not obsolete, relevant and authentic. Analysis of findings: Now, we will present an analysis of our findings in light of the literature review. Expansion banking beyond the boundaries: The workings of banks on an international level has not always been the trend, in fact, the banks usually used to be local and work within limited cities and towns but over time, such banks turned out to be unsuccessful and the counted few ones who operated internationally were seen to be making success. thus the banks saw opportunity in expanding their branches and their network as a whole beyond local boundaries. The reason for the success was that when they operated in diverse foreign markets and dealt with diverse borrowers, the risk was no longer linked with a single market only and was thus reduced. Rise of investment banking: The traditional functions of bank were limited to making loans and taking deposits and transferring of funds but this is no longer the case. There are banks now providing non-traditional services like leasing, insurance, mortgages. The investment banks became well versed among the masses as a result of diversification of bank services and of the trends that were prevalent in the economy during the 19th century. These trends among others, included disintermediation of financial services and different restructuring in the economy like privatization or resource allocation among different sectors which facilitated the need for advisory services. Organization of international investment banks: The international investment banks are organized in a manner so as to reap the best benefits from their operation in the international markets. These banks deal with local securities among other things of the countries in which they operate. This provides them with a better understanding of the local market conditions but at the same time, unlike local banks, they are not oblivious of the international markets and can play smartly in both arenas. But the back draw of this international arrangement is often visible in the form of downgraded rating when the foreign country of their operation is going through some sort of economical crisis but even then this downgrading is better than those of the local investment banks who are purely organized around the local financial instruments in their operations. The international investments banks are organized in such a way that only makes them visible in the international domain but also provide them with a supply of new assets thus enabling them to pass the credit risk to investors and also to arrange more transactions. Operation of the international investment banks: In the operation of the international investment banks, trust is a crucial element. Banks seem to be more focused on the expansion of their branch network and sale of their products than on building the customers’ trust. The customers must have the trust that their bank is providing them with the right investment options and that it is equally involved in the risk bore by them; only then can these investment banks operate successfully. The international bank operates through a complicated process but what is important is to know that these banks are dependant to a great degree on their financial analysts. These analysts are not involved in the direct generation of revenue but are in fact the essential elements for providing support to two of the revenue generating bodies, which are the investors and the corporate finance. The analysts spend considerable amount of time with the investors and give them advices regarding the right place to invest in; with respect to the corporate finance department, these analysts support those working with corporate finance department in persuading the clients into letting the bank handle their buying and selling of securities and other needs and in promoting their services by giving the right check and balance. Conclusion: Banking is no longer traditional and the former traditional role lies with the commercial banks; the diverse operations have given rise to the investment banks that have expanded their networks internationally and are making success. By operating globally, the investment banks come to terms with the local market conditions which enable them to have a more in depth insight and thus make wise investment decisions and provide the clients with the right options for decision making; the main personnel involved in their operations are their analysts who provide support to the revenue generating bodies of the bank.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Kindergarten Lesson Plan on Addition and Subtraction
A Kindergarten Lesson Plan on Addition and Subtraction In this sample lesson plan, students represent addition and subtraction with objects and actions. The plan is designed for kindergarten students. It requires three class periods of 30 to 45 minutes each. Objective The objective of this lesson is for students to represent addition and subtraction with objects and actions to understand the concepts of adding to and taking from. The key vocabulary words in this lesson are addition, subtraction, together and apart. Common Core Standard Met This lesson plan satisfies the following Common Core standard in the Operations and Algebraic Thinking category and Understanding Addition as Putting Together and Adding To and Understand Subtraction as Taking Apart and Taking From sub-category. This lesson meets standard K.OA.1: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions or equations. Materials PencilsPaper Sticky notesCereal in small baggies for each childOverhead projector Key Terms AdditionSubtractionTogetherApart Lesson Introduction The day before the lesson, write 1 1 and 3 - 2 on the blackboard. Give each student a sticky note, and see if they know how to solve the problems. If a large number of students successfully answer these problems, you can begin this lesson midway through the procedures described below. Instruction Write 1 1 on the blackboard. Ask students if they know what this means. Put one pencil in one hand, and one pencil in your other hand. Show students that this means one (pencil) and one (pencil) together equal two pencils. Bring your hands together to reinforce the concept.Draw two flowers on the board. Write down a plus sign followed by three more flowers. Say aloud, â€Å"Two flowers together with three flowers make what?†The students should be able to count and answer five flowers. Then, write down 2 3 5 to show how to record equations like this. Activity Give each student a bag of cereal and a piece of paper. Together, do the following problems and say them like this (adjust as you see fit, depending on other vocabulary words you use in the math classroom): Allow the students to eat some of their cereal as soon as they write down the correct equation. Continue with problems such as these until the students feel comfortable with addition.Say 4 pieces together with 1 piece is 5. Write 4 1 5 and ask the students to write it down too.Say 6 pieces together with 2 pieces is 8. Write 6 2 8 or the board and ask the students to write it down.Say 3 pieces together with 6 pieces is 9. Write 3 6 9 and ask the students to write it down.The practice with addition should make the subtraction concept a bit easier. Pull out five pieces of cereal from your bag and put them on the overhead projector. Ask students, â€Å"How many do I have?†After they answer, eat two of the pieces of cereal. Ask â€Å"Now how many do I have?†Discuss that if you start with five pieces and then take away two, you have three pieces left over. Repeat this with the students several times. Have them take out three pieces of cereal from their bags, eat one and tell you how many are left over. Tell them that there is a way to record this on paper. Together, do the following problems and say them like this (adjust as you see fit):Say 6 pieces, take away 2 pieces, is 4 left over. Write 6 - 2 4 and ask the students to write it as well.Say 8 pieces, take away 1 piece, is 7 left over. Write 8 - 1 7 and ask the students to write it.Say 3 pieces, take away 2 pieces, is 1 left over. Write 3 - 2 1 and ask the students to write it.After the students have practiced this, it’s time to have them create their own simple problems. Divide them into groups of 4 or 5 and tell them that they can make their own addition or subtraction problems for the class. They can use their fingers (5 5 10), their books, their pencils, their crayons or even each other. Demonstrate 3 1 4 by bringing up three students and then asking another to come to the front of the class. Give students a few minutes to think of a problem. Walk around the room to assist with their thinking.Ask the groups to show their problems to the class and have the seated students record the problems on a piece of paper. Differentiation In step four, separate students into tiered groups and adjust problems based on complexity and number of steps. Support struggling students by spending more time with these groups and challenge advanced students by asking them to experiment with different types of counting, such as with their fingers or even with each other. Assessment Repeat steps six through eight together as a class at the end of math class for a week or so. Then, have groups demonstrate a problem and do not discuss it as a class. Use this as an assessment for their portfolio or to discuss with parents. Lesson Extensions Ask students to go home and describe to their family what putting together and taking away means and what it looks like on paper. Have a family member sign off that this discussion took place.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Maternal Depression And Its Association With Insecurely Attached Infants; A Review Of The Research
Maternal Depression 1 Running Head: DEPRESSION ASSOCIATED WITH ATTACHMENT Maternal Depression’s Affects on the Infant’s Quality of Attachment Maternal Depression 2 Abstract The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression and quality of attachment are associated in children ranging from infancy to 7 years of age. Based on a power analysis 40 mother-infant dyads will be recruited and put into two groups, one of depressed mothers and their infants, and then the non-depressed mothers and their infants. The dyads will be recruited from the NY metropolitan area by posting fliers in grocery stores and places where baby supplies are sold, advertising in newspapers and radio ads, and in therapist’s offices. Maternal depression will be measured by Beck’s Depression Inventory which is a self-report. A score of 17 or above indicates a need for professional treatment of depression. Mothers will also be evaluated for depression by DSM-IV criteria which is comprised of having an episode of depression lasting at least two weeks with symptoms severe enough to upset daily routine, impair work, or interfere with relationship s. The quality of attachment would be measured through the observational method; Strange Situation and either one of the four attachment styles would be attributed to the infants. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression will be associated with infant’s quality of attachment such that those who are depressed will be more likely to have insecurely attached infants than mothers who are not depressed. Maternal Depression 3 The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression and quality of attachment are associated in children ranging from infancy to 7 years of age. Significance According to the National Mental Health Association (2000) women experience depre... Free Essays on Maternal Depression And Its Association With Insecurely Attached Infants; A Review Of The Research Free Essays on Maternal Depression And Its Association With Insecurely Attached Infants; A Review Of The Research Maternal Depression 1 Running Head: DEPRESSION ASSOCIATED WITH ATTACHMENT Maternal Depression’s Affects on the Infant’s Quality of Attachment Maternal Depression 2 Abstract The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression and quality of attachment are associated in children ranging from infancy to 7 years of age. Based on a power analysis 40 mother-infant dyads will be recruited and put into two groups, one of depressed mothers and their infants, and then the non-depressed mothers and their infants. The dyads will be recruited from the NY metropolitan area by posting fliers in grocery stores and places where baby supplies are sold, advertising in newspapers and radio ads, and in therapist’s offices. Maternal depression will be measured by Beck’s Depression Inventory which is a self-report. A score of 17 or above indicates a need for professional treatment of depression. Mothers will also be evaluated for depression by DSM-IV criteria which is comprised of having an episode of depression lasting at least two weeks with symptoms severe enough to upset daily routine, impair work, or interfere with relationship s. The quality of attachment would be measured through the observational method; Strange Situation and either one of the four attachment styles would be attributed to the infants. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression will be associated with infant’s quality of attachment such that those who are depressed will be more likely to have insecurely attached infants than mothers who are not depressed. Maternal Depression 3 The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that maternal depression and quality of attachment are associated in children ranging from infancy to 7 years of age. Significance According to the National Mental Health Association (2000) women experience depre...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Svante Arrhenius - Father of Physical Chemistry
Svante Arrhenius - Father of Physical Chemistry Svante August Arrhenius  (February 19, 1859 – October 2, 1927) was a Nobel-Prize winning scientist from Sweden. His most significant contributions were in the field of chemistry, although he was originally a physicist. Arrhenius is one of the founders of the discipline of physical chemistry. He is known for the Arrhenius equation, the theory of ionic dissociation, and his definition of an Arrhenius acid. While he was not the first person to describe the greenhouse effect, he was the first to apply physical chemistry to predict the extent of global warming based on increased carbon dioxide emissions. In other words, Arrhenius used science to calculate the effect of human-caused activity on global warming. In honor of his contributions, there is a lunar crater named Arrhenius, the Arrhenius Labs at Stockholm University, and a mountain named Arrheniusfjellet at Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Born: Feburary 19, 1859, Wik Castle, Sweden (also known as Vik or Wijk) Died: October 2, 1927 (age 68), Stockholm Sweden Nationality: Swedish Education: Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University, Stockholm University Doctoral Advisors: Per Teodor Cleve, Erik Edlund Doctoral Student: Oskar Benjamin Klein Awards: Davy Medal (1902), Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1903), ForMemRS (1903), William Gibbs Award (1911), Franklin Medal (1920) Biography Arrhenius was the son of Svante Gustav Arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg. His father was a land surveyor at Uppsala Unversity. Arrhenius taught himself to read at age three and became known as a math prodigy. He started at the Cathedral school in Uppsala in the fifth grade, although he was only eight years old. He graduated in 1876 and enrolled in the University of Uppsala to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics. In 1881, Arrhenius left Uppsala, where he was studying under Per Teodor Cleve, to study under the physicist Erik Edlund at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Science. Initially, Arrhenius helped Edlund with his work measuring the electromotive force in spark discharges, but he soon moved on to his own research. In 1884, Arrhenius presented his thesis Recherches sur la conductibilità © galvanique des à ©lectrolytes (Investigations on the galvanic conductivity of electrolytes), which concluded that electrolytes dissolved in water dissociate into positive and negative electrical charges. Further, he proposed chemical reactions occurred between opposite-charged ions. Most of the 56 theses proposed in Arrhenius dissertation remain accepted to this day. While the association between chemical activity and electrical behavior is understood now, the concept was not well-received by scientists at the time. Even so, the concepts in the dissertation earned Arrhenius the 190 3 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, making him the first Swedish Nobel laureate. In 1889 Arrhenius proposed the concept of an activation energy or energy barrier that must be overcome for a chemical reaction to occur. He formulated the Arrhenius equation, which relates activation energy of a chemical reaction to the rate at which it proceeds. Arrhenius became a lecturer at Stockholm University College (now called Stockholm University) in 1891, professor of physics in 1895 (with opposition), and rector in 1896. In 1896, Arrhenius applied physical chemistry calculate the temperature change on the Earths surface in response to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration. Initially an attempt to explain ice ages, his work led him to conclude human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, generated enough carbon dioxide to cause global warming. A form of Arrhenius formula to calculate the temperature change is still in use today for climate study, although the modern equation accounts for factors not included in Arrheniuss work. Svante married Sofia Rudbeck, a former pupil. They were married from 1894 to 1896 and had a son Olof Arrhenius. Arrhenius was married a second time, to Maria Johannson (1905 to 1927). They had two daughters and one son. In 1901 Arrhenius was elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He was officially a member of the Nobel Committee for Physics and a de facto member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. Arrhenius was known to have aided Nobel Prize awards for his friends and he attempted to deny them to his enemies. In later years, Arrhenius studied other disciplines, including physiology, geography, and astronomy. He published Immunochemistry in 1907, which discussed how to use physical chemistry to study toxins and antitoxins. He believed radiation pressure was responsible for comets, the aurora, and the Suns corona. He believed the theory of panspermia, in which life might have moved from planet to planet by the transport of spores. He proposed a universal language, which he based on English. In September of 1927, Arrhenius suffered from acute intestinal inflammation. He died on October 2 of that year and was buried in Uppsala.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Adult Learning and Presentation Reflection Essay
Adult Learning and Presentation Reflection - Essay Example Adults have a tendency of resisting learning when feel the trainer is imposing ideas or information on them. They have to be aware of the benefits they achieve by learning something and the cost of not learning (Cooper and McIntyre, 1996; Hinchliff, 2009). In this case, the presentation was based on the valid needs of the audience. The audience was composed of nursing students who would gain from learning about the BiPAP and Non-Invasive Ventilation. The learning activities were based around real work experiences and the lesson plan contained details of the learning objectives, content, resources, and outcomes. An adult is someone who has a self-concept of his or her own life and is responsible for making life decisions and coping with the consequences (O'neil and Marsick, 2007). Adults develop the need to be seen as being capable of taking responsibility (Rogers, 2002; Hinchcliff, 2004). The trainer should design a self-directed learning situation where the learner is in charge of most of the learning activities. The learning process should incorporate several options for learning such as reading texts and internet resources (Quinn, 2000; Quinn and Hughes, 2007). The presentation had a video that would provide more information on the ventilation mechanisms. Adult learners also apply their experience into the current learning activity.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Reward and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reward and Performance - Essay Example In contrast, survey carried out by Kenneth Kovach depicted that employee's ranked good wages fifth among their top ten job reward factors. Therefore, there appears to be a difference in ideology of what motivates employees (Kovach, 1995). Motivation revels when in an organisation considers all factors affecting performance. (Ruebusch, 2003). These factors include individual needs, nature of the job i.e. degree of job challenge and goal clarity, job design, job security, organisational climate, a sense of personal significance, stability of expectations, recognition, trust, honest communication, dignity and respect, as well as an equitable reward system which will be discussed in great detail in the proposed thesis. The exigency to motivate employees with desirable rewards has hitherto salvaged a significant level of importance; this is because rewards can serve as motivators but could also have negative reactions should that supposed merit falls below employee's expectations. Therefore, this thesis seeks to examine the impact of valued rewards on performance in the banking industry utilizing the expectancy theory and two factor theory of motivation framework, while introducing other factors that influence the activity levels of performance. From my critical research on the literature on motivation, as well as the growing need by managers to find solutions to the question how do they motivate employees, I discovered a few conjectures that need to be addressed and elaborated upon in this dissertation. One aim is to ascertain the impact of valued rewards on individual and organisational performance and its effect on productivity and profitability. Then, conjuring strategies that improvises and sustains performance through the establishment of feedback channels, employee training and a friendly work environment can provide a breeding ground for trust. The examination of other variables besides rewards that affect performance such as the aforementioned job security and recognition among others must be in order so that variables can withstand and make a difference through the test of time. Finally, the determination of what rewards employees consider valuable enough to influence behaviour will allow management to be very sel ective to rewards that can profit the workers. Business organisations still face a lot of difficulties in the area of employee motivation. This poses a dilemma for employees' control of other factors of production in order to achieve goals, greater productivity and higher profits. In order to motivate people you must appeal to their deepest desires (Ruebusch, 2003). Managers should not expect a standard compensation plan or incentive program to have the similar effect on every employee. To procure top performance, compensation plans and incentive programs must be deftly tailored to meet the specific needs of each employee because employees of different ages and generational cohorts have varying needs over time (Jeffords et al, 1997). It has also been observed that extrinsic rewards have effect on employees to work proficiently. Therefore, this study will provide managers within the banking industry with a deeper insight into the needs of today's employees and rein them towards other reward trends which appear to boost employee mo rale and productivity. As highlighted by Herrera (2002), managers need to be concerned of the creation of workplace culture that
Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art Essay
Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art - Essay Example The essay "Impressionism and Its Effect of the Development of Art" discovers impressionism and it's effect of art development. The Impressionist form of art was peculiar in the sense that unlike other traditional paintings at the time of its origin, Impressionist paintings included relatively small, thin but nevertheless visible brush strokes. Impressionist paintings focused more on depicting light accurately in its altering qualities. Contrary to the fine finish detail to which most traditional artists always wanted to achieve in their works, the Impressionist’s were focused on capturing the immediate effect of a scene in their painting. It was often the case that still lifes and portraits were always painted indoors by artists before the emergence of Impressionism movement. The Impressionists realized they capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight simply by painting en plein air. As a result, their paintings were a realistic reflection of modern life characteri zed by rich visual effects as opposed to details. In order to achieve the visual effects, the Impressionists often used short â€Å"broken†brush strokes composed of mixed and pure unmixed color. This provided the effect of intense color vibration in their paintings. Prior to the formation of the Impressionism art movement, art painting was being practiced. The earlier painters the 17th-century painters including the Dutch often focused their attention on common subjects but somehow their composition remained largely traditional.
Technology impact on the organization Research Paper
Technology impact on the organization - Research Paper Example Factors of production include the inputs required in the production process in order to accomplish an organization’s objective in achieving its desired output. The desired output may be a finished product or a service depending on the organization. They include labor, capital, land and enterprise or entrepreneurship (Lee & Edgar, 2002). This makes technological progress the mover of development in the economy. Labor in an organization is termed as either skilled labor or unskilled labor. Most organizations will prefer the use of unskilled labor as much as possible since it is cheaper as compared to skilled labor. It is also in many instances readily available. On the other hand, skilled labor is needed, especially where technology brings in the aspect of automation in processing. Capital is the initial amount of money required to carry out organization affairs. Depending on the investment targeted, an organization requires variant amount of capital. An organization with an automated computer controlled process cannot have the same amount of investment with another of the same kind. Initial cost of high technology is high, but this ends up becoming economical due to efficiency and high productivity in processing. This is a basic factor that deals with the management of a company. Workers in the managerial positions and are conversant with high grade technology know how to bring out better results. This brings in the aspect of â€Å"Just in Time†delivery of goods and services. One of the roles of technology includes increased productivity of the workers. This is enhanced by the use of efficient machines in operations, thus making it possible to exploit the worker’s potential. There is optimal resources utilization; this includes space, time, process, human resource among others. When there is no waste in a process, optimal profits are obtained, and making profits is the main goal of any business organization (Montano
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Anecdotes that relates wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Anecdotes that relates wisdom - Essay Example The girl saw this and asked her mother: â€Å"Mom, why are they laughing at that woman?†Her mom answered: â€Å"They are laughing at her, because she is fat.†Her daughter looked confused and said: â€Å"I would not laugh at anyone just because they are bigger than me. That would be rude.†At the theater, they watched the movie â€Å"Shrek.†When the scene showed Shrek being introduced to the public and people either laughed at him or looked disgusted, her child asked her: â€Å"Mom, why are they laughing at Shrek?†Her mom replied: â€Å"Because he is ugly my dear. They are laughing at him for being ugly.†Her daughter looked puzzled again and stressed: â€Å"But mom, Shrek is not ugly at all. He just looks different, but he sure is not ugly.†At home, the daughter seemed sad. Her mom asked her what was bothering her. She said that at school, some of her classmates said that she did not look like her mom, because her mom looked †Å"ugly.†She told her mom: â€Å"I told them that you’re the most beautiful face in my universe. And you know mom, I wanted to hurt them. I wanted to push them away. But I stopped myself. Because if I did that, then I would be the ugly one.†The mother couldn’t help but cry. Lesson 6 Journal Entry # 1 of 10 Journal Exercise 6.1: Prewriting - Anecdote With Wisdom Brainstorm a list of possible topics. To begin, you'll need to think of an experience that taught someone a lesson. Like John Knowles, you can draw from the experiences of your own life or you can write pure fiction. Either way, your anecdote should share some insight or wisdom drawn from the experience. You can choose any writing style that's comfortable for you. For example, you may want to go with a personal, first-person narrator like Gene. You may want to write in an omniscient voice to show what all of the characters are thinking. Read back through some of the selections in Collection 13 to s ee if anything strikes you. Your list can be a mini-version of a writer's notebook. Jot down as many different anecdote ideas as you can to give yourself a lot of choices later. Your list might be just a phrase or two to remind you of the characters and maybe the lesson, or it might include more detail about some ideas, like a description of a setting. You should list at least three possible anecdote ideas and the lessons that go with them. Journal entry 1) The anecdote is about a woman who learns the value of simplicity from her own daughter. Her daughter shows her that brands and money do not matter to her. Expensive trips do not matter to her. It only matters that her mom gives her time and attention, because time and attention meant that her mom loved her more than anything in this world. 2) The anecdote is about a workaholic man. He has bought his own house and two automobiles already. Aside from that, he has enough savings that can last him two years or more. But somehow, he i s not happy. He learns from an old man with memories of his family that material things are nothing with no one to share them with. 3) The anecdote narrates the life of a scientist looking for the fountain of youth. He already tested several animal and plant enzymes, but he could not find anything that could maintain one’s youth. Depressed, he left his life and became a nomad living in the forest, where he meets his future wife. They have a family together. The lesson is not about being young forever, but growing old with people one
Renters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Renters - Essay Example If it there is no comparison, one should lower the tax rate. To report rental income, one can use the form 1040 that comprises of all the schedules from A to F, J, L, M, & SE, and the other form 1040 with few information and no schedules. If your buildings, apartments, or rooms provide only trash collection, heat, and light among others, one should only report the rental income and expenses on part 1 in schedule E form 1040. If the apartment provides extra services that are essential to tenants’ convenience, like maid service, regular cleaning, and changing linen should report the rental expenses and income in Schedule C form 1040. It indicates considerable services of the apartment or business as the real estate dealer One can include rental income from the real state property owned by the taxpayer with the income they are reporting for their convenience store by including it on the schedule C used to report sales activities. This may be helpful as in most cases one may be subject to risk on activities carried out as business or trade. Typically, schedule C highlights the loss and profit from the business. It underlines basic services imposed for tenant’s convenience, and the total rental expenses and income (Anderson, 2011). The rental income is an income that is subject to self employment taxes. It is worth noting that, rental income is indicated on schedule E with Supplemental loss and income of tax return. Such incomes are derived from corporations, rental income, royalties, and trusts just to name a few. Nevertheless, even though such are categorized as income, it is not earned until one rent a personal property rather from real estate. Rental income takes place when one invests money in estates, which is return on investment in the form of rent. Therefore, the rental income can only be subject to self-employment taxes if there is investment obtained. However, if the apartment does not give
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Anecdotes that relates wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Anecdotes that relates wisdom - Essay Example The girl saw this and asked her mother: â€Å"Mom, why are they laughing at that woman?†Her mom answered: â€Å"They are laughing at her, because she is fat.†Her daughter looked confused and said: â€Å"I would not laugh at anyone just because they are bigger than me. That would be rude.†At the theater, they watched the movie â€Å"Shrek.†When the scene showed Shrek being introduced to the public and people either laughed at him or looked disgusted, her child asked her: â€Å"Mom, why are they laughing at Shrek?†Her mom replied: â€Å"Because he is ugly my dear. They are laughing at him for being ugly.†Her daughter looked puzzled again and stressed: â€Å"But mom, Shrek is not ugly at all. He just looks different, but he sure is not ugly.†At home, the daughter seemed sad. Her mom asked her what was bothering her. She said that at school, some of her classmates said that she did not look like her mom, because her mom looked †Å"ugly.†She told her mom: â€Å"I told them that you’re the most beautiful face in my universe. And you know mom, I wanted to hurt them. I wanted to push them away. But I stopped myself. Because if I did that, then I would be the ugly one.†The mother couldn’t help but cry. Lesson 6 Journal Entry # 1 of 10 Journal Exercise 6.1: Prewriting - Anecdote With Wisdom Brainstorm a list of possible topics. To begin, you'll need to think of an experience that taught someone a lesson. Like John Knowles, you can draw from the experiences of your own life or you can write pure fiction. Either way, your anecdote should share some insight or wisdom drawn from the experience. You can choose any writing style that's comfortable for you. For example, you may want to go with a personal, first-person narrator like Gene. You may want to write in an omniscient voice to show what all of the characters are thinking. Read back through some of the selections in Collection 13 to s ee if anything strikes you. Your list can be a mini-version of a writer's notebook. Jot down as many different anecdote ideas as you can to give yourself a lot of choices later. Your list might be just a phrase or two to remind you of the characters and maybe the lesson, or it might include more detail about some ideas, like a description of a setting. You should list at least three possible anecdote ideas and the lessons that go with them. Journal entry 1) The anecdote is about a woman who learns the value of simplicity from her own daughter. Her daughter shows her that brands and money do not matter to her. Expensive trips do not matter to her. It only matters that her mom gives her time and attention, because time and attention meant that her mom loved her more than anything in this world. 2) The anecdote is about a workaholic man. He has bought his own house and two automobiles already. Aside from that, he has enough savings that can last him two years or more. But somehow, he i s not happy. He learns from an old man with memories of his family that material things are nothing with no one to share them with. 3) The anecdote narrates the life of a scientist looking for the fountain of youth. He already tested several animal and plant enzymes, but he could not find anything that could maintain one’s youth. Depressed, he left his life and became a nomad living in the forest, where he meets his future wife. They have a family together. The lesson is not about being young forever, but growing old with people one
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Week 2 Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week 2 Discussion Questions - Essay Example The teams are defined in order to support the business processes which are of significance as concerns to the relevance of the scope of the project that they are under. The resource pool structure is based on the construction of teams from similar kinds of resource. The elements that are different within these team structures are that two of them are people-centric while the last one depends heavily on the availability of resources. The project team structure is related with the project manager’s authority since he will then be able to have a better idea as to how things will be conducted within the domain that he is working under. The boundary of the project upon which the project manager has completed hold upon is indeed the project scope. It is a fact that there are some outputs of project scope as well, which are indeed the time and costs associated. Therefore project scope takes into consideration what will be included and what must remain excluded from the domains of the project. Scope changes with the passage of time. The components of the project scope include the justification for the project, the specification and description of the product that is sought, the project deliverables and indeed the objectives of the project. These components define the real essence of a project and hence the project scope is closely linked with it as well. The components will eventually define the basis of project scope which is important. 3. What does each of the letters in the SMART acronym stand for? In your own words, describe what each piece of the SMART acronym means? Why is the SMART acronym an important part of developing requirements for the project? SMART is an acronym used for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound activities within the project management domains. By specific, one means that the project objectives need to be significant, simple and stretching all at the same time. The
Monday, October 14, 2019
Media Violence and its Effect on Youths
Media Violence and its Effect on Youths Introduction Background of the Study Over the years, researchers have examined the effects of before and after the introduction of media to the community. The constant question which crops up on the effects of media is, will the exposure of youth to media violence cause increased levels of aggression and violent behavior. According to Huesmann (2001), he said that the young adults may behave aggressively if they are exposed to media violence since young. Ones characteristics can be formed when they are young due to the exposure of media such as television, can determine what kind of a person he/ she will grow up to be. Media violence is reputably hard to explain and define. Violence is the act of a threat in harming and hurting where it could end up with life being sacrificed. The exposure towards media violence may arouse the aggressiveness in the behavior of a person. The connection between media violence and aggressiveness is interrelated because whenever there is aggressiveness it can somehow be linked to media violence. How media violence affect youth nowadays is indeed very important in order to have a clearer view of the society because if this matter is not taking seriously eventually violence in youth might contributes to a major portion of the increasing crime rates. Thus, the media indeed plays an important and major role in developing of morals and values of youth. Numerous shooting cases have taken place in schools, colleges and universities all around the world for the past few years. Many innocent lives have been taken due to the aggressiveness in youths. A youth who grew up surrounded by violence may have the tendencies of getting themselves involved in crime and violence at a higher rate compared than those who were not exposed to the media (Huston and Wright, 1997). There are many things around the world will influence a youths behavior, but in this research we will only be focusing on entertainment that is media such as television, wrestling and video games. The reason for researching on this topic is due to the fact that youth nowadays tend to develop characteristics by imitating behaviors from the media. One of the main influences of mass media would be media violence, where the printing and writing of the mass media wont have a big impact, because it is only visual compared to the media which has audio and visual effects at the same time. In many cases, youths tend to develop a violent behavior through media, and violence among youths is growing exponentially. Therefore, this study will focus on the university students perceptions towards media violence and its effects on youth in Malaysia. The specifications of media violence in this study are television, video games, internet games, music videos and music lyrics. Problem Statement This research is trying to find out what is the university students perception towards media violence on youths in Malaysia is because the media has the capability of affecting youths in their development of individual characteristics. The uncontrolled media violence incidents could be the birth of a more violent community and society in the future. Besides that, people may confuse reality by observing violence on media and develop unrealistic fears. It is an undeniable fact that entertainment media plays an important role for the future generations. Take the television for example; it has grown from a black and white small image set to full high definition wide screen. Today, it is a constant companion to most youths. Its influential properties are indeed undeniable, and the effect of media violence on youths is consistent. With parents working most of the time, youths are left alone depending on media as the sole source of entertainment, this of course leads to the youths tending to believe that all the behaviors and results are real and logical. University students can be categorized as youths where youths are generally visual learners because students at the university level is able to visualize the information given whether is it true or not rather than just trust whatever the information given. Visual learners think in pictures rather than in words. At this stage, they learn better visually, and usually would see the big picture first before learning the minor details. Most media nowadays depends a lot on visual effects; this includes media violence as well. The false admiration of heroes or heroines will cause youths to imitate the actions and behaviors from the entertainment source, and apply it in the real world. Youths will draw a quick conclusion and perceive that aggression could solve problems in life directly and generate rewards easily. Definition of the Term Mass media is any medium used to convey mass communication, and the mass media sources, which includes books, newspapers, magazines, radio, movies, television, and internet. It is a fact that mass media has grown by leaps and bounds, and the importance of it has also grown significantly throughout the years. Therefore, the influences in todays society are an unquestionable fact. One of the main influences of mass media would be media violence. Media violence is the visual portrayal of acts of aggression, and the action could be portrayed by anyone or anything, from human beings to animals. In many cases, the highly influenced group would mainly be youths. Such aggression behaviors include damages to properties, verbal abuse, emotional or physical abuse. In an important study carried out in Canada, children were found to have become significantly more aggressive two years after television was introduced to their town for the first time (Kimball and Zabrack, 1986). Children who prefer violent television shows when they are young have been found to be more aggressive later on, and this may be associated with trouble with the law in adulthood (Huesmann, 1986). The increase of violence among youths would reflect the growing numbers in violence among adults as well. This would lead to a crisis in society where violence would wander freely. University students are the future leaders, where the practice of media violence is normal to them could lead the world to an unhealthy trend by using aggressiveness to settle problems instead of using a peaceful way such as negotiation and meetings. Many wars could be waged and innocent citizens could be the victims of the violent world. The foundation behavior of a person is important because how a person grows up really depends a lot from the condition a person being raised up. Purpose of Research The purpose of this research is to find out what are the university students perceptions towards the media violence effects on youth in Malaysia. The research purpose is to analyze media violence on youths in contributing to a negative impact on society. This research also includes about how university students perception about the seriousness of the media violence affecting the younger generation compare to the older generation in this century. Research Questions There are three research questions which will be conducted in this research, they are: What are the university students perceptions towards the media violence effect on youth? Does the media violence affect their lives? What are the impacts of media violence on youths? Theoretical Framework (Social Learning Theory) Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action. (Albert Bandura, Social Learning Theory, 1977) The social learning theory is considered the most influential theory of learning and development which was proposed by Albert Bandura (1977). In many of the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning concepts such as observational learning, imitation, and identification. The theory are as follows, people learn by observing the behaviour of others and outcomes of it. Imitation is another direct mechanical reproduction of behaviour and learning can occur without a change in behaviour. Behaviourists say that learning has to be represented by a permanent change in behaviour. Social learning theorists say that because people can learn through observation alone, not necessarily to be shown in their performance. People can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. The observational learning and modeling process involved are attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Literature Review The importance of Media In the society nowadays, the media has become an essential need that everyone must have such as food and clothes where is it indeed true that media is playing an important role to play. With advance improvement in the field of science and technology today, the media has become a crucial part in our modern society. Media is a social device in our communication lives. The media can be obtained in everywhere such as newspaper, television, radio, films and internet. The society exposed to media everyday. In fact we seek knowledge through media (Tan, 2009). According to Devrani (2008), the duty of the media is to inform, entertain and also to educate the people in the society. Despite of that, the media help everyone to know what is going on in the world from time to time. Media shape lives and the societys lives will not be complete without media (Devrani, 2008). The medias impact is through psychological and intellectual where the media shape public opinion and help frame the society. The medias information is what we read, listen to and watch (Angel, 2008). According to Adedamola (2009), he explained that the media had always played the leading role in the way we think and do things, he also point out that the idea of perception is the central role of the media. Besides that, media also affects a persons perspectives not only through television but at the same time through radio, newspaper and the internet (Devrani, 2008). A person cannot rely completely with the media because a person has to filter and critically analyze the situation before judging on something. It is also important to know that the media is able to influence our thinking and minds. With this is also explaining the reason why the media is so powerful to manipulate one persons mind (Tan, 2009). In parallel, the media influence the people on making the decision, the product s to buy, questions to ask and choices to make in the daily life (Angel, 2008). It is often use by the leaders to make full usage of the media to influence people and by controlling the media means controlling the flow of the communication among the society. Media Violence It seems like that the violence among children is growing rapidly in our society today. It happen almost every parts of the world but the question still remains a mystery. How do children develop to be so violent? Is violence genetically programmed in them even before they are born? It is possible to ever change their attitude again? In many cases, researchers found that nowadays, the entertainment media plays a powerful role in the formation of values and morals in children. For a variety of reasons, it is now time for a new assessment of what is known scienti?cally about how media violence affects young people and what can be done to mitigate these adverse effects. (C. A. Anderson et al, 2003). In the past few years, there has been an onset of school shootings, and many teenagers had been sacrificed. One of the examples is the Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado on April 20, 1999, which killed 13 people and wounded 23 others. The incident was committed by two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, which involved imitation of characters of video games. They both committed suicide after the tragedy. In other case, Cho Seung-Hui has been identified as the gunman responsible for the two Virginia Tech attacks that claimed 33 lives to become the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history in April 16, 2007. Chos inability to handle stress and the frightening prospect of being turned out into the world of work, finances, responsibilities, and a family, Cho chose to engage in a fantasy where he would be remembered as the savior of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the poor, and the rejected. The panel went further, stating that, His thought processes were so distor ted that he began arguing to himself that his evil plan was actually doing good. His destructive fantasy was now becoming an obsession (The Virginia Tech review panel, 2007). Media violence contributes in making the student to have such evil plan mentality with a heavy heart that this world is so terrible to live anymore. In many situations, it seems that minority groups are usually targeted. The teenagers who kill seem to feel that they are being shunned and made fun of by their fellow classmates. The feeling would soon developed into hatred and revenge, thus sparkle off any undesirable incidents. Some of these tragedies have led to the killers killing themselves at the end in search of peace of mind. Violence (homicide, suicide, and trauma) is a leading cause of death for children, adolescents and young adults, more prevalent than disease, cancer or congenital disorders (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001). It is possible for those who are naturally aggressive to be the most affected by the media violent while the most vulnerable at the risk of increasing in aggressiveness (Gentile, 2004). Family history and background does contribute to the violence because when the children grow up in the aggressive family tends to behave more aggressive. Television Watching television is also one of the main factors contributing to the media violence on youth. By the time a child is eighteen years old, he or she will witness on television (with average viewing time) 200,000 acts of violence including 40,000 murders (Huston, et al, 1992). Williams (1970) have studied both before and after the television was introduced in a rural village in British Columbia where after two years the introduction of television, the violent incidents had increased by 160 percent. In?uences that promote aggressive behavior in young children can contribute to increasingly aggressive and ultimately violent behavior many years later. Therefore, it is important to recognize factors including media violence that, separately and together, may play a role in these outcomes in childhood (Huesmann Moise, 1998; Tremblay, 2000). In 2001, the Surgeon Generals conclude on youth violence that the media violence rises up youths physically and verbally aggressive behaviour in the short term rather than violent behaviour. According to the National Commission in 1969, television violence encourages violent forms of behavior that they do not propose that television is a primary cause of violence in society but they do propose that it is a causative factor. In 1993, American Psychological Association stated that there is totally no doubt that often watch violence on television are interconnected with increased of aggressive attitudes and increased aggressive behaviour. Other than that, in 1972, the Surgeon Generals Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior has set a television research impact on children. They have come out with the result that the evidence supports, a beginning and uncertain indication of a causal relation between viewing violence on television and aggressive behavior for some children who are prone to be aggressive. In July 2000, the, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and American Academy of Family Physicians stated with a joint statement that over 1,000 studies point overpoweringly to make a connection in some children between media violence and aggressive behaviour. Video Games and Internet Games Most video games and internet online games nowadays would consist of violence or sexually elements and characteristics on the games to increase sales and popularity. Most of the youths seem to be indulged in the video gaming world until they apply the gaming world into the real life situation. Violent video games can cause people to have more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and lessen sympathetic, helpful behaviours with peers. (Anderson, 2004; Gentile, 2003). In video game industry, particularly violence in general and sexual violence, the current trend is for gamers to be the bad guys. It creates acting out criminal fantasies in order to earn points for attacking and killing innocent passerby in the game. Even though these games are targeted for mature audiences but it is common and popular to be played by the teenagers. In the recent research about the video gamers by Anderson and Bushman (2001) shows that although the youth who only play the video games just few hours daily would also behave aggressively in the real world. By just playing the video games it can affect the youth negatively. This is a serious fact that cannot be ignored. According to Funk, Flores, Buchman, Germann (1999), the ratings provided by the video-game industry do not match with those provided by other adults and game-playing youngsters. The youngster and the adults totally disagree with the industry that has classified the cartoonlike character in many games as appropriates for general audiences. A study by Anderson et al. (2001), about a 14-year-old boy arguing that he has even killed somebody even though he has been playing video games for many years is indeed correct. Example for the 45-year-old two packets a day cigarette smoker also argues that he still does not have lung cancer. According to Anderson et al., both of them are wrong because their exposure to their respective risk factors of media violence and cigarettes has not unintentionally increased the likelihood of the people around them in future that one day suffers the consequences. Anderson and Dill (2000) also stated that violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very interesting and require the player to classify with the attacker. Anderson (2000) says, One major concern is the active nature of the learning environment of the video game. The exposures of the video games are potentially more dangerous than the exposure to television violence to ha ve significant effects on aggression and violence. (Anderson and Dill, 2000). In other meaning, playing video games may bring more significant violence effects on youths as they have the opportunities to be in the character and do the task in the games. Music Videos and Music Lyrics According to Waite, Hillbrand, and Foster (1992) says after the removal of Music Television (MTV) show a significant decrease of aggressive behavoiur on a forensic impatient ward. In 2003, Gentile, Linder, Walsh conducted a study on the fifth grade children where the children who watch MTV regularly reported to be involved into more physical fights compare to the children who do not watch MTV regularly. The regular MTV watcher also rated by their teachers is radically more aggressive and less prosocial. Music videos are also concern because these videos are sometimes stuffed with violence. The assumption of attitudes, behaviour and values portrayed in lyrics of the music that influence the young listeners on how to think and react received the most criticism from the public. (Carey, 1969; Christenson Roberts, 1998; Fedler, Hall, Tanzi, 1982; Roberts, Henriksen, Christenson, 1999). The songs and lyrics in the older days is totally different from now and the fact of the youths mind set also have change according to the pace of the society. Other the other hand, a group of mice were trained to run mazes in a high school science-fair experiments in where the group of mice were to put to listen to classical music, hard rock or no music. According to the student who perform the study says that the classical mice became faster in running the maze, whereas the hard rock mice became slower because the hard rock mice is killing each other while none of the classical mice did that (Eaton, 1997; Health, Wealth, Happiness, n.d.). Other than that, according to Rubin, West, and Mitchell (2001) stated that the college students who prefer heavy metal, rap or hip hop music are more aggressive than other students who prefer music such as country and pop where this bring a connection between the types of music youth listen and a broad range of troublesome attitudes and behaviours. The effects of media violence on youths Youths that often expose to the media violence tend not only behave aggressively but are more prone to have attitudes that support violence and aggression as a way of solving conflicts because the youths dun trust people around them and they view the world as a aggressive place. According to New Scientist ( 2007), by the time the average U.S. child starts elementary school he or she will have seen 8,000 murders and 100,00 acts of violence on TV. Besides that, Cyber (2006) says that after 15 years the researchers followed 329 subjects, they found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Researchers also state that, any children from any family regardless of social class or parenting can be affected by media violence. There is no word of escaping in the exposure of media violence because it is widely spread among the society and communities with the world. Girls who watched and expose more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their future husbands. In parallel, boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their future wives (Cyber, 2006). Every violent TV show increases a little-bit the chances of a child growing up to behave more aggressively in their life. In the same way after many years looking for accumulated data, the society is now recognizing a relationship between violence in the media and social problems. According to Barry (2002), the one of her study result shows that tracked 700 male and female youths over a seventeen-year period showed a definite relationship between TV viewing habits and acts of aggression and crime in the later life. Barry (2006) also states that the findings of this study help strengthen the link between TV, violence and youths. This shows a relevant result in between the violence is connected with the youths from watching television. Perception of University Students Towards Media Violence and its Effect on Youths Murray (2002) says that media violence is one of the factors in contributing to forming of aggressive and antisocial behavoiur when a young boy becomes a young man. In a study Anderson, Carnagey, and Eubanks (2003) has reported that among 500 university students that violent music and lyrics increased the students aggressive thoughts, behaviours and hostile feelings. There are now good conclusion and practical reasons to expect perception and effects of media violence among the university students. According to Mortimer, 2005 (as cited in Caez, E, 2006) the students thinks that they may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, they may become more fearful of the world around them, and they may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways towards others. According to Cantor and Harrison (1999), they found out that 138 university students have perceive frightening memories of media images still continued to disturb them after many years. Cantor and Harrison (1999) also states that over 90 percent of the university students have trouble to sleep and phobia in certain situations continued suffer due to the scary experience from images they viewed as a child. In a survey conducted by Gossellin, Guise and Paquette (1977) found out that among 360 university students perceive that the heavy television viewers are more likely to think and mostly believe that the world is a dangerous place and the viewers are not particularly scare of it. This shows that the students were not bothered by the violence around them and do not see there is anything wrong with the violence (Mortimer, 2005, as cited in Caez, E, 2006). In Mortimer, 2001(as cited in Caez, E, 2006) another research also found that the students who are fear of being a victim of violenc e would prefer to carry a weapon with them and has the mentality of behaving aggressively and plan to hurt the people before the people get hurt them. This shows that the universities students have the perception of protecting themselves is important rather than just sit there and wait for protection. Youths Media Violence in Malaysia There have been many reports of youth involved in the rapes, sex crimes, and extortion including stabbing of school childrens. In Malaysia, police statistics on these crimes indicate that they are on the rise (Loh, 2004). This media report arise the sense of panic, curious and anxiety among the citizens. The violence convicted by the youth in Malaysia becomes more serious nowadays. There are eight juveniles are charged in killing a 16 years old student in Seremban (Loh, 2004). In another case reported in The Star in 2004, a mother and her daughter were reportedly raped by two youths who had escaped from a nearby reform school in Jerantut. According to The Star (2010), mention that there is this article back in the year 2002, a 12 years old boy was charged for murdering his tuition teachers 11 years old daughter by hitting her with a hard object. As 12 years old boy, he might not even realize that his action can kill a girl. Other than that, The Star (2009) report that a 17 years old youth was charged in the Juvenile Court by intentionally hitting and attacking a policeman and two Rela officers. Besides that, there is also a 20 years old youth ran amok and stab his father to death while his elder brother with serious injuries in an article in The Star (2010). The Star (2007) review that the Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, it is very important for the youth and youngsters to know how to say no to violence at the National Youth Week. The media also hold an important role to play in investigating and reporting on media violence on youth. Moreover, the media is responsible to decrease the causes of crime but not contributing in increasing the media violence in Malaysia. Methodology Introduction Methodology can be explained as an appropriate method use to examine a field of study when conducting a research. Besides that, methodology also ensures that findings are relevant with the research questions in order to have discussion over the results before making a conclusion about the research. In this research, theoretical frameworks will be formed and tested, where as the quantitative research in primary research methods are planned. From there the methodology covers the research approach and preliminary layout of study that consists of the theoretical/conceptual framework, research questions, questionnaire design, statistic methods, analysis and finally with a conclusion. Quantitative Research Quantitative research is a category of research tools used when precise results are needed. The results are expressed in numbers or statistics form. There are two research form of quantitative which are survey questionnaire and content analysis. For this study, the survey questionnaire is designed to collect primary data. This method was chosen because survey questionnaire is more appropriate to be use in this research to find out the university students perception towards media violence and its effect on youths in Malaysia. Furthermore, this survey questioannaire method is not expensive, consuming less time, easy to collect data entry and the questionnaire can be design according to the research questions that at the same time suit to the target respondents mentality. The questionnaire will be printed out and send out to the target respondents for this study. Questionnaire Design The questionnaire is design according to the three research questions of this study. Each and every of the questions in the questionnaire must be able to relate back to the research questions which is about the perception of university students towards media violence and its effect on youths in Malaysia. It is important to know how the university students perceive this situation. Hence, this questionnaire is design to study the opinions, perceptions and experience of them on media violence. Structure of the questionnaire There will be four sections in this questionnaire where the section A consist of the target respondents demographics such as the gender, age, marital status and educational level while section B questions are on the university students perceptions, section C is about the media violence effects and the last section D emphasize on the impact of media violence on youths. Sampling Size The sample size of this research is 100 targeted to university students in Selangor state in Malaysia because there are quite a number of university in this area. All respondents are required to be honest with the answer and respond during the questionnaire is conduct to avoid inaccuracy of data collected. Methodological Limitation In this research study, there were few limitations in conducting this questionnaire survey. Limited time in conducting this survey has leads to the inaccurate of data collection. The small sample size due to time constraint has become one of the obstacles encountered because it is not representing the overall university students in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. In total, 100 questionnaires were distributed, a sum of 99 filled-out with valid responses was returned. Therefore, the effective response rate is 99%. Besides that, existing theories by the western researchers, might not be suitable apply into the Asian context. Findings and Analysis Introduction In this chapter, data collected from questionnaire are being converted into useful information to be interpreted. Findings and analyses are run to addressed the research objectives and answer the research questions. The intention of this chapter is to present the results of the questionnaire, as well as to offer interpretation of the findings and analysis related to the research questions. The findings is divided into three sections. Section A will be an overview of respondents profile. Section B reports the findings and analysis of the University students perception towards the effetcs of media violence on youths while the Section C report about the media violence affects on daily life among the respondents. Section D will be the impact of media violence on youths. The last part of this chapter is about analysis of the findings and comparison of the literature review with the data collected. Section A: Overview of Repondents Profile In total 100 copies of questionnaire has been distributed, total number of collection is 99 copies. This makes the response rate up to 99% of the solid respond from the respondents. There were total 99 were return, 53.5% of the respondents were male and 46.5% were female. With the total of 78 returned, 53.85% of the respondents were male and 46.15% were female. The result of the age population finding
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